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Posts posted by recycled

  1. "Teenagers who form the third group will be taught and instilled with positive attitudes in order to control the violence and drug use among them."

    Don't know about physical but mental and ethical I can see that they are doing all right at the moment.

    Reading all the articles about school gangs consisting of little cowards, attacking everything and anything on their way.

    They need proper education and not the shambles of schooling they are attending now.

    Monkey see, monkey do!

    • Like 2
  2. Are you for real sunshine. Firstly, what has the coup got to do with stamping out an illegal corrupt industry, hasn't the man repeatedly reported he is going to stamp out illegal and corrupt activities. Correct me if I am wrong, but han't bootlegging been around for centuries, but hasn't stopped governments bannimg it. Secondly, who do you suggest I report it to? The authorities are supplying the substance. Last but not least, how does stating my objections in eliminating or reducing a serious health problem make me a rabble rouser as you put it? You certainly are one of life's rejects.

    I understand what you are saying recycled.

    Much like Thaksin saying he was going to fix Bangkok's traffic congestion, eradicate drugs and make everyone in Thailand wealthy.

    Good sentiments but making them reality is another thing.

    And "stating my objections in eliminating or reducing a serious health problem" would make you a prick, not a rabble rouser.

    Sorry, must be something wrong with my computer; can't seem to find where I stated your objections in eliminating or reducing serious health problems.

  3. As long as the PM backed police force continue to own and manage the network of illegal alcohol such as Loa Kao, nothing will change, Not one peep out of he who thinks he can walk on water regarding banning the poison, too much much money at stake, billions in fact. Maybe this is the rich wife he and his cronies refer to. How about these pompous clowns out there including the mouthy Health Minister, compile figures to see what this substance is doing to physical and mental health in Thailand considering kids as young as 10 years old are consuming the liquid on a regular basis. At a guess, I would predict that direct and indirect medical problems from Loa Kao would account for over 50% of the health budget. Just for the record, the local police collect a minimum of 6,000 baht a month per seller and mega bahts from the manufacturers, so it doesn't take a maths degree to see how much this untaxed industry is worth. Back to you General/PM why all the silence and lack of action? When you get serious about doing something concrete and with long term benefits for your citizens and country, maybe then the international community might just take notice of you. For now it is who is this prat prayhuth.

    Aah, that PM, that Prayuth, he has done so much wrong in half a year (irony)! Wonder what you would have been writing when you would not be so unbiased (irony)!

    The explosion of the (regular) consumption of alcoholic beverages among the Thai masses is more than half a century old, but never mind, it doesn't fit in your agenda... And that during the decade of 'Thaksin regime', while owning(!) the Police, nothing happened to even attempt solving the problem, all the opposite in fact, as the producers of 'white spirits', and 'local spirits' got free reins, and enjoyed even larger advantages in excise and taxes compared to the (quality) imported spirits, go wonder why, but wipe that aside also, as it contradicts your rant too...

    That while, when you had left General Prayuth out of your 'reaction', for now, you could have seriously made a point IMO, quite sad then.

    Well, well, well! Another drooling follower of the great leader. I am sure if you had one ounce of intelligence, you could have composed a far better piece to state your objective. Your feeble attempt to drag up the past with anti Thaksin comments is not only pathetic but rather childish, It pains me to have to continually point out to not so bright farangs the point of a posting. For your benefit here we go again, My rant as you conveniently put it is about the lack of this PM doing anything constructive about this poison, he himself has repeatedly said he would stamp out illegal activities and corruption, but not one peep out of him or the government on this issue. Here we have a health minister attempting to clamp down on alcohol sales without the slightest mention of this substance. Surely any moron can see the damage this stuff is doing to the peoples health and the drain on the health system directly and indirectly, but apparently not the health minister or the PM. If you want to talk the talk Prayuth, you have to walk the walk also. I apologise if any of my comments about your beloved idol have made cause for you to become so stressed and upset and I may have inadvertently burst your bubble. Get real sunshine, it is quite clear my message and has nothing to do with past leaders and governments. That type of rhetoric used as an argument is reserved for those with a limited intellect.

    • Like 1
  4. As long as the PM backed police force continue to own and manage the network of illegal alcohol such as Loa Kao, nothing will change, Not one peep out of he who thinks he can walk on water regarding banning the poison, too much much money at stake, billions in fact. Maybe this is the rich wife he and his cronies refer to. How about these pompous clowns out there including the mouthy Health Minister, compile figures to see what this substance is doing to physical and mental health in Thailand considering kids as young as 10 years old are consuming the liquid on a regular basis. At a guess, I would predict that direct and indirect medical problems from Loa Kao would account for over 50% of the health budget. Just for the record, the local police collect a minimum of 6,000 baht a month per seller and mega bahts from the manufacturers, so it doesn't take a maths degree to see how much this untaxed industry is worth. Back to you General/PM why all the silence and lack of action? When you get serious about doing something concrete and with long term benefits for your citizens and country, maybe then the international community might just take notice of you. For now it is who is this prat prayhuth.

    I just reread you rant.

    It seems that everything you say was happening long before the coup took place.

    10 year olds on the liquor? Why haven't you reported this to the authorities?

    Or are you just another rabble rouser? after the event?

    Are you for real sunshine. Firstly, what has the coup got to do with stamping out an illegal corrupt industry, hasn't the man repeatedly reported he is going to stamp out illegal and corrupt activities. Correct me if I am wrong, but han't bootlegging been around for centuries, but hasn't stopped governments bannimg it. Secondly, who do you suggest I report it to? The authorities are supplying the substance. Last but not least, how does stating my objections in eliminating or reducing a serious health problem make me a rabble rouser as you put it? You certainly are one of life's rejects.

