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Posts posted by halloween

  1. 3 hours ago, darksidedog said:

    This seems a bit premature. The court has yet to rule if the car is considered linked to the drug case, so may yet need to be returned. Why is it being offered at auction for less than half its market price? If he is found not guilty, who is going to compensate him for the 13Million Baht shortfall?

    Doh! that's why he is being charged, he has assets that he can't explain their source of funding. He's not getting the car back EVER unless he can explain where the deposit came from, and if he could do that, he would have done so well before this.


    BTW asset seizure suspected of being proceeds of crime are quite common outside of Thailand - USA and Oz in particular.

  2. 24 minutes ago, smutcakes said:

    Well considering they have been searching for one single link from Thaksin to any of the goings on for the past 10 years using every known method, plus probably many we are not aware of, yet they cannot find one single bank transfer, deposit, Line message, ,sms, mms, email or anything.


    I imagine they have put a fair amount of resources on it to. It really is quite bemusing.... 

    55555. Good one Smutty. So while he was getting illegal passports delivered, skyping into cabinet meetings, and PTP was busting their gut trying to work out an amnesty for their criminal boss, he was actually  quietly retired in Dubai.


    But you missed the point (again), the question was if the alleged bomber is being framed, why didn't they fabricate a link to somebody else in the red movement to make it look like a plot? Why go to all the trouble to fabricate the evidence for so little gain?

  3. 1 minute ago, yardrunner said:

    the way some motorcyclists drive here their is an equal chance that the motorcyclists driving started the confrontation, probably more chance if as reported the motorcyclist was driving under the influence of alcohol

    Doesn't compute. Much easier for a motorcycle to pull up a bus for bitch than it is to block a motorcycle with a bus.

    And if it had been the motorcyclist's bad riding, a professional driver should have just shrugged it off and kept doing his job.

  4. 3 minutes ago, impulse said:


    Setting aside the fact that the majority of Americans don't want that to happen, it ain't gonna happen even if they did pass a law.


    The bad guys will still have guns.  Only the good guys would turn theirs in.  Can you see the gaping flaw in that plan?


    Sooner or later the US public is going to have to bite the bullet (pun intended) and decide which is more important, your constitutional right to bear arms or rhe unintended consequences of a society awash with firearms. Just how many baby homocides, school shootings and ever increasing murder toll are justifiable?


    BTW I had to hand in my hunting rifles when Oz tightened its gun laws. The alternative was to allow police access to your house at any time to check safe storage, something I found unacceptable.

  5. Just now, stephen tracy said:

    What rule?  I all I did was post a link to a report in order to verify what I said earlier.  Funny how you haven't responded to that, and instead reply with an ambiguous remark about forum rules.

    It took me a moment or 2 to find the reference. Links to the BP are not allowed, the Post objects strongly. might be wise to delete if available rather than risk suspension.

  6. 37 minutes ago, Khon Kaen Dave said:

    I am not interested in the polotics of this. Red shirts, yellow shirts, green shirts, i dont give a toss about their shirt colours. My interest is in the suspect they have in custody.My theory, if that's what you want to call it is purely based on the past behaviour of the RTB, when they have investigated previous crimes. Most posters come up with condemnation of the investigative powers of the cops.It seems that they can only solve a crime, where someone comes to the nick and says "ok it was me" Also it seems that they are great at deciding cause of death (especially in the case of us) at the scene, before it even gets to the autopsy table. Do they have a department like countries have whom specialise in these bomb cases? I dont think so. And if they say they do, it is a hastily made up department. "Ok you guys, you are bomb squad now" I am simply saying that, all of a sudden they have got this guy, and all sorts of damning evidence against him PDQ.It is easy to make a person guilty of a crime, when you are given cart blanch to do it.This guy will probably go down for this, because this will give cuedos to our protect and serve,servants of the people. It just seems a typical fit up. but i dont care if no one goes along with my theory. I'm not here to do a running argument with you political boffins.As the great Groucho said.

    These are my opinions and if you dont like them, then i have others.

    Even blind squirrels occasionally find an acorn. Lately, with a little military oversight, they seem to be getting some good results.


    BTW PDQ was 10 years, and they got lucky with CCTV coverage even though it meant sifting through a large number of people.

  7. Just now, stephen tracy said:

    Reports yesterday claimed that rogue elements within the armed forces may have been involved.  So in 24 hours they have established beyond a shadow of a doubt that is the case?  The DPs and PM regularly say one thing and then another.  They are unable to open their mouths without spouting nonsense.

    Well give us a link sunshine. The only claim of military involvement I have heard came from the UDD as a deflection from themselves.

  8. 8 minutes ago, stephen tracy said:

    The "little Johnny did it too" is not a defence as such, but it is relevant because charging anyone in Thailand with corruption is a joke.  Corruption is one of the foundations of Thai society.  It's only trumpeted as being wrong by whoever happens to be in power at the time.  And at the present time it happens to be the deranged little man-child with the dyed hair obsessed with twerks, who has amassed a staggering amount of money on a soldier's paycheck.... it's all just farcical.  To get in to some sort of position of authority in Thailand corruption is a prerequisite. 

