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Posts posted by halloween

  1. 16 hours ago, stephen tracy said:

    Where and how did Prayut and his coterie get their obscene wealth and why is no one allowed to ask about this?  The answer is as clear as day.  Which leads me to ask, yet again, how do thieves prosecuting thieves have any credibility?  Just answer the question.  That's all I ask. But you can't.  The brain goes tilt.

    Only yours because your whole premise is flawed, which is easily proven. Allow Thaksin back as PM, should he be allowed to prosecute the junta?

    If your answer is yes, you are the epitome of hypocrisy. If it is no, how long should we wait before anybody is prosecuted?

    Your problem is that you have swallowed the red version of reconciliation, that their criminals should be immune from prosecution. It isn't going to happen, whether you continue your inane rants or not.

  2. 4 minutes ago, stephen tracy said:

    "Others who are still thinking see the good the junta are doing the country"... who?

    I was taking option #1, don't bother giving an answer to somebody unprepared to accept an answer.

    This question I will answer just as would like to hear - ME. That you can't see the difference in the workings of the this and the last government speaks much of your lack of discernment.

  3. 40 minutes ago, observer90210 said:

    One could obviously argue and debate the issue with the usual lexical syntaxal tricks  for months -  I think the only who gain in such arguments are the US lawyers and nobody else, as the police fraternities in the US are powerful lobbies so as the NRA...so no messing with them!!

    What "usual lexical syntaxal tricks"? Any use of lethal force has to be justified as the response of a reasonable person. There is no such justification here.

  4. 2 hours ago, AGareth2 said:

    was he an innocent recipient 

    or did he actively solicit the money

    mens rea

    and actus reus are required

    Why would he have to "actively solicit the money"?  His father was actively involved in the KTB fraud and only remains unconvicted because of his absence. If he decided to disperse some of his share of the proceeds to his son and wife, how is that not money laundering, which is the charge?

  5. 1 minute ago, stephen tracy said:

    Address the question asked or as usual don't answer it all.  Simple question.  How did the junta get so rich?  And how does the prosecution of the corrupt by the corrupt have an credibility.  You can't answer that can you?  The brain simply shuts down when faced with the boiled frog reality that is happening right now in this country. 

    You are obviously speaking for yourself. Others who are still thinking see the good the junta are doing the country, while you can only allude to past corruption. Do you have any evidence of corruption while in government, because there is plenty to indicate corruption was the sole reason for Yingluk and co to take office.

  6. Just now, stephen tracy said:

    As always, my answer to you is how can the corrupt possibly prosecute the corrupt in any credible way. And as always, my question to you is always the same but you always refuse to even acknowledge because you know even attempting to answer it would not be justifiable: Where did Prayut and his coterie get all that money?  You can not get that rich of an army salary.  And I know full well that once again you will address that question because you can't and you know you can't.  But keep cheering on the junta... I would assume you have little else to do.

    Yes you keep trying the same old diversionary BS, and I will tell you the same thing again - I just don't care. If we had to wait for someone squeaky clean before justice was applied to anyone, it would never happen.

    Meanwhile I ask again, when are these mercenary thugs going to face the court for inciting violence, arson and murder? what is your answer to that?

  7. 1 hour ago, Hogs said:

    Did you read the previous article where the investigation team refused to file the charge as they had found ZERO evidence that supported the charge but they are going to file it anyway.

    That sure sound a little dodgy to me no evidence but lets charge him anyway 

    One DSI officer said there was no evidence, and we can only speculate why, or his price. OTOH the defendant doesn't deny he received funds obtained by fraud. How is that NOT evidence?

  8. Why aren't the UDD in court for the multiple charges arising from their actions in 2010? Prosecution was delayed because many of them were illegally appointed as MPs in the Yingluk government, but that protection no longer exists and prosecution of these mercenary agitators is LONG overdue.

    About the red lie that "we did nothing wrong" is exposed once and for all, and the emphasis for responsibility for the deaths placed squarely where it belongs, on those who incited violence and hatred, and brought their gunmen with them to accelerate it.

  9. 19 minutes ago, maeab101 said:

    It was a small amount of money. Also he returned it. Why are they trying to make a example of him? Because of his name? looks like a witch hunt!

    If a bank robber is caught outside the bank and hands over the money is he innocent? If he had immediately returned the money he might have a defence that it was deposited without his knowledge, but that isn't what happened.

    He claims he returned the money eventually, and it was a small amount. Neither are reasons not to prosecute.

  10. 5 hours ago, observer90210 said:

    Somali, Muslim and USA bashing time....ready, get set....goooo!!!!


    For the kind information to our friends the white supremacists or racists, stigmatizing the cop's ethnicity, issues involving malslaughter or use of lethal force by US cops are nothing new and it has nothing to do with being white, black, muslim, male or female....


