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Everything posted by Tracyb

  1. Wait a minute….. Take a deep breath and let it out slowly. Now, picture me running down a road towards the horizon while I’m laughing uncontrollably at the prospect of ANY “crackdown” on motorcycles in Bangkok of all places! 55555555555555555555555!
  2. “All the problems with the Thailand Pass could be sorted,” they write. I could easily sort it myself …… by scrapping the whole thing!
  3. Where do they propose doing these antigen tests? While waiting in the immigration queue? Another clusterf@@k about to happen!
  4. But he’s doing so well cultivating coriander though…….. Doesn’t THAT count as productivity?
  5. I was simply inferring that the airlines could check the documents required by the Thai Pass application and that Thai Pass is unnecessary. I’m living in Thailand because I’m not about to deal with the idiots in America who refuse vaccine, masks and other mitigation to slow Covid. I agree, Thailand should never be like America.
  6. “Prime Minister Prayut Chan-O’Cha yesterday, November 7th, has ordered relevant Thai agencies to improve the “Thailand Pass” system after multiple applicants reportedly did not receive the QR Code” The understatement of the week! Scrap the whole idea for cryin out loud
  7. That’s the point isn’t it! Try getting on a plane to America without a Negative PCR test result in your hand. Thailand should be the same! ( Maybe add a vax certificate.). End of story.
  8. How many more are backed up while waiting for their Thailand Pass QR code?
  9. Here’s something new that showed up on the Thai Pass app…..a statement saying that outlook and hotmail addresses, if used, may delay receipt of the pass……
  10. The Thai Pass app wants an upload of “visa -if required”. Is this what has people confused? If we have a re-entry permit should we just not upload it and suggest to them that we plan to enter visa exempt? If we do…..and we get a QR code, what happens when we appear at immigration when entering with a reentry permit?
  11. Speaking of “stupid, mandatory Covid insurance….. one wonders if this is just a scheme to allow Thai insurance companies to recoup some of their losses experienced with Covid claims made by Thai nationals. Those 800 Baht Covid policies have paid out millions and now those companies need help. “Brown envelopes” to the max me thinks!
  12. I have seen widespread reports that Wise transfers are not showing up as international funds transfers regardless of which option one chooses from the drop down menu. This recent development raises questions about the reliability of showing bank codes in passbooks that denote international funds transfers. Be cautious about relying solely on Wise at this time.
  13. Wow. Export dirty rubber gloves and within days of the breaking story people involved get sentenced to four years in prison. Run over and kill a cop with a speeding car on Sukhumvit and never see prosecution. TIT
  14. Hmmmmm….. German software company involved…… what possible connection might there be?
  15. Call me pedantic but……. What’s wrong with this quote from the news article? (more misinformation to confuse people. ) “Foreign tourists, however, must have at least three million baht health insurance cover during their stay in Thailand.”
  16. Just get on with it. Ramp up vaccinations and cut the restrictions for travel. Negative PCR test before boarding for BKK and no testing on arrival. Eliminate the insurance requirement, too.
  17. We met online in 2004. I came to bkk in December, 2004 and we met in person. We’ve been together ever since!
  18. No hotel rooms with fifteen people crammed in eating durian, screaming at one another and sleeping on the floor.
  19. Suggest you check with the others who told you they were also paid twice. Ask if the deposit was reversed and what the reason was that is shown on their account. you should notify your employer of the situation and include all of the facts. Put it in writing to the employer. Create a paper trail and then….relax!
  20. Consider buying the basic model, iPad. The iPad Air is more expensive than the basic iPad and will probably meet your needs if you’re a basic user. Check out the specs, look at the iPad and compare it to the iPad Air. You’ll save a lot of baht! I use the iPad and it does everything I need.
  21. Have you considered using Wise to move your funds from AUS to Thailand? i use them and never had to speak to or receive codes from my bank. Works great for me. Search them on google
  22. As posted earlier….. 90 days after AZ #2. I intend to follow that plan, too!
  23. What’s “open” about requiring the navigation of a bureaucratic maze to obtain an approval to enter the country ? A country, I might add, where nightlife is virtually nonexistent, where you can’t buy a cocktail or bottle of beer without fear of being arrested, and where most businesses are closed?
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