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About gwapofarang

  • Birthday 12/17/1970

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    Lost In Asia

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    Lost In Asia

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  1. Sorry I feel off my chair laughing when somebody stated the "BBC telling the truth". Almost as ludicrous as the trans folks in the US marching on the streets for Palestine. Gotta be blind as a bat to not see what is going on across the globe in a coordinated effort. Believing anything out the MSM is trusting completely, the devil himself. No such thing as mind control, nope it never happens. The government always tells the truth they never lie. Believe it or ELSE!
  2. I guess nobody listened to what Biden had to say about being removed. Everybody hates Harris, including her colleagues. Doesn't matter it's all criminal anyway. Amazing how many people have their heads buried in the sand.
  3. Careful now, telling the truth is dangerous these days.
  4. I could not agree more with every stated in this post. Look up social engineering and the clear definition of everything you wrote above is there and a whole lot more. I'll take it a step further by injecting something conspicuously missing above, the injection of the so called "smart phone" into everyone's lives. That little devil is far from a "smart phone" it's entirely the opposite tracking every move one makes. Literally disconnecting humanity from reality. This is not hyperbolic, all one needs to do is walk around any department store or look into a busy restaurant to witness this with their own eyes. It's time people start asking the right questions, seeking the elusive word known as truth. We have lost the simple wisdom, "question everything" and read to discern. Attention spans have dropped to off the charts. Based on how things are moving forward that ability to find books will no longer be available. After that, history holds that answer in stone through the ages. I removed the so called "smart phone" from my life almost three years ago. The withdrawals and psychological trauma was immense for months. Focus and clarity of thought took a while to come back. That changed everything for me and opened my eyes, best thing i ever did. The price, well. Best tip I can give anybody ever is Z Library, search that out and find all of humanity's knowledge through the ages for free. Pass that along, education is required.
  5. My post was meant to provoke thought and hopefully honest debate thinking outside the box. History illustrates "questioning everything" or better put "individual thought" is paramount progressing from hunter gatherers to launching rockets to the moon and beyond. Do you honestly think those in power care about the everyday man? Should everyone blindly believe everything at face value without using proper discernment? Shouldn't healthy pessimism and scrutiny be at the forefront of narrative. Has government proven itself to be truthful throughout history? Has mainstream media or local media? How many people commenting on this thread have actually read the surrounding evidence from both sides then made a comment based on their findings? I sure as hell haven't knowing it's politically motivated. Taking that a step further, the last decade, or two? If the answer to that is minimal or none, would you call yourself well informed? The best works of man have been achieved using the above line of thinking and more. Should now be any different? I'm not better than next man, far worse in many ways it's called the human condition. I hope this sheds light on my generalization. For the Trump haters, stating the above in reference to questioning anything Trump and I'm branded a leftist, Trump hating demon, controlled opposition, CIA shill, Nazi and on and on. Then banned and silenced in any way possible. They are deceived and will do anything that man says believe anything he says and overlook reality. That in a word, is DANGEROUS. Same thing for left leaning mainstream platforms except it's a reverberating effect across platforms, even more dangerous from a personal standpoint. Is the contents written in this post harmful, hateful or threatening? I would hope not. I wish no man ill fates of any kind I stand for freedom of thought, not Orwellian dystopia and madness. God day.
  6. It's a question of traditional Thai culture and society. The establishment of "inferior" or "superior" is the initial paramount concern next is simplicity. The use of Mr in this case is inference of superior standing. An prime example of Thai and Western culture clashing, key to understanding Thai people and their ways. Seen similar comments living in the Philippines in regards to the use of "sir", "boss" or "daddy". Same same but different. On a thinking note, i wonder what would happen if a foreigner went ballistic on unsuspecting Thai yelling "Don't call me Mr. FFS!" I'd pay to see that, never have.
  7. My deepest appreciation for your utterly useless comment. Perhaps a simple joke otherwise known as levity escapes a cynic these days. What was once common humanity and indeed reality sure has been tossed aside like used "fill in the blank". FYI back then katoeys where few and far between in fact none existent. If I didn't know better I'd think that was wishful thinking. Congratulations on accomplishing and contributing absolutely nothing. Perhaps that assertion comes from your own personal experience either way it certainly reveals a lot about you. This cannot be denied. Good day sir.
  8. Not my place to judge any man. I can only offer the following. Personally I would not allow a distraction of this nature interfere with quality time with family. Great opportunity to teach the family a thing or two. Just my two cents is all. Interesting post and to each his own.
  9. I used to live in Phuket from 91 to 94, it was paradise on earth back then. When I first got there, only one gogo bar (Rock Hard) existed and one disco, I believe that was called Banana. Then around late 92 the complex on the other side of 2nd Road took rise then the rest. Happened rather fast. Just realized I'm an old fart now, oh well at least my dick still works....
  10. Great honest answer and I half figured that based on prior encounters and experience. Funny how people forget everyone has their own way. Cheers!
  11. Read my post on page 2 of this thread regarding "off the beaten track" shopping alternatives many might and do overlook. Just takes a little leg work and depending on your needs will save you big. Had a business in Pattaya before you can find some decent buys early in the morning on the wet market on Pattaya Tai, also on Sukhumvit towards the country club, it's moved a couple times over the years so I can't be definitive. You can also find diamonds in the rough on the Dark Side, again they might have moved so I can't say with certainty, Jomtien used to have spots but they seemed to have faded through the years. My advise for those with large monthly food shopping needs is to drive to Chonburi even Bangkok if you are a business. Bulk online purchasing is also a good sensible solution. Big C is wickedly expensive in Pattaya and Bangkok for that matter, they should be wearing masks worn by bank robbers, I'd feel better paying those prices. I hope this helps and be sure to tell others if you find the information useful. Cheers
  12. Ding Ding I'd say that's the winner for an actual tangible item. I can beat the 1.5 baht with 1 baht charge for using those scales to weight yourself found in front of some 7-11 or Tops mini marts. Hanging around at 7/11's eh? Not a bad spot for recon depending on its location. I do stick with my initial comment. Cheers!
  13. Scenes of this nature used to be rather common in the late 80s early 90s especially around Asoke and indeed Phrakanong. I used to live right around there. You had literally thousands of monster sized rats swimming for their bloody lives. Stunk to high heaven back then too as the sewage system sucked bad. With that said, I'd say they have done pretty well considering. Surprised they didn't blame it on climate change and issue an emergency telling people to jump into the ocean before we all drown. They must have skipped Saul Olinsky's "Rules for Radicals" and never miss opportunities in crisis situations, perhaps next time.
  14. Out of curiosity, I actually took a close look last night at the print material nothing about refills. Honestly figured you might (likely) have been busting balls mentioning it but I must admit the above comment is possible. Confrontation is definitely not a Thai strong suit generally. It would take a ton of nerve and audacity to attempt it to say the least. Coffee refills are not the norm for Thai owned establishments. On a side note, in my previous life of owning a restaurant here, we offered free refills of coffee a few years in. That resulted in more robust breakfast time revenues and a loyal repeat customers. Free refills used to be standard OP where I hailed.
  15. Gotta admit those 100 baht barber cuts are getting harder and harder to find. I found one the other day but rather off the beaten track. Yet to find a 70 baht Cinema glad to hear it. Cheers!
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