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Posts posted by halloween

  1. 19 minutes ago, Yann55 said:


    Well, when reading this thread for a start, he's obviousy considered guilty by almost everyone, until proven otherwise ...


    Knowing what goes on in this country, it's difficult not to follow the crowd of course, but let me just say that if  this video is indeed  a forgery of some kind in order to bring him down (for whatever reason), then I wouldn't want to be in his shoes right now.


    One post says it's hard to fight a video, implying apparently that this video can't lie or be doctored ... how naive, when it's common knowledge that videos can be doctored in every possible way, in this day and age, with relatively cheap equipment and know-how.


    We live in an era where image reigns, even though it can be thoroughly manipulated, and the time span is considerably reduced, while real justice requires precisely the opposite.



    Apparently they taped the whole deal, including phone calls, as the price was nominated and the cash delivered. BP reports him saying there was no receipt, so it didn't happen. Right, that'll wash.

    Having had the same sort of deal put to me by a Catholic nun in full habit, I don't find it hard to believe at all. The "donation" had to be doubled for my twins, which made it sound less like a donation and more like an entry buy. I politely declined, depite the urge to use words of 4 letters or less.

  2. 14 hours ago, Chip Allen said:

    The more I read, the more I hate these people. A rabid hatred of the poor by the rich and corrupt and a penchant for revenge that is more chilling than Donald Trump. Pure scum.

    Yeah, that filthy rich prison guard really hates the poor burglar, just because he broke into his home and rifled the things the guard worked for. He'll probably want that poor burglar prosecuted and jailed, just for trying to do a dishonest night's work.

  3. 3 minutes ago, Bluespunk said:

    Do you remember my question, that if the money is proved to be legitimate, will it be returned?

    Every time you have mentioned legitimacy of the funds you have linked it to his innocence. There is no such link in the law applicable.

    Every time you have asked will the funds be returned if proved legitimate, I have answered "yes", but pointed out that is not linked to whether he is found innocent or guilty.

    Have the last say, I'm out of here. you are simply wasting my time.

  4. 2 minutes ago, Bluespunk said:

    That's not what you said in your exchanges with me.


    That is what I have asked when I said ''will he get the money back if his story proves correct?''.


    It was a simple enough question, which you do not seem to have comprehended.

    Do you remember asking " I know assets can be seized if there is a crime.  "

    I have been trying to point out to you that THERE DOESN'T HAVE TO BE A CRIME. If he is telling the truth, he will still have to prove the legitimacy of the source of the assets, including taxation paid where applicable.

  5. 6 minutes ago, Bluespunk said:

    If the money is indeed the workers wages, as he claims, and he is collecting it for them, as he claims, then the money and cards are legitimate. 


    Therefore he is not only innocent, but (as in many other countries) should have these legitimate items (money and cards) returned to him. 

    Did anybody ever dispute that? What I said, and you seem unable to comprehend, is that the legitimacy of the funds will have to be proven, whether or not he is found guilty of any crime.

  6. Just now, Bluespunk said:

    This guy's story is easy to check. 


    Find the workers he claims he is acting for and prove how it was earned. 


    Therefore, if innocent he should get the cards and money back to return to them. 


    Guess they could give it to them directly as well, wonder if the bib will...

    For Pete's sake - for the last bloody time, his innocence has NOTHING to do with the legitimacy of the assets seized. Neither you or I know if that legitimacy is easy to prove, but if he is churning a million baht a day from 9 bank accounts, the odds are the money is dirty one way or another

  7. 1 minute ago, Bluespunk said:

    I don't have it wrong, I didn't comment on suspicion. 


    If he is found innocent then how is having the money and the cards not legitimate? 

    It is not legitimate until proven to be so.

    I know of a man in Oz accused of growing/selling ganga. He owned his house on a few acres and 6 hi-performance cars after having been on the dole most of his working life. They couldn't prove he was growing, but he lost the lot because he couldn't prove where the money to pay for it came from.

    Actually he claimed it came from his mother who owned a business, which was investigated. Mum went to jail and he didn't.

  8. Just now, Bluespunk said:

    I know assets can be seized if there is a crime. 


    Thats is why I was asking if he gets them back if innocent. 


    In many other countries that would be the case...

    You have it wrong. There doesn't HAVE to be a crime, there only has to be SUSPICION of a crime. Even if he is not prosecuted, or is and found innocent, he won't get the assets back without proving legitimacy.

  9. 3 hours ago, Bluespunk said:

    Even though there was no evidence of a crime?


    Does he get it back if his story proves correct?


    Yes. Any assets suspected of being proceeds of crime can be seized, not only here but many other countries. Plenty of grounds here for reasonable suspicion.

    Yes, proof of legal source of assets and taxation paid will have the assets released. You ain't got it, you don't get it.

    BTW assets will not usually be released to pay for a lawyer.

  10. 1 minute ago, robblok said:

    We are all different, i like that I drive myself gives me far more freedom as when I had to use taxi's. To each his or her own. I almost never have a problem with the police. On my bike I have more problems than with the car, but I am often in the outside lane on my big bike and that is not allowed. So I accept fines without a problem. 

    One of the most stupid rules this country has, and it has a few. But it only seems to be enforced when they want a back-hander.

  11. 4 hours ago, DLang said:

    They both probably had their headlights painted red.


    Is quite the trend round those parts. 

    Are you sure the headlights are painted red? Red, blue and green headlight bulbs are very trendy around here.  The really cool guys have only one working bulb on the bike (a coloured headlight), with no mirrors or indicators, all the padding cut out of the seat, razor-blade tyres, and the swing-arm cut so that the rear wheel is as far forward as possible. Oh, and the rear brake disabled.

    One clown had fitted a disc alongside the front drum, and a m/cylinder, but no caliper.

  12. My g/f's teenage son (lives in a village with his father) was driving a car at night when he smashed into his friend riding a motorcycle without lights, killing him instantly. Both were too young to have licence. A small amount  (B40,000??) was paid to the dead boy's family and the matter settled.

    AFAIK there was no BIB involvement. If there was, from past experience I expect that they would have brokered the deal and took a commission - 10% seems to be standard.

    Compared to what would happen in Oz, the whole thing seems ........bizarre, perhaps. OTOH, AFAIK everybody is reasonably happy with the settlement.

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