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Posts posted by halloween

  1. 1 hour ago, pornprong said:

    Look at you all excited about evidence.

    Too bad you didn't take minute to look for a bit of it before posting that Boonsong was never elected.

    Keep it up son, you're headed in the right direction.

    Actually I did google his name plus MP, no hits, just hundreds of sites discussing the evidence against him and his sentence.

    I guess you missed them, or do you avoid sites that don't follow the red message?

  2. 2 minutes ago, Siripon said:

    Why don't you read the court's verdict and its reasons for his guilt.

    The fake G to g contracts, the assistance of certain rice mills

    Of course he won't serve 42 years if he behaves himself. Possibly a third or less of his sentence as Rakkiart did. Maybe less if he reveals his paymaster.

    The court's verdict doesn't matter because he doesn't trust the courts.

    The evidence presented in parliament by the Democrats doesn't matter because he knows they are just BKK elite.

    The evidence reported in the press doesn't matter because he knows the press is restricted by the junta.

    The only evidence acceptable is that of PTP elected MPs (as opposed to stinking Democrats who bought their seats) and Chalerm said there was no corruption.

    So as he wasn't there at the time, or involved in the scam, or possibly that he was, he just doesn't know but innocent until proven guilty, but not by the biased Thai courts.

  3. 3 hours ago, Chris Lawrence said:

    I knew one girl who had 4 phones for Darling 1,2,3,4. All sending money for her to live on.

    Definitely an amateur. With one modern smart phone she would get both a picture and his name as caller ID, even nationality if she cared to add it. Saves confusion, embarrassing lapses of memory, b/f's suspicions about multiple phones, and fingerprint access to the contact list keeps it secure from prying eyes.

  4. 4 hours ago, candide said:

    If it's against the law, why hasn't anyone been indicted?

    It's also against the law to nominate people facing serious criminal charges as party list MPs. As to your question, given both laws were broken the EC stated there was a strong case to disband PTP, then stated that doing so would likely precipitate serious political violence. THAT is why.


    Thaksin parties have a habit of breaking electoral law. Why do that if their support is so strong?

  5. Just now, pornprong said:

    I think the voters of the 7th district of Chiang Mai would overwhelming vote for both PTP and Boonsong again.


    Unlike timid supporters of fascism, the voters of Chiang  Mai see things for what they are and know an elected government has been illegally overthrown and a political witch hunt aimed at tarnishing democracy has been in full swing since May 22 2014.

    So you and the voters of CM think Boonsong is innocent despite the evidence presented? Oh, that's right you don't know and you don't want to know. And you think Thai voters are like you?

  6. 1 hour ago, tomta said:

    How much time must expire before we can call  a temporary situation a permanent one? I guess that's why you use the screaming capitals of CURRENT. Don't forget the 20 years during which whatever government emerges must adhere to the policies of some nameless, unelected "reform" bureaucrats. Even Stalin only had five  year plans. I suppose we must be thankful they didn't go for the 1000 year plan

    If it was a choice between permanent and going back to the way things were, I would be ambivalent. the best we can hope for is an eventual return to democracy of a vastly superior form than the Shin era, which shouldn't be hard to achieve.

  7. 2 hours ago, pornprong said:

    A strange concept of voted in - how exactly did Boonsong end up in parliament?


    Why do you try so hard to deny PTP were popularly elected and never mention the complete unaccountability of the Junta?

    Why does every minor detail of diversion from democratic perfection bother you so much when it is PTP but the complete and total lack of democracy by the Junta always goes unmentioned?


    Some people might start to think you are a bit of a hypocrite.

    Do you have no idea how Thai democracy worked? Boonsong was NOT an MP AFAIK, he was an appointed cabinet minister. But if you have proof that he was, please show it.

  8. 4 hours ago, ilostmypassword said:

    You've really haven't got a clue about history. For most of it, Muslims were much more tolerant of Christians and Jews than Christians were of Jews and Muslims. A Christian community thrived and prospered in Arab lands for 2 millenia. The Balkans were ruled by Muslims for several centuries and Christianity thrived. Lots of other examples.

    To tell you the truth, I would rather NOT live in a christian enclave in a muslim society, tolerant or not.


    BTw do you know if those christian communities had beer bars, strip clubs, bacon sandwiches or BBQed prawns? Probably not?

