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Everything posted by Spock

  1. I don't think that could possibly be true. When I lived in Thailand, the penalty for small amounts of marijuana was 48 days jail. Most farangs would have paid their way out. 6 months for a joint was not going to happen.
  2. You're just making it up as you go with your assumptions of what MIGHT have happened and convinced yourself that your embellishments represent the truth.
  3. I doubt that anyone buying a couple of ecstasy pills does so believing they will be caught by police. Drug takers generally take the odd risk in life, and 99% of the time don't pay a consequence. You are obviously not of his ilk. But the point of the article is the humiliating way in which he was treated. Having been in a similar but less serious situation 30 years ago, I am inclined to believe his story. At least Thailand has legalised marijuana. I for one have avoided coming here because I don't wish to visit somewhere more strict than my own country. I'm back now.
  4. I am currently staying at the Asia Airport Hotel near Don Meuang airport for 4 days to be near Thai friends and have 5 other bookings in the north and elsewhere in Bangkok in the north and elsewhere in Bangkok. This hotel didn't get many great reviews on booking.com, but I really appreciated the variety of information and opinions in them, enabling me to decide whether I would be likely to be satisfied with the hotel, which in this case I am. I will leave this place a decent review when I leave. I think reviews are really valuable tools, particularly verified ones rather than those that anyone can do on TA etc. It's important to consider the impact of a review on a hotel etc, particularly if your opinion is vastly different from others.
  5. Do you have any advice on brands? My HP battery also dropped by half in a year. Get 5 hours out of it now.
  6. Are there computer places in Zeer that can replace the battery too? Also have HP Envy with a battery running out of steam, and will be staying at the Asia Airport in the Zeer complex next week.
  7. You say the value 'is the only difference', but it's a very compelling difference.
  8. It's not because she's Chinese or a woman, it's because she carelessly carries the bag around and allows it opportunities to be snatched from under her nose. It's having so much money that you can spend $US65,000+ on a basic necessity luxuriously made and targeted at the super rich and be so oblivious to its uniqueness. A collector would store the bag, not swan around with it on her arm and forget it on her way to or from a flight. To the average person, it's all a bit obscene.
  9. Anything would be considered an inconvenience by Phuket cops. It's the Thai province in which money talks. They'd be easily interchangeable with Pattaya police.
  10. Golden Retrievers are among the most commonly used dogs for food in China, apparently due to breeders selling unwanted dogs. Any dog rescue video you view from China will contain numerous GRs among the dogs in the trucks and crates. They are also a breed which are the friendliest and least aggressive of all dogs.
  11. You evidently have no idea of the cruel manner in which dogs destined to be food in Vietnam are treated and killed. If dogs in the country were treated with love and respect instead of being dumped on the streets and forced to fend for themselves by irresponsible and callous owners, there would be so many strays. The strays themselves need to be neutered, but no government is prepared to accept responsibility for this either. The dogs did not ask for their fate.
  12. That's the way I read it, though you'd wonder why a child twice bitten would torment the animal a third time. There is no reason not to believe that the boy didn't instigate this attack too, given he had a stick and plastic bag and was unsupervised. The question is should the dog be expected not to react violently to provocation, particularly by a small child. There is also the bite to the older brother's leg to be considered. I'd be demanding a series of rabies shots too for both children. I imagine the animal has been mistreated before by people and is wary of them. I guess the dog should be humanely euthanised, particularly given the owner's lack of remorse or willingness to accept real responsibility. At the same time, you wonder how the situation might have been different if locals showed more kindness and respect to dogs.
  13. Never liked LSD. Just too heavy an experience and being locked into it for 8 hours didn't help either.
  14. The new government doesn't look like taking office till mid August, so recreational dope looks safe till at least then if not well beyond.
  15. Someone with a shrill voice.
  16. Main differences - extreme lethargy, loss of appetite, fever, diarrhea - just wanted to be in bed for first 5 days. Mettalic sort of taste in mouth that lasted for about 3 weeks to a month. No cough till day 12 when a nagging dry cough developed. Body felt like when you withdraw from heavy use of prescription pain killers. I had my 3rd booster, 5th vaccine 3 weeks prior to getting covid. Confirmed with RAT test.
  17. My recent experience with covid was harsh and was nothing like a cold.
  18. Be thankful you don't live in Australia where you would pay 180 baht for the test.
  19. Surely these corpses wouldn't have overstayed unnoticed?
  20. Was thinking the same regarding Russians given they are far and away the main tourists coming to Phuket.
  21. It's absurd. Makes no sense at all. 11 people arrested and yet the headline would have us think over 1000 have been place in immigration detention.
  22. For what it's worth, the covid infection rate rapidly increased in Australia in the last weeks too. Virtually no one wears masks there.
  23. I have a strong immune system and am 69 - never used to get colds or flu. Also know of two people significantly older who suffered only very mild symptoms. The variant you catch should determine the major part of covid's severity.
  24. It's not always mild. I had a really nasty bout of it about 2 months ago, three weeks after my 5th vaccine.
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