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The manic

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Posts posted by The manic

  1. On 12/04/2014 at 8:10 AM, HeavyDrinker said:

    One of the cleanest places in Thailand for me was Chanthaburi where we lived from 2002-2003. The centre of the 'old town with it's maze like streets wasn't too clean but away from that and the spotless Taksin The Great Park was a real credit to the town seemingly constantly staffed by gardeners maintaining the place. I always felt they could have utilised the riverside areas more apart from a handful of restaurants and bars there is little by the river.

    One of the most unpleasant was Chiang Mai. Dreadful traffic management, planning, piles of litter all around the town and the less said about the air quality the better. I actually went hoping to escape the smog and heat of BKK but found CM worse. It was like soup at times. There weren't half some scruffy 'expats' there all acting like they'd made some amazing Columbus-like discovery, while looking down their noses at us Bangkok expats, which didn't add to the appeal.

    Although off subject I agree with you about CM-a tedious, dirty sh#t hole dominated by men in uniforms and habituated by the worst kind of smug, hippy, veggie tourists. Gimme Pats anyday. Up on Pratumnak Cosy beach is filthy but the other Pratumnak beaches are pretty clean. This is mirrored by the sois running up to them.

  2. 4 hours ago, morrobay said:

    Your call : Do you want freedom not to be searched or freedom from whacked out reckless lowlifes.

    The majority of recreational drug users are NOT reckless low life's and most are more intelligent and balanced than you whose opinions refelect and outdated USA propoganda campaign that was always a lie.

  3. 12 hours ago, morrobay said:

    They should be doing this 24/7 all over. One factor in all this reckless driving around here is that about 25% of the local population are on methamphetamine.

    So whats more important their civil rights or your safety .  And the only reason these and other types of searches are not a "Western practice " is because of the liberal saps and the ACLU.  

    Civil rights are part of our safety.

  4. 5 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:


    Spoken by someone who's only means of transport is a little wheeled hair-dryer.


    Its not the vehicle, its the attitude of the person who drives it. A little scooter can readily get up to 'bike splitting' speeds.


    Perhaps in the future all vehicles will be electronically limited to the speed limits, until then drivers & riders will continue to push the limits of their own stupidity. 



    Regarding a previous question: Yes its SOP when a road fatality occurs that the surviving party is taken into custody (and usually bailed by his insurance company if you have 1st class insurance).




    I do not drive in Pattaya. No need. Plenty of public transport. So you are wrong . However, you are correct regarding the attitude of vehicle owners. Owners of large, loud, unnecessarily powerful bikes often seem to have 'issues' .  The issues include driving at dangerous speeds in built up areas, arrogant disregard  for other people and as demonstrated in the reply above:contempt for other road users. There is no need at all for these large powerful bikes on public roads. However, they do keep the organ banks full!

  5. 6 hours ago, Proboscis said:

    Most likely he had to up whatever illegal or shady activity he was doing in order to pay for his drugs so as to be able to fund his payment to the cops. THis is the way addiction works.

    Nah. Not true. Most recreational drug users actually have jobs just as most drinkers have home and dont live in the gutter. Your view is ignorant, right wing propaganda.

  6. 2 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    Most of the non Russian expats in Pattaya do not stay in places like Centara.

    There are many centraras -currently the customers are 90% Chinese.

  7. On 14/06/2017 at 9:42 AM, spidermike007 said:


    More proof that Thailand is not the developing nation it purports itself to be, but rather a nation deeply mired in third world status, due to lack of:

    law enforcement


    traffic safety

    public safety

    industrial safety standards

    a consistent and coherent and user friendly visa policy for ex-pats

    patent and copyright protection

    enforcement against piracy of products. Plus there are issues like:

    the corrupt and astonishingly ineffective police

    the nationwide transportation system, or lack thereof, such as speed trains

    reasonable import duties on products such as wine, foreign beer, cheese, and other "luxury" goods

    and more. I could go on for days.


    So? We all know it's not the USA.  Thank God. Ditto Australia or UK.

  8. On 02/09/2017 at 7:48 PM, Thongkorn said:

     So what do they call the Sex tourist who abuse the girls

    99.99 % of customers do not abuse the sex workers...quite the opposite. So the question is crass, loaded and not really a sensible question. Have you ever been to Thailand?

  9. 15 hours ago, Darkkakashi said:

    text can always be interpreted, Xaos, the OP, is telling us that Phuket is packed, fine that is certainly true.


    But packed by who ? While I agree that Pattaya has its share of really unpleasant tourists, Phuket has a very special breed.


    Please let me elaborate, I come from France and their is a specificity to Phuket that relates to our country : it is filled with young thugs, mostly coming from our "projects", call it whatever you want but basically bad neighboorhood where they parents have been parks in the past.


    There is now a trend in France, that I am sure you can easily linked to a lot of terrorist attacks, of young people (i would say the generations from 5 to 40) willing to go back to their roots, their religion, their own people and act violently.


    They open halal fast food snack in phuket, they are noisy, not always polite, could be violent and also they come their to spend their money won by either selling their bodies (you must have noticed all these beurettes in Phuket) or selling drugs in France (mainly cocaine/haschich).


    They also have dodgy business in Phuket, they know they just need to find an "uncle" like they call it, i.e. a Thai with connexion that takes a % of their business.


    call me racist or whatever but I am of the same age of these guys and same roots...but I chose a different life path and to fly thousands of kilometers to see these dicks cocking around and playing mafia guys, getting a hard on at the shooting range, while acting like good integrist muslim is just a big "KEEP PHUKET TO YOURSELF OP" to me.


    Also, not difficult to understand why they chose Phuket, a lot of thai muslim there, they just help each other.


    anyway, even if Pattaya gets shits of its own, at least there are several forces in presences, which keep a balance. I dont see much resistance being opposed to these "French Copy" or "French Arabs" in Phuket, as Thais now called them (the nick names are here for a reason, Thais have noticed how bads these guys behave).

    Absolutely correct. You have hit the nail on the head. After years working in the MENA I got this vibe very quickly and noticed negative cultural and religious influence.  Phuket is hell compared to Pattaya.

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