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Posts posted by recycled

  1. Anyone who lacks maternal instinct enough to care for their child has something seriously wrong with them and should be sterilized

    She has now committed murder and should be exocuted imo

    Well it's a good job your opinion doesn't count for anything. Have you never heard of postnatal depression? " She should be exocuted", sic. Disgusting comment.

    Anyone who kills a baby does not deserve to live

    And burying the child alive!!!

    I don't care how depressed she is; your sympathy for this monster truly disgusts me

    You are one sick SOB that needs help immediately.

  2. "In the film, Hitler is not portrayed positively or admiringly," he said

    Which he should be of course??? Right??

    It is because all the people who don't speak Thai thought he was. Take a look at the posts in this thread. Most of the posters think Hitler was portrayed in a positive manner. He wasn't and anyone who speaks Thai and watched the video knows that but to no avail.

    Are you going to finally shut up, you have repeated yourself over and over. It appears to me that you have an ego as big as the great warrior poorly running this country. Many of us can read write and speak Thai but have the intellect to see through this charade, apparently you don't.

    • Like 2
  3. contemplating on reforming the police - so its not a done deal, I would have thought it would have been a priority task. But when you think about it, who in this backwater of a country is capable of reforming anything and why would they want to cook the goose that keeps laying the golden eggs.

  4. Ohhh my......when will this end?

    It won't be long but Thai Visa will be composed of nothing but blind malcontents. You will be in heaven then. all your friends. Problem is not a one of you has a clue as to what has all ready been improved. Like Thailand going from 102 to 82 on the corruption scale.

    Eventually you people will tire your self's out ignoring reality and patting each other on the back. That is when it will end. Thailand will continue to grow with out your lack of knowledge.

    Nothing has changed, Thailand didn't improve, other countries just went past them. It is a pity your ignorance and bias restricts you from seeing the real picture. But hey, every man to their own choosing, regardless of their handicaps.

    • Like 2
  5. I live in a village only 15 km from the provincial capital (Uttaradit) and there is no fixed phone line, a very poor mobile signal, slowest of the slow Wi-Fi costing an arm and leg and running water 2 hours in the morning and if lucky again in the evening. As for the phone line, I was told by TOT that it is too expensive to supply. Remonstrating that if the service is made available, subscribers will pay for in no time flat then the rest is profit fell on deaf ears. So here is a bit of advice Mr.PM, do your homework first before flapping the trap, as my Mu Ban is one of thousands with the same problem.

  6. Any criminal can leave the country. All it takes, is a brown envelope. Another agency that needs to be investigated. Customs!

    What have customs got to do with this case..... You see... there is one born every second...clap2.gif

    You never have anything credible to say yourself, but you take joy on commenting on others posts. Yes there is one born every second, unlike you we all understood that he meant Immigration.

    • Like 1
  7. The evil being perpetrated by the police and prosecutors is beyond belief. They are knowingly and willingly(for whatever reasons - be it cash, currying favors with superiors) attempting to murder the 2 Burmese scapegoats. After the scapegoats have been released and compensated, I expect all uniforms associated with this pathetic farce of a coverup to face severe charges of attempted murder for sending innocent persons to a potential death sentence.

    I have kept a log of names of all officials that are complicit here in this case. Justice will be served, although it is not yet clear through what channel. My money would be on vigilantes detaining and "having a chat" with some of the bent officials to discover the truth, and then some sort of fitting punishment meted out. For the record, nobody is above vigilante justice due to birthrights.

    Now that is what I call positive commentary, not like some of the powder puff rhetoric by certain posters who have some vested interest in letting these cretins go free.

    • Like 2
  8. Interesting thousands of posts of rumours ifs buts and maybes it amazes me that anyone who dares says something like jdinasia that circumstantial witnesses and DNA will most likely convict then suddenly he is queried whether he has a vested interest.

    The very same people who conclude that these guys are innocent are first to cast the guilt stones at anyone with a different veiw.

    And a bit of thai bashing for good measure.

