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Everything posted by Spock

  1. I had a similar experience 6 weeks ago - 12 days I spent indoors, 6 of them feeling very sorry for myself. I am 69, but have had 5 vaccines, the latest booster only 3 weeks before getting covid in Australia. Can't say I 'felt 100%' again for a month or so.
  2. And if you do, how could you forget it and leave it in a restaurant?
  3. Use a vape. It's odourless.
  4. Let's hope the article is correct. I arrive on July 5 and would just hate to spend my 70th birthday in that month dope free.
  5. Would like to get a butane liquid refill for my Dynavap lighter. Just one of those little cans with a thin tube to insert. Still available in Bangkok?
  6. So marijuana stays or goes>? If the latter, when?
  7. I took it frequently when I lived in Bangkok in the first half of the 90's. It was excellent stuff smuggled in from Europe, but there were also high quality locally made capsules. It was a wonderful drug, so much so, I had to leave the country to get away from it. I have never had it since. But I wouldn.t begrudge this guy his 2 pills.
  8. So two ecstasy tablets is worth 10 months (so far) jail where even Thais would be unlikely to suffer under such a harsh penalty?!
  9. Despite all the girly bars and mea noys, the Thais are a rather prudish people.
  10. I can't believe how many straight, goody two shoes types frequent Thailand and Thai visa. What a boring lot so many of you are with your 'I never touch drugs' approach to life. You seriously have no idea how few people die as a result of taking MDMA, and those unlucky enough to do so, must be about one in a million among the users. You've far more chance of dying from some alcohol related incident than from an ecstasy pill. Honestly, if you don't know the facts and only know the hype built up in your own mind, don't bother commenting.
  11. Your chances of dying from one ecstasy tablet are almost non existent.
  12. Herb doesn't make you violent. Paranoid or anxious perhaps if you are inexperienced but you're not going to tear your clothes up and start assaulting old men.
  13. I have just had covid in Australia and it was horrible - lasted 12 days and was a whole body experience, not just a sniffle, that left me utterly drained of energy and bed bound. Perhaps the Thai version is less nasty. Makes me wary of visiting Thailand for a month in July for fear of catching it on the flight there or just before returning. Never got a sore throat and an irritating dry cough only really surfaced around day 9 and has not gone away. 700 cases doesn't seem many for a city the size of Bangkok, but as you say, many probably don't test or report the result. I didn't even report mine here.
  14. Not so sure there will be a next time or that Mustafa would want a next time, given he certainly didn't like this time.
  15. The Nigerians dominated foreign prison numbers then. The Brits were second, but largely because of the Hong Kong Chinese on foreign passports whose criminal activities reflected badly on the mother country issuing passports.
  16. Possibly because Thais who can afford to travel to the UK or Europe are wealthy and unlikely to engage in activities unbecoming of people of that class. Whereas all sorts of foreign scum can afford to visit Thailand, Cambodia etc, including folk like this guy whose first reaction to a spot of friction is to do the unthinkable, including harming persons or objects.
  17. What they like to do and what they should do in a crowd control job, particularly one involving tourists, are very different.
  18. Nor are they there to continue the fight. They are there to control the situation not get their rocks off adding to the violence.
  19. If you lot think it's acceptable for bouncers or security guards working in tandem to stomp on the head of someone they have just brought to the ground then you have lost your moral compass. Their job is to prevent violence and defuse a situation, not add to the violence. If the tourist did anything wrong then let law deal with it, which it did and did not find him at fault.
  20. The 'official fare' quoted seems about right.
  21. You might want to ruin Thailand for foreigners by overpaying for services. You mightn't be so sympathetic if it was you paying chased around with a knife.
  22. It's a rip off for a short ride. And once someone produces a knife and tries to use it, any sympathy they might have garnered goes out the window.
  23. You slip them 50 baht as a tip! Hope you are going a long distance as that would be the amount I would pay the ride alone.
  24. I took a brand new Dynavap to Cambodia and could not have been more disappointed in it if I wanted to be. The other problem was that the butane triple flame that you couldn't carry on planes had to be substituted for a candle. The vap went through its cycle of clicking noises, but the draw was acceptable, and the vape underwhelming - no 'smoke' or just the thinnest of wisps. I decided maybe I bought a dud, but couldn't see anything obviously dud about it. Then I lost it.
  25. I always bring cash to avoid these costs.
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