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Posts posted by halloween

  1. 2 hours ago, Becker said:

    I live in Pattaya and observed what was happening up close. While the red shirts always looked like ordinary people (young, old, male, female, families) the blue shirts were all young(ish) males, often scruffy looking and many were carrying some form of weapon (bats, sticks etc). Definitively a rent-a-mob.

    It was rumored at the time that they were controlled by a certain football club and race track owner who later (seemingly) retired from politics.

    So what do you think caused "ordinary people (young, old, male, female, families) " to disrupt an ASEAN meeting?

  2. 2 hours ago, Eric Loh said:

    " But photographers on the scene said the blue shirts, wearing balaclavas or scarves to keep from being identified, had clubs, bricks and slingshots and threw smoke bombs as they clashed with red shirts".


    The Guardian

    IIRC it was the reds that broke into the meeting causing it to be cancelled. I don't expect you to recall that part of the story.

  3. 3 hours ago, jenifer d said:

    frankly, no- although there's no need, really, since they have ample opportunity to do so here, since most expats who settle and/or visit here frequently make NO effort whatsoever to understand, let alone embrace, Thai culture and spirituality...

    when i talked to my Thai next door neighbor few minutes ago, and told them the details except for the amulet part, they hadn't seen the story (they were not online today, at the temple all day because of 100 monks visiting, i had been at friend's shop when the monks came out the first morning, couldn't go today as my motorcycle is not running)-

    the first thing they asked was "was the driver wearing a Phra?" and showed their amulet, i said excitedly "yes!"

    they nodded sagely...


    Perhaps there is a 'very special amulet' to keep your motorcycle running. As an alternative, you could consult a mechanic.

  4. 1 minute ago, yellowboat said:

    There is evidence just not clear as to who has done what.  Sacking people for allegedly doing something is wrong.  If they are being put on leave pending a investigation, then that is fine. 


    Didn't complain about the bike lanes or the jazzercise every Wednesday.  But after that, there is not that much to be proud of.   

    I didn't realise you had access to all the available evidence. Could you post it for us?

  5. 3 hours ago, yellowboat said:

    The vast majority should probably be transferred to an inactive post,  but they should NOT be punished for allegedly doing something. 


    allegedly:  used to convey that something is claimed to be the case or have taken place, although there is no proof.


    You do seem to be an admirer of the current heavy handedness prevailing in "modern" Thailand.  You do not think there should be some evidence accumulated prior the punishment ?

    " The results of the ongoing investigation will determine whether they can rejoin the police force"  sounds like the local equivalent of suspended without pay or accrual of time in service. Assuming significant evidence of guilt has been found, that seems appropriate for serious criminal activity.


    What leads you to claim there is no proof when significant evidence has already been released through the press? More to the point, what leads you to complain about every action of the current government?

  6. 27 minutes ago, yellowboat said:

    As heinous as this crime was or is, firing somebody for their alleged involvement is a knee jerk reaction lacking in any form of legal review or justice.  Heads are rolling but whose and why ?  It is looking like a witch hunt.

    I have to wonder what your reaction would be if they were transferred to inactive posts instead. IIRC you don't like that measure either.

  7. On 02/05/2017 at 4:44 PM, realenglish1 said:

    The current regime is partly at fault here  not the poor people  I had no idea how gullible Thai people are  The cloke of totalitarianism is starting to surround them and they do nothing but accept it  It truly is sad for Thailand

    Please explain what part of the blame you assign to the current (or past) government for a far from unusual domestic situation followed by a rather stupid reaction.

  8. 5 hours ago, YetAnother said:

    "He said he personally thought it was necessary for the country to have submarines "

    so the leader of this 'probe' has a bias and publicly expresses it

    Perhaps you should read the Op again and try to understand the function of an Auditor-General. His inquiry has nothing to do with the decision whether the country "needs" submarines.

    Your accusation of bias is based only on him holding a different opinion to you. 

  9. 21 minutes ago, stephen tracy said:

    "The coup removed a criminal conspiracy purporting to be a government".   And replaced it with another.  "snot-nosed"?  Does that mean everyone who thinks debasing oneself before an inanimate object is demented and backwards is also snot-nosed?  Your prejudice is bordering pathological. 

    Seems we agree the Yingluk government was a criminal conspiracy in need of removal.

    The term referred to his rather shallow historical perspective of the removal of that government; I have made no comment on the prostration issue. But just for you, I would not engage in such an activity myself or ask others to do so, and would instead seek education at a university more in line with my own ideals. Then again, I am not an egotistical attention seeking would-be politician.

    However, I don't find the practice any more unusual than some of the cultural practices and traditions of some western universities.

  10. 13 hours ago, Eric Loh said:

    Get over your prejudice, the voting age in Thailand is 18 and that's a recognition of the young knowing enough to elect their leaders. In the sense, Netiwit is right that Prayut broke the rule and in some country is treason. 



    The coup removed a criminal conspiracy purporting to be a government. In the same countries that may consider that treason, the actions of the Yingluk government, starting with its MPs accepting 3rd  party payments, moving along to allowing cabinet access to a fugitive criminal, and culminating in Ministers enriching themselves through fraudulent sale of government assets, would see them dragged from office and jailed.

    But hey, I should ignore that because some snot-nosed uni student doesn't like it.

  11. On 04/05/2017 at 4:12 PM, realenglish1 said:

     I read the article about Thailand falling out of favor with the surrounding countries That will never happen It did not happen in  ww2  Japan did attack Thailand . Guess what a Sub would have been useless  in the fighting


    Even though the admiral attempted to show reason for a sub reality of it is there is no need for subs  with Thailand He was remembering glory past  It has passed

    Spend the money on Fighter Jets I can see that  Or spend it on patrol boats I can see that as well But on a Sub that is sheer lunacy .


    As I have said many times They just want their Toys so then can say the following


    Periscope UP......... Lock on Target Load Torpedos ...... Fire One Fire  Two    Dive Dive Dive 


    Commander: did we sink the  Tourist Boat or did it hit the bridge . 


    The reason for shooting the tourist boat is because the are no other targets out there Never have been never will be unless you want to torpedo a Tuna


    Common Guys don;t you get it The public do not want the Subs No need for subs a true waist of Thai resources 

    Your knowledge of Japan's entry into WWII seems very limited. The invasion fleet sailed from Hainan Is, China and Cam Ranh Bay, VN and was well anticipated by the Thais and the allies, allowing plenty of deep water for a preemptive attack. If they had a sub.

  12. 4 minutes ago, stephen tracy said:

    Not sure what university you attended but what you're saying was not the case at my university.  I think you simply can't stand the fact that specky, young undergraduate has made the general look an arse... not that he doesn't do grand job of that all by himself. 

    Quite likely different eras and countries. Prayuth needs no help in that regard, he can mange easily on his own, but I am far from overawed by first year university students still too young to realise they don't know everything, and having a highly over-inflated sense of self esteem.

    My assessment of whether the coup was necessary is certainly not affected by his simplistic statement that Prayuth broke the rules, something that Netiwit has no problems with doing when he considers it appropriate.

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