  5. As long as the PM backed police force continue to own and manage the network of illegal alcohol such as Loa Kao, nothing will change, Not one peep out of he who thinks he can walk on water regarding banning the poison, too much much money at stake, billions in fact. Maybe this is the rich wife he and his cronies refer to. How about these pompous clowns out there including the mouthy Health Minister, compile figures to see what this substance is doing to physical and mental health in Thailand considering kids as young as 10 years old are consuming the liquid on a regular basis. At a guess, I would predict that direct and indirect medical problems from Loa Kao would account for over 50% of the health budget. Just for the record, the local police collect a minimum of 6,000 baht a month per seller and mega bahts from the manufacturers, so it doesn't take a maths degree to see how much this untaxed industry is worth. Back to you General/PM why all the silence and lack of action? When you get serious about doing something concrete and with long term benefits for your citizens and country, maybe then the international community might just take notice of you. For now it is who is this prat prayhuth.

    Links and/or proof?

    Every village in Thailand have numerous outlets, take your pick and get the info. Of course there are many who prefer not to pay, but when found out by the BIB are locked up until they get the message. Either you do not live in Thailand or you are a pretty naive. Just goes to show the mentality of some farangs by asking for proof and arguing over the name of the poison but no comment on what the substance is doing to peoples health directly or indirectly. What a pathetic request.

  6. As long as the PM backed police force continue to own and manage the network of illegal alcohol such as Loa Kao, nothing will change, Not one peep out of he who thinks he can walk on water regarding banning the poison, too much much money at stake, billions in fact. Maybe this is the rich wife he and his cronies refer to. How about these pompous clowns out there including the mouthy Health Minister, compile figures to see what this substance is doing to physical and mental health in Thailand considering kids as young as 10 years old are consuming the liquid on a regular basis. At a guess, I would predict that direct and indirect medical problems from Loa Kao would account for over 50% of the health budget. Just for the record, the local police collect a minimum of 6,000 baht a month per seller and mega bahts from the manufacturers, so it doesn't take a maths degree to see how much this untaxed industry is worth. Back to you General/PM why all the silence and lack of action? When you get serious about doing something concrete and with long term benefits for your citizens and country, maybe then the international community might just take notice of you. For now it is who is this prat prayhuth.

    • Like 1
  7. Since this Gen. took the power, the country moved only backwards , now he ask help to move forwards... Good intentions for the new year ?

    Moving it backwards? How so. Never any facts to back it up. On a stretch the best that can be mustered is "beliefs"

    Here are a few facts for you.

    The SET couldn't be stronger under the Junta? Look at the graph here. Look at Thailand inflation rate here. That is going in the right direction as well. Look at the GDP growth rate here. Thats looking pretty good as well heay. Consumer confidence has gone through the roof here. Couple that with consumer spending here that is looking very health. Business confidence is plodding along nicely here.

    In fact if you look at all the economic indicators they all started going down hill when the PTP tried to introduce the amnesty bill (against the majorities wishes) and unsurprising started to recover when the Junta took power.

    So really the country was going backwards until the 22nd of May and is now in a healing process. And after what the PTP put them through there is a hellava lot of healing to do.

    Well done on the most popular PM in the last decade for saving the country from imploding. Unless of course you preferred the pre 22nd of May chaos?

    You see what happens to the normal average red bloodied Aussie during the off season of footy, they become hallucinated. Hang in there mate, only a few more more months to pre season, you can do it.

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  8. This happy family visiting period sadly will bring a few THOUSAND people dying in traffic. The equivalent of quite a few Airasia planes with passengers and crew members going down. Same horrible story each year. I hope the measures announced by the new leadership will change this lethal spiral. But I fear preventing Thais from dying isn't very high on the political agenda.

    In most other countries this massive loss of lifes would be the main issue for governments. Overhere it still isn't. Why?

    The irony is that the number killed on the roads during the so called dangerous days are actually lower than the yearly daily average!!


    No, just the usually BS spewed out by the Thai Government.

    • Like 1
  9. Thailand is improving. And there are some skilled IT engineers, but they are rare.

    The IT infrastructure in Thailand is not bad and many people have access to some kind of computer and the internet.

    So, in that way Thailand is improving and not doing too bad.

    But if talking about IT we, farang, think about writing programs, developing large websites, developing data communication systems.

    There's still very little development going on in Thailand and Thailand is far behind on the rest of the world.

    Governments should invest in education rather than buying the hardware.

    And more time should be invested in learning people how to program instead of just teaching how to use windows or certain programs.

    Have you been anywhere outside of BKK you dill; try visiting a few villages and see what we have. No fixed line telephone, definitely no internet, a pathetic mobile coverage and running water two hours in the morning and evening and on top of that, continual power outages up to 6 hours plus any time day or night. This village is only 9 Km from the Bangkok - Chiang Mai highway and 15 Km to the centre of a provincial capital mid north Thailand. "Thailand is the hub of arrogance."

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  10. JOC, any comments on this?

    What do you think...........ain't they doing a good job?

    Don't worry, it takes time but even you will eventually understand.

    I understand that there has long been a major rift between the army and the police. I understand that there still appear to be some untouchables.

    Haul ass down to a certain island which concerns the Burmese, and do some serious butt kicking on those who wear the correct color of shirt, and I might start believing.

    Watching the army take down the police and members of the PTP just seems like the other color of shirt has the big guns now.

    The government proposals are to fill the government with army and former army people. Is there no corruption in the army? 555

    There's a new club in town.

    Pretty well nails it!

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