    If regimes only prosecute their opponents, at least someone goes to jail. IMHO a better situation than crime without consequences.


    BTW he speaks highly of you too.

  9. 22 minutes ago, stephen tracy said:

    They're not portraying him as a lone operator. They're saying that even "rogue" army elements may have been involved (watermelons).  I'm not saying he isn't the culprit, he could well be, but would you really believe anything the current "government" alleges? 

    Did you miss the NO in that statement? " ......the deputy premier said the investigation is ongoing, insisting the incidents had no links with "rogue" soldiers."


    Obviously not related to Dick.

  10. 48 minutes ago, Khon Kaen Dave said:

    Do you not think that even CCTV can be altered? This country has some of the best technology guys in the world. It could have been tampered with to make it look like what the coppers want it to. When you are desperate to prove something, there is nothing you will not stop at to make it so


    So your theory is that this is a huge conspiracy - may I assume to make the red shirts look bad? So why paint him to be a lone operator? How difficult would it be to make a few cash deposits from Dubai into his bank account, a couple of phone calls from Ko Tee in Laos, and a UDD membership card (if such a thing exists - AFAIK its all officers and no troops)?

  11. 2 minutes ago, luis888 said:

    The 1st criminal here is the government. How can they think that it's OK to charge 300% import duty. So its fine for the government to steal from you. If there was an actual mathematician employed by the government and if they charged 50% import duty  (which is still a sh1t load of money when  you're dealing with large amounts) you would sell more than 10 times what you are selling now and that would make more money into government coffers, more sales which would equate to more employment  (sales and workshop) more tax on fuel spent etc. etc. 

    I'm not really a cash millionaire but I've always liked nice cars and motorcycle so I don't criticise anyone for having one (or more). As a non drinker I don't understand anyone paying stupid money for a bottle of wine or whiskey and after an hour  you piss it out.

    There is a saying that goes like this. Don't do like I do, do like I say. Just because I'm a thief doesn't mean you can steal.

    On a final note I have to disagree with you GK10002000, not all cars and bikes are the same, some have a soul.

    Ummm..................they don't want to import 10 times more cars and motorcycles, they want you to buy the locally produced product. if you are rich, and stupid, enough to want to buy an imported vehicle, up to you. Meanwhile, locally produced pick-ups are sold with very little tax to make them more affordable for low income Thais.

  12. 6 minutes ago, Khon Kaen Dave said:

    I still don't believe this

     DNA evidence means nothing over here

     We know it can be tampered with, as in Kho Tao.  It all seems so ' pat'. They  are desperate for a result. Any thing can be altered to seem right. The time frame in reporting the clock and actually seeing a picture of it,isn't right

     Has the guy done a polygraph? Has he been subjected to a Scapelomine test in  the proper circumstances. We know how confessions are obtained

     All this acceptance of " this is the man" could be a pure fit up. I still say that this is not 100 percent water tight. It's the keystone cops trying to prove to the world, they are competent

    Any body who remembers the UK cops of the late 60's and 70's will remember the ' sus' laws. Evidence can be planted, and we would be very naive to think that this is true investigation by the police/Mafia


    Dear Doubting Dave, how do you explain the use of CCTV to track and identify him? Perhaps a look-alike who just happened to get into his son's car?

  13. 2 minutes ago, Smarter Than You said:

    Is it really necessary to try to drag every thread off topic with your strawman arguments?


    BTW the author seems to have very little idea of what goes on in Thailand.  His "very same idea, or one very near to it " doesn't include over-payment for rice, doesn't include the government taking possession, paying for storage, or handing out dodgy commission to cronies to act as agents.

  14. 4 minutes ago, Moti24 said:

    "Yingluck has been charged with negligence in her oversight of the scheme, which was allegedly plagued with corruption."


    So, how is this scheme any different to other schemes!  Perhaps the envelope got lost in the post.

    How about the level of corruption involved up to and including ministers, and the sheer amount of money wasted?


    BTW the "little Johnny did it too" defence doesn't work.

  15. 7 minutes ago, SOUTHERNSTAR said:

    If you lie you must do better. According to the article he carried out the bombings because of the crack down in 2010, but the problem is his first attacks was in 2007 and we are now in 2017. So he either placed the bombs in 2007 knowing the crackdown will take place in 2010, in this case I must speak to him about the next lottery or the article was again written like a donkeys a.... Why wait untill 2017 to place bombs for the 2010 crackdown? If he was amble to place bombs in 2007 he was able to do that in 2010 after the crackdown, why wait 7 years? Tripe I call.

    There was an event in September 2006 which may explain that. Hint, it involves the guy whose face is on his clock.

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