    The trial will go ahead and yet I haven't seen one headline about the British police observations in this case.

    So either their happy with the investigation or just had a nice junket.

    Do you really think anybody gives a toss what you think, you have proven time and time again that your credibility is zero. Have a nice day.

    Yet his credibility is higher up the scale than yours.

    Is that right, check how many likes my comment has received and rethink your arrogance sunshine.

  9. Why is everyone hell bent on saying these 2 are innocent.

    The General just had some of the top cops in Thailand arrested yet there isn't as much as a hint that his people have found anything untoward and don't think for one minute they haven't checked

    I very much doubt if the General would hesitate to arrest anyone who has tampered with evidence...He wants the people behind him and if this was a stitch up and he exposed it, his popularity would go through the roof.

    It seems that all we read on Thaivisa these days is post written by know it alls who spend half their lives telling us every policeman in Thailand is corrupt and in every case that comes up the evil Thai Police have an angle.

    In the case at hand there is not one piece of evidence that suggests these guys are innocent. They have no alibi of being elsewhere, they admitted they did it but now with their lives on the line and a bunch of lawyers (the most honest people in Thailand) pulling the strings suddenly we here cries of "It wasn't me"c

    Some one correct me if I am wrong but wasn't there a 3rd man, their friend who witnessed the attack?

    "and a bunch of lawyers (the most honest people in Thailand)"


    The General will always back his mates, he knows he will need them at a later date. As for the top cops you refer to, they are from a different camp. This powder puff of a leader couldn't give two shites about the 2B lads as previously stated by many it is face saving for the illiterate elite that matters.

    • Like 1
  10. Everyone, not just expat English teachers, who have contact with children (Up 2- 16yrs) , should be police cleared either from their state or country of origin and issue with a working with Children Cert from the relevant Thai authority , renewed each year , Thai's are not immune to fiddling with children either, so, Thailand come up to international standards , everyone on the same page Please.coffee1.gif ..

    Nice attempt to divert the OP from the fact that this is an American paedophile with offences in the US and Thailand. This is not about alleged Thai offenders.

    Yes. American Paedophile, and not English! This is where the Thais do not know whether to use the word 'farang' or 'caucasian', American or British, or French or German, ad infinitum!

    He was an American teacher, not an English teacher.

    It's about time Thailand stopped using the word 'farang', and started to recognise individual Western countries people are actually from!

    I am not 'farang' (pertaining to French). I am British, and always will be. Pisses me off all this misidentification, and we're all grouped into one.

    I'm gonna start using the word 'Asian' instead of Thai, and see how they ruddy like it... you all look the same to me, I could say! angry.png.pagespeed.ce.Cla6z9sEn6.png

    The aricle I read doesn't say he is a paedophile... where did you guys read this or are you just jumping on a bandwagon..? Says he is an alleged rapist.... and American. whistling.gif

    Another whining POM who can not get his facts right. Of course Thai educators are squeaky clean or are the bad ones really Burmese. Unfortunately these cretins will is to be found everywhere as even black Africans are called farangs or has my Thai wife got it wrong? Goose.

  11. whistling.gif There is another reason, and perhaps the drivers do not want to "lose face" by telling a dumb Farang this, but I don't care.

    One thing many Farangs don't understand is that many drivers RENT their taxis from an owner.

    They have definite hours they can drive that taxi, and if they keep the taxi too long, past their allotted hours, they have to pay a fine for late return of the taxi.

    Therefore, if you ask them to go to a destination that is on the opposite side of Bangkok, they may know perfectly well that will make them late returning the taxi to the owner (who has it rented out again to someone else for that person's shift).

    The taxi driver will have to pay a late fee, and often that can cost him the entire day's profit on driving an 8 hour shift right there.

    The taxi driver may not be willing to tell you this, again because he will "lose face" to tell a foreigner this fact.

    Some of you may already know this, some of you don't.

    But now, anyway, I've told you the facts, so at least you can't say you "didn't know".

    What a load of BS, you are as bad as dumb ass taxi drivers..

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