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Posts posted by recycled

  1. All you condemning the man......let's see what are you going to do when you find out that your wife or girlfriend is cheating you.

    Come and cry on TVF?

    Geez, mate, get some gonads security. Firstly to keep her happy and secondly to move on if she test the green pastures over the fence. I have been married 5 times, all Asian and I live by one golden rule, if the missus strays I go and find comfort in the endless supply of wenches who are only to willing to pick up where she left off.

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  2. I for one, enjoy the hawker, food stall environment found all around Thailand. What I do not like is trying to navigate

    an area like this where it's simply impossible to move.

    I just hope they strike a good balance between our ability to move around and allowing the vendors to operate. I would

    never like to see Thailand go down the road of banning them all.


    A lot of poor people make their living on the streets.

    Forcing them off might have unintended consequences.

    I wouldn't loose any sleep over it, Thais don't give a crap about one another full stop and none have the fortitude to stand up for themselves. Silly little country with silly little people.

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  3. Can't or don't want to stop Loan Sharks, Government and private corruption, lottery and tourist scams, police Mafia, thefts, assaults, murders, human trafficking, illegal logging, illegal drug; the list being endless. Then tell me General/PM, is this just plain old egocentrism. You and your Government have little credibility in the real world, and have become a laughing stock within the international community. The country is fast draining away and the plug will not go back in the hole.

  4. If they are indeed guilty and their arrest have yielded further arrest and weapons come down hard on them. The last thing we want is civil war and bombs going off. The reds are known for that think of all the protesters killed (while the previous government hid the guilty only the military found them) So coming down hard is a good solution to prevent bloodshed. It should send a message to the reds to keep their head down and stay peaceful.

    They will be found guilty because the good General/PM needs and wants them guilty. No doubt many knew about this group and their meetings before martial law but opted to close them down the day after. A military courts decision is final thus his much beloved martial law is protected. Sounds a little too easy for me, including the weapons etc. Set-up!

    It sounds totally believable to me.. many protesters were bombed and gunned down including children so its clear the reds are a violent bunch. So finding a group of them that would use violence to oppose the coup is not that unlikely.

    If i were the general I would have done it the same.. that way the biggest chance to get rid of those (possible future)terrorists.

    Some from all groups were violent during those tumultuous times or did you conveniently forget that. If this paranoid leader cannot or will not keep his word and keeps moving the goal posts along with his ongoing rhetoric of underground groups hatching fictitious plots against the government enabling martial law to be kept, you may well see a complete turn around by the people resulting in far worse violence.

  5. If they are indeed guilty and their arrest have yielded further arrest and weapons come down hard on them. The last thing we want is civil war and bombs going off. The reds are known for that think of all the protesters killed (while the previous government hid the guilty only the military found them) So coming down hard is a good solution to prevent bloodshed. It should send a message to the reds to keep their head down and stay peaceful.

    They will be found guilty because the good General/PM needs and wants them guilty. No doubt many knew about this group and their meetings before martial law but opted to close them down the day after. A military courts decision is final thus his much beloved martial law is protected. Sounds a little too easy for me, including the weapons etc. Set-up!

  6. An overheard conversation somewhere in Japan:

    " Pi Maeow, I've found a way for us to hold meeting and rallies whilst Uncle Tu is premier".

    " And what do you propose , my sweet little clone sister?"

    " It's quite simple really, my loveable squarehead brother".

    " That's what I expected, my geographically challenged sibling, well, what is it?"

    " Well you know we had a jolly get together at PiPia's cremation on Sunday and everything was fine with Uncle Tu because it was a cremation"


    "Well that's it! All we have to do from now on to have a meeting is ensure one of our esteemed members has passed on and we can all get together and cheer me after I light the pyre!."

    " What an excellent idea my dear, thank you 3 times,......, now who can we persuade first to volunteer?"


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