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Posts posted by recycled

  1. On the face of it this seems a reasonable idea but, being a bit leftist, perhaps it's around the wrong way - assuming, of course, that our thought that areas like Bangkok, Phuket, Samui and Pattaya are going to be the ones that benifit is correct. But what if it was the more depressed ares that were to benifit? Like Issan. Maybe the mothers of Issan might return from Bangkok, Phuket, Samui and Pattaya to be with their children because they could afford to. Just saying.

    Like Issan. Maybe the mothers of Issan might return from Bangkok

    And where will those good-paying jobs in Isaan come from? What incentive is there for capital to flow to a neglected area when there is little or no return on investment.

    A bar or massage parlour can operate anywhere.

  2. yes, he will need a good lawyer``~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    cctv and his camera should clarify events,

    he was requested to stop filming,

    he refused, pulled out his knife and killed a man in cold blood.

    he could have moved along and minded his own business,

    but no, he killed a man~~~~~~~~~~

    yes he will need a good lawyer, imho

    You would have to be the most pathetic fking scum of the year. To make comments like pulled out his knife and killed a man in cold blood and

    he could have moved along and minded his own business, but no, he killed a man~~~~~~~~~~ you must have been an eye witness. Can't your little brain comprehend the situation that he may not have had time to move before being vicously attacked and he has stated that he used the knife for self defence by waving it around, cctv should verify that if it is not tampered with before hand. Sounds to me you need a good flogging to pull you into line andvwake you your pea brain up. Disgusting little man, give the bloke the benefit of the doubt until proven otherwise.

    wow, who relieved themself in your cornflakes??

    your attitude will get you what you want.

    yes i can imagine the circumstances. oz had been drinking,

    with an attitude like yours, and did'nt move along and mind his own business.


    get off your horse, he killed a man,

    stuck him in the guts

    wow, your attitude, i think you need some "anger management" you definitely display for all to see your antisocial ravings,

    ~~hope your day gets better, and ozzie gets a good lawyer'cause he is gonna'need one

    , look at the video, he did move along when challenged and did he really stick him in the guts or did the piece of crap get pushed or fall onto the knife when him and his mates were all trying to get at the aussie at the same time to bash crap out of him. I just hope you find yourself being pursued by a pack of rabid Thai dogs, you might just learn something if you survive.

  3. "A police checkpoint detained a driver who fit the description but released him after questioning". A quick flash of his police ID, a pat on the back and on his way. Now if we could only see justice carried out this quick and easy for all the many other bailed "influential" figures out there, things might start moving along nicely in Thailand.

  4. "Police have stepped up checking at all piers on Koh Samui to try to prevent the gunmen from fleeing."

    ​Quick before they make it to Mynamar. You just know it can't be a Thai.

    Do you actually realize how boring your last sentence is? Been said on Thai Visa now thousands of times

    How can it be boring, got your back up pretty quick didn't it? The never endless entertainment on TVF, how can you live without it?

  5. He didn't say it wouldn't deter him, it might not deter the young and foolish like this gang. Anyone of a reasonable intelligence and sensiblity wouldn't touch drug smuggling of any sort but sadly there are always fools around.They have the death sentence for heroin and amphetamine dealing in Thailand yet every day some hapless fools are paraded before the cameras.

    By all accounts these condemned two did a lot of good inside the jail and the extraordinary extent the Indonesians have gone to to execute them- armoured cars, fighter escorts, planes, helicopters beggars belief. When the Malaysians hanged 2 Australians in the 80s it was inside the jail, no need for a massive media circus.Even then a movie was made of their lives, I bet there's one in the pipeline here.

    My heart goes out to their families, they've been through hell, and as for the Indonesian President-he's a callous man who one day will have to answer to his almighty Allah- except of course he doesn't exist.

    The Indonesian President does not have to answer to anymore people, he has done that by refusing any convicted drug related mass murderer their freedom once caught. With joy and happiness and as an Aussie, I am relieved they are almost yesterdays news, dead and buried. If leaders of other countries especially the likes of the gutless Tony Abbott and Julie Bishop could find an ounce of courage to get rid of this scum of the earth then maybe a lot of innocent people can be spared. My only complaint is that the whole bloody nine of them should be lined up against the wall together. Utter wretched good for nothing trash, hope your eternity in hell is a joyus one.

  6. I agree with most of the posts on this subject. Corruption that seems to run right through to the high levels of everything mean there are two or maybe even three different societies existing here, all governed by money and greed and depending upon which you fit into will determine what 'favours' you receive.

    The chaos on the roads is just one of the issues that cannot be addressed because 1) they don't know how 2) they can't be bothered and 3) some of them make too much money by looking the other way.

    It is a psychological trait I think.

    Thai's seem to place themselves above more learned people because 'no can do it better than a Thai' when in reality just about everybody can.

    They refuse help, refuse advice and any kind of assistance that might give the impression they haven't got a clue.

    And it seems to me that the more clueless you are the more likely it is you will achieve an elevated position.

    I came here a year ago, thinking paradise was what it would be, but it doesn't take long for the truth to hit home.

    This could be a fabulous country to live, many of the people are wonderful, but it is destroyed from within.

    I have met some lovely people, even helpful policemen and army officials who have been nothing but courteous and respectful but it is not the norm.

    The situation on the roads is a manifestation of the hypocrisy that seems to permeate a lot of Thai thinking and hence life here.

