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Posts posted by halloween

  1. 3 minutes ago, Smarter Than You said:

    First you say "who can say what is going through a suicide's mind" then you promptly "assume" to do just that.


    Correct. I can safely assume that with a number of suicides facing severe financial distress that is likely to be a factor. Yingluk's witness' claim it definitely was not. If you can't see the difference, that's your problem.

  2. 1 minute ago, worgeordie said:

    " In fact where are any of the figures audited and documented?," Exactly,the figure could be higher,

    the cost is definitely on going ,with godown fees,for storing dodgy rice,been paid every month.


    regards worgeordie

    He has taken the defence of a pedant, if you can't give him an exact figure then there's no proven loss. That much of the accounting is missing, or never done, and that losses are still accumulating every day is immaterial if you don't have a figure exact to a satang.

  3. 5 minutes ago, Smarter Than You said:

    Intersting double standard.

    When the families say the suicides are Yinglucks fault they are to be believed and endlessly quoted in post after ridiculous post by Junta-huggers, but when they say its not Yingluck's fault "who can say what's going through a suicide's mind?"


    The error of your ways old chum, is that you always value the defence of your cause ahead of the truth and that can only ever end in one way.

    Right, people facing huge financial difficulties because their purchaser has defaulted on paying, completely illogical to assume that might be a contributing factor.

    Much better to assume that suicide amongst unpaid rice farmers had nothing to do with their common factor, especially if it suits your bias.

  4. 2 minutes ago, Father Fintan Stack said:

    He hasn't been convicted of these crimes yet has he?


    Clearly guilty before proven so in your eyes which exposes your bias.


    Nothing more to be said. 

    Without red glasses I can clearly see the evidence as presented, with them apparently you can only see a lack of conviction because the defendant is a fugitive. do you deny the actions involved were criminal, or just stick to your excuse?

    BTW there was nothing about the land purchase evidence that was "flimsy". A government official bought a government owned asset, an act illegal in most countries AFAIK.

  5. 1 minute ago, Dave67 said:

    Its not pedantic believe me its the actual definition recognised in the railway industry. If they say passenger and frieght 200kph no problem it will be built to that standard. If they say high speed visions of bullet trains comes into peoples minds and its not the case as explained. Chinese built passenger dedicated lines and left Freight to broadgauge railway.

    It's quite obvious that it is being built as a dual purpose line. Can you think of any reason China would be promoting a passenger only service?

    The advertising focuses on the more glamorous passenger service, which despite the industry definition, will be very high speed compared to what is available now.

  6. 4 minutes ago, Dave67 said:

    If they run freight it will not be a high speed 250kph+ Track. All High speed lines are PDLs passenger dedicated lines. You cannot mix the two its to do with speed , radius of curves, rate of change of cant on those curves. If you put a freight train on high speed track it would fall of at the first curve because it was going too slow. Cant (one rail higher than the other in curves) for high speed in a 7000m radius curve (smallest curve on high speed)is 150mm For  freight a curve with Radius 500m would have a cant of 150mm. So if the want to run Freight they will have to build it to a different standard to high speed , therefore the passenger train will not be high speed by definition. I'm going to C+P this and post it every time someone suggests High Speed and Freight Line :o)


    Unless you take a pedantic definition of high speed, you have no argument. The time quotes is an average speed of less than 200km/h, without stops that could be achieved with a max speed around 210.

    The picture I mentioned shows a model freight train. Including that in the display when the track is for passenger service only would be misleading the public. Do you think nobody else has noticed?

  7. Many years ago, was working in a reactor vessel (3m diameter x 3m height) under a full N2 atmosphere using a long-line breather. stopped for a rest and my safety man stuck his head in the top hatch to check on me, and immediately passed out. He was kneeling so easy to push him out, and he regained consciousness before I was out of the hatch. No ill effects and no idea what had happened.

    Not a bad way to go.

  8. 1 minute ago, williamgeorgeallen said:

    correct me if i am wrong but i think the army ordered her assets  seized to pay the billion US$ fine. i guess they came up with that figure as well. now the army is in charge they can do what ever they want of course. i am probably almost as surprised as the army that she is still in thailand after having ample time to depart with her booty.

    wonder when to 10 year statute of limitations started.  

    Logically, I expect it would be from the time it was levied/announced. Unless you have a better suggestion........

  9. 10 minutes ago, observer90210 said:

    hum....twerking bans here...doggie fines there....the great leaders of the world seem to be bored and have lot's of time to spare.....


    now it's Donald's turn to come up with something more amazing...say, ban all computers,  iPhones and ban passengers with pacemakers to board planes?....and why not impose passengers to travel  on an empty stomach?..you never know all the sh*t that can be hidden in a stomach?!!

    Barnaby Joyce sends his personal thanks for your inclusion of him in "the great leaders of the world." He's not quite sure how he got there , in your estimation at least, but appreciates the thought.

  10. 2 minutes ago, smutcakes said:

    So why can they not just use the Dawei-LeamChabang route. What is this new route going to do? Not to mention the rather large hills and national parks which these routes would seemingly have to navigate. Also no deep sea ports in either location, incidentally locations 500 km from the nearest industrial hubs which are required for deep sea ports.

    I asked the same questions in post #5. The river there has a long and wide (6km) estuary suitable for large ships.

    " The Port Authority of Thailand operates the Port of Ranong, which is Thailand's principal Indian Ocean port. " https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ranong

  11. 1 hour ago, Eric Loh said:

    Is the Dawei Special Economic Zone ready for the trains? Last heard they had hard time finding investors. There were lots of criticisms from the oppositions when Samak signed the MOU to develop the special zone. Looks like the junta is now buying in to its potential. 

    You've never been to Ranong? It is in Thailand, not Myanmar. Between it and the lower edge of the Dawei zone there is a substantial body of water, inconvenient for trains.

  12. First basic question; metre gauge to tie into the Thai rail system allowing much faster export of Thai produce to EU, or standard gauge for eventual hookup to hi-speed? Or dual-gauge track for both?


    Second basic question; does Ranong have port facilities to handle the volume required? If not, is there the potential to increase to that level?


    Third basic question; what happened to the Myanmar link that was aimed at the same result?

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