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Everything posted by maxcorrigan

  1. That's what i would like to know, no one seem's to like quoting actual prices for some unknown reason!
  2. I'm surprised Bob did'nt give him his afore mentioned "Bob Smith Stare" that would have frightened the life out of him, he woukd quickly have moved. In fact i'm wondering if Chuck Norris has'nt heard of Bob's stare and how he would deal with it!
  3. Only if you anneal it first otherwise it will crack, like they're hoping Big Joke will!
  4. Probably, remember "ThailandJohnThailand"who kept stating many times that they had the correct murderous in jail, then it came to light he had a dive boat business on KT to protect his comments on the murders ceased after that!
  5. That comment was "no thai would do this" was the first comment from Prayut, agree with rest of your comment though!
  6. The wounds were from a shark tooth ring which were proudly displayed by a dive boat captain up until the time of the murders, then he displayed the ring no more, he was one the maain suspects in the case!
  7. There was a cctv footage of him hurrying away from the (beach) he had a strange way of swinging his arms when walking there was no mistaking him, this cctv vanished along with all other cctv's in the locality, the whole case stank to high heaven, even Prayut stuck his oar in when he said farrang women were asking for trouble because they walked around in bikinis!
  8. On the same note, has anybody any experience of transferring the extention stamp at Jom Tien I/O, that is what is needed if anything, other than just the two passports TIA.
  9. Ah, no problems Bob's got two mansions and four condoms to fall back on (sarc.)
  10. Yes he seems to "at it" 24hrs a day, qnd i don't condone DD anytime!
  11. Why not, i had an 14 yr PP in UK at one time you could renew a PP in the UK anytime and they tagged the remaining years to it, it had to change when the EU would not exept PP longer than 10 years!
  12. Never Fear, "Goat" will be busting his nuts off to find something to bring us right back up to scratch in the listings, probably at it right now!
  13. It seems the steps are on public land, the owner of the villa this moron rents from are in trouble for encroachment, he seem to have opened a can of worm here!
  14. There was a video clip of the incident a couplee of days ago presumably taken by him where he is approaching the two sitting there then the video goes all over the place as though he tripped or kicked one of the people sitting there hard to say from the clip!
  15. He does'nt own any, he rents the place he lives in!
  16. But did you solve the problem?
  17. I was locked out last week could'nt do anything could'nt start another account each time blocked, then a 17 yr old girl simply changed the facebook password and i was back in, try that first, not sure how she did it, as the whole thing was done in thai , so can't help you further there! (win11)
  18. Could you please give me the address of the agent you are quoting (for future Reference) i'm 85 ands it's getting increasingly difficult to go the personal route, i take it agents won't do marriage extentions on account you have to be present in person, is this correct? i would be using Jomtien I/O
  19. Not retirement extention but marriage extention at jomtien yesterday 28th Feb had all paperwork etc. ready (c/o wife) took approx 50 minutes including the waiting in line time, the place was heaving, so pleasanty surprised, don't think you can get an agent for marriage extentions, so next year (God willing) might look at the appointment angle as at 85 yrs old with balance problems lineing up is not so easy these days!
  20. Yes seems to be a land of countless hubs but wih no wheels, ie going nowhere!
  21. Very common description in the UK now and has been for a long time!
  22. Thank you, i will try as you suggest i have the app set up on my phone it would be handy to be able to use it, thanks again!
  23. Thanks, but when i try to connect wifi, the wifi icon just continuesly blinks on and off but never connecting!
  24. Yes i know but evrything wifi in the house is slow on 2.4 it's slow enough already on 5, correct me if i'm wrong, thanks for reply!
  25. The only wifi problem i have found with my Xiaomi it does not work with 5g systems wifi, but can use ok without wifi so ok
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