  9. 1 hour ago, pornprong said:

    Not a single Thai voted for the Junta, why aren't you complaining about the entire nations loss of rights the same way you complain about the minorities rites under the previous government?


    49% of the people allegedly lose their rights and you're outraged, 100% of people actually lose their rights and... not a peep from Halloween.


    If you want to be taken seriously, you have to be consistent.

    No, you have to understand that one government declared itself to be a democracy, the other has no such pretensions. More to the point, the junta is a temporary measure, Thaksin and his sycophants intended to remain in office as long as the people would tolerate their corruption.

  10. 1 hour ago, pornprong said:

    Clearly, he was voted in, by the people of Thailand. As for popular, well, all we can know for sure, is that he as at least more popular than whoever it was that stood against him in the election.

    Clearly you have a strange concept of "voted in". Boonsong did not appear as commerce Minister in the first Yingluk cabinet, so even if the cabinet had been announced BEFORE the election, nobody would have been voting for him.

    Portfolio Minister Deputy Minister
    Prime Minister   Yingluck Shinawatra    
    Deputy Prime Minister   Yongyuth Wichaidit
    Deputy Prime Minister   Pol. Capt Chalerm Yubamrung
    Deputy Prime Minister   Pol. Gen Kowit Wattana
    Deputy Prime Minister   Kittiratt Na-Ranong
    Deputy Prime Minister   Chumpol Silpa-archa
    The Office of the Prime Minister   Surawit Khonsomboon    
        Kritsana Sihalak
    Ministry of Interior   Yongyuth Wichaidit   Chuchat Hansawat
            Thanit Thienthong
    Ministry of Justice   Pol. Gen Pracha Promnok    
    Ministry of Defence   Gen Yuthasak Sasiprapha    
    Ministry of Finance   Thirachai Phuvanatnaranubala   Boonsong Teriyapirom
            Wirun Techapaiboon
    Ministry of Foreign Affairs   Surapong Towijakchaikul    
    Ministry of Social Development and Human Security   Santi Prompat    
    Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives   Theera Wongsamut   Pornsak Charoenprasert
    Ministry of Transport   ACM Sukampol Suwannathat   Pol. Lt Gen Chat Kuldilok
            Kittisak Hatthasongkhro
    Ministry of Natural Resource and Environment   Preecha Rengsomboonsuk    
    Ministry of Information and Communication Technology   Grp Cpt Anudith Nakornthap    
    Ministry of Energy   Pichai Naripthaphan    
    Ministry of Commerce   Kittiratt Na-Ranong   Phum Saraphol
            Siriwat Kachornprasart
    Ministry of Labour   Padermchai Sasomsap    
    Ministry of Culture   Sukumol Kunplome    
    Ministry of Science and Technology   Dr. Plodprasop Suraswadi    
    Ministry of Education   Worawat Ua-apinyakul   Boonruen Srithares
            Suraphong Ueng-amphonwilai
    Ministry of Public Health   Witthaya Buranasiri   Torpong Chaiyasarn
    Ministry of Industry   Wannarat Channukul    
    Ministry of Tourism and Sports  

    Chumpol Silpa-archa


  11. 59 minutes ago, robblok said:

    Then why the comments about the people removing corrupt officials in votes while this clearly is the job of the judiciary. Only when corruption cannot be proven in a court of law but is highly likely the people might think about it in the election and get rid of those officials. But that has nothing to do with this case where the guy was caught red handed by the judiciary and the evidence is overwhelming.  Unless you mean he should not be prosecuted because he was voted in and popular. 

    Actually, he wasn't voted in, he was appointed by a fugitive criminal. As for popular.........

  12. 7 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

    I am not sure two wrongs justify the fire bombing of 250K women and children. NOBODY has/had the right to do any such thing. Soldiers can beat the crap out of each other all day if they want (and does that justify General Hague destroying a complete generation of young men because he was utterly mental while in command of the British Army?) but NOTHING justifies the wanton murder of women and children. It is Genocide, just different wrapping paper.


    As for Poland's claims, it is way to late. The current citizens of Germany are no longer guilty for the sins of their fathers (until the next world cup match with England :wink:  ) and it begs the question, where do we stop? I think the UK needs some of Norway's wealth for the rape and pillage carried out by the vikings. How about we take on the Vatican for compensation for the Spanish Inquisition?

    Besides the discredited 250K figure, can you think of any war, anywhere, where they played by your rules?

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