    And for those of us who genuinely came here to help and make things just a little bit better, especially for young people and more especially the less privileged young people, it is soul destroying to sit and watch as those who could have an influence just couldn't give a damn and are quite happy to take their fat salaries, wallow in the glory their position gives them and ignore their responsibilities.

    'Oh that's not how we do things here' we are told. No it isn't and you'd better wake up quick to the fact that it ought to be.

    On my 11 hour flight here, filled with excitement about the possibilities and what I wanted to achieve I read some of the teachings of the Buddha. An attempt to begin to understand the culture and mindset.

    Might as well not have bothered.

    One thing I read that stuck with me though was his teaching that 'everything is not self'

    My god there are a few here that need to apply that in their lives and actions.

    It is the same in any monetised society. Thailand just has more cry babies. Check the mirror. Than the entire rest of the planet and all foreigners. Not too many grateful in the entire lot of them. Pass the tissues. Read something Christian and get back to us. You got a set of plastic ones, definately not brass. Bag of wind. Self righteous, pompus -wussy. Any of that mean anything to you? I'm asking because pal, you don't see yourself. That's your luck.

    Mighty strong stuff youse is taking boy, a little rehab wouldn't go astray junior.

  7. Funny how a person who has spent his whole adult life in a closeted and privileged environment and makes it very clear every time he opens his mouth that he doesn't have a clue how the real world works is now an expert of education.

    Lordy, lordy ...

    He has children of his own and if you had kept up you would know they did go to public schools. From what I read they are pretty independent girls, into music and doing their own thing, with the encouragement of their parents.

    From what you have read, very interesting statement indeed. Did you skip the bit about the chauffeuring to and from school, and the maids / cook that wait on them hand and foot and lets not forget the private tutors, surely you read about that. l'm sure they didn't have to walk great distances to & from school, then do 3 hours of chores at home, help loook after younger siblings and old grandparents as well as cook the evening meal in between washing the only one school uniform they can afford. Then when their parents get back from the fields late, I am sure they have time and the schooling to tutor their kids and help with homework. I have to wonder how many of you condesending know alls on TVF have ever been to a true rural village, let alone lived in one. It appears you also have not kept up. Snig27 you are right on the money.

    • Like 1
  8. OH <deleted> the first post is about a work permit, seriously have most of the posters, more or less just left their own country and come here. And that is the extent of their life..... ....... working life... retirement stupid thailand tv...... captain obvious suit.

    Yeah good on the guy, good to see a guy of action, giving back the comunnity. Such a change from the oxygen and electrons thats gets wasted on the on work permit argument, those that have come before and the one about to come now..... Thanks Artisi ....

    Are you for real or just stoned 24/7?

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  9. IMO this has nothing to do with religion, superstition or even feet. it has to do with respect. The person was a visitor to this country, thus he has to show respect to Thai culture. What would y'all say if someone would do something like this in, let's say, a church in the USA, GB or wherever. The same outrage would occur I am certain. So just show respect and decent courtesy while visiting (or living in) another country.

    Culture, the Thais have no individual culture. What they call culture is a combintion of cultures inherited from the Chinese, Burmese and Indian.

  10. It is not about damaged property . It is also not about religion. It is about respects of Thai culture. Do you know what Thais consider of the feet ?

    As I said, irrational, culture, superstition, religion, ..... "consider ot the feet" ? yea, can make good money performing foot massage. It is up to the tourism people to inform visitors of any special cultural fetishes.

    Boggles the mind sometimes. Feet are dirty but they will prepare a meal on the floor...

    Yeah, Thais are so pure, must cover your mouth with your hands when using a toothpick, but openly spitting on the ground is quite OK. Lets not forget their toilets, even a mangey old soi dog won't eat in them.

  11. Is there no limit to what TV whiners will cry about?

    Oh the Humanity and Suffering!

    What shall we do? The 1,000 baht note is not big enough, we shall have to carry TWO of them to make a $60+ purchase!

    The sky is falling, the sky is falling!

    Really, if your biggest problem is "They do not make money big enough to cover my purchases with one note" ... in a country where people earn 300 THB a day ... I would file that all under "High Class Problems"

    Where was I whining????? Seems it is you that is making a mountain out of a mole hill;-)

    Fact is that when I lived in Vietnam I could not get a credit card and had to carry everything in cash. Oh, and I do not know any Thais that make 300 THB a day, to be honest.

    If you only know Thais that get above 300THB, you need to live in a rural area whereby 90% get less.

    • Like 2
  12. Tourists come to Thailand and get a taxi from the airport. Its not long before they see rubbish strewn everywhere along the road and across vacant blocks. Its easy to see why tourists don't care about Thailand when it is clear Thais do not. Chief garbage manager should sort out the rest of the town and maybe then he has an argument to crack down on litter etc at the beach

    Just go to any government run primary school and have a look at the schoolyards, makes the beaches look like a pristine oasis. What did I again read not long ago, start educating from an early age, what a bloody joke.

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  13. "Section 20 of the Public Health Act (2535BE), which stipulates that the environment of public spaces must be kept clean, prohibiting the disposal of waste..."

    "...most of the food waste on Phuket beaches comes from vendors, who are forbidden by Section 34 of the Public Health Act to sell food on all public land without a permit."

    "Despite this law, and the government’s mandate to enforce it, some business operators have continued to defy the rules."

    Kick out the offenders and fine these law breakers.

    Place gargage cans near the beaches.

    Order Municipal staff to maintain the clean up. wai2.gifwai.gif

    Like the real world.

    Problems solved.

    I agree, but to do what you are reccommending, you must be human, whereas this mob, well they are some unspecified brainless species

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