    It is the US Criminal Justice system that is thus, like it or not, that permits use of lethal force by the Police not on a proportionate basis of retaliation, but on the sole basis of the officers individual assessment if he/she felt threathned  - the fact that the adverse party was armed or not is not a sine qua non criteria of consideration to the use of lethal force.


    Officers have to reasonably feel they are threatened. There are also a few common sense rules for fire-arm use, such as identifying your target, considering the likelihood of hitting those behind and between you and your target.

    Firing across your partner at a target with very limited view, in the dark, because somebody slapped the car to gain your attention or because of aerial fireworks fails all safety and reasonability tests.

  11. 6 minutes ago, z42 said:

    Why all the inaccuracies.  He did plough his ferrari into the cop.. He said he was driving after that lame duck attempt to fit up the family butler was foiled.

    The whole thing including the interpol list is hollow while the statute clock is ticking while he is knowingly on the run.

    Farcical, nothing more nothing less

    10 years is a lot of ticks on that clock.

  12. 1 hour ago, Gregster said:

    Am enjoying following this thread, as very relevant to me. On a side note, I intend hiring a Prius when back in Oz soon. Curious to know if it's cruise control will still regulate my speed when descending a steep hill? In other words, does cruise control apply the brakes for you?

    Driving in the eastern suburbs of Brisbane, not much in the way of steep hills, but I think not. But when you back off the accelerator, the wheel drive motors switch to generator, feels much like engine braking in a petrol car. Very light brake application actually doesn't apply the brakes, it increases the battery recharge rate markedly slowing the vehicle, and the CC does this too.

    I use the cruise a lot, even at 50km/h. Bloody radar vans are everywhere in Brissie.

    • Like 1
  13. On 3/27/2017 at 8:09 PM, Bluespunk said:

    They just don't show up and claim you weren't there.

    When you put a job onto their app, there could be many UBER drivers who don't bid for it. That is their business, to do the jobs that they fancy at a price that they like. When a taxi driver tries the same thing, look at the outrage being shown.

    After they decimate the taxi industry, do you think the prices will still be cheaper?

  14. On 3/27/2017 at 1:10 PM, thai3 said:

    But having to take a fare where they want to go is their JOB it's what they agree to when they decide to be taxi drivers, that and using the meter are the basics, 

    Actually it is government mandated that they have to accept a fare. Now they compete with those that only accept the fares that suit them.


    The basis of UBER business is to ignore the rules that others are required to obey.

  15. 1 hour ago, chickenslegs said:



    I think there has been a misunderstanding. Try reading it this way, as a question being addressed to Khun Srisuwan ...

    "Why bother, Khun Srisuwan? He (Anupong Paochinda) is a General and from the Eastern Tiger clique. They are untouchable corrupt 'good guys'.

    Yes, that makes more sense - just a wrongly identified personal pronoun.

    Even one of the "good guys" as he is helping with industrial development in the NE. there are a few other "details" missing from that in the BP article. The land is not part of the factory expansion, it is to be used for water storage required for increased production, and will remain the property of the local community with rent (not huge) being paid, B1,000/rai/year. Not sure how that measures up to local rents.


  16. 9 minutes ago, LannaGuy said:


    Pol Lt-Colonel Somboon Sarasit was transferred because he could find no evidence or because he would not find any evidence is something we don't know


    It's a fair point he 'should have' found something as that's what his role is.


    As Beria said "Show Me The Man, And I'll Show You The Crime"  and that's where we are right?   


    "Show Me The Person opposed to the Junta, And I'll Show You The Crime" 



    Would it be highly unusual to find RTP/DSI unwilling to prosecute the wealthy, and in particular the Shinawatras, despite there being clear evidence a crime has been committed? I fully expect that he may appear in his own news report as being found to possess "inexplicable wealth," much like others with a similar disposition.

    BTW the BP article I referred to several times mentioned that a DSI panel looked at whether a crime has been committed, the first step in the decision to proceed. The answer was unanimous that was the case.

  17. 6 minutes ago, Eric Loh said:

    Duh, does my reference to a general gives you any clue? 

    None. There is ONE Srisuwan mentioned in the OP, he is quoted as a critic of the military government, but I can find no reference to a military background. In your rush to criticise, it seems you may have the wrong man, not to mention that he is the one making the complaint.

  18. 1 minute ago, Eric Loh said:

    A NON-GOVERNMENT organisation has filed a petition with the National Anti-Corruption Commission against Interior Minister Anupong Paochinda and others who allegedly abused their authority by approving the use of a community forest area in Khon Kaen province by a private company for a commercial purpose.

    You referred to Srisuwan as being untouchable.

    4 hours ago, webfact said:

    Srisuwan Janya, secretary-general of the Association of Thai Constitution Protection Organisations, said Anupong, deputy interior minister Sutee Makboon and Land Department secretary-general Prateep Kirati-rekha, as well as other officials, should be investigated by the anti-graft body.


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