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Posts posted by brucec64

  1. 23 hours ago, aBigSmile said:


    Here, cow lover, I did the leg work for you:


    "The Delta variant is spreading fast in Israel, with 450 new COVID-19 cases confirmed on Thursday, and a total of 3,691 people infected. The government is reporting that vaccines are less effective in preventing infection by Delta than other strains of the coronavirus."



    I know first hand that they are grasping and panicking. Exactly as you will, once you realize the only BS that goes around are the vaccines. 




    A slight difference between "Vaccines aren't effective" and what this article says "less effective", and the main gyst of the article are the over 50 idiots who won't get vaccinated, probably because they are as deliberately obtuse as you when it comes to properly grasping all the information out there.

    • Like 2
  2. 10 hours ago, impulse said:

    And others woke up realizing that the world will never be the same, and snapped to the fact that they have to deal with what it is, not what it was or what they wished it was.


    Tourism will never be the same.  Time to figure out how to make a living the way it's going to be for a long, long time.  The Phuket Sandbox is a good start.  A Pattaya Sandbox is a logical next step.  Bangkok?  That's a mess.


    So you're saying that tourism forever will be changed? For 5 years, 10 years, 100 years? Forever is a long time. It will probably be 2-3 years before this pandemic is forgotten and all restrictions go away, and the mass tourism will again start to destroy the country.

  3. On 7/5/2021 at 5:22 PM, Dart12 said:

    Where did I mention denial of a disease.  Covid 100% exists.

    Only denial I'm seeing here is the recognizing that deaths with and without covid were exactly the same age across the board.

    Where did I mention beer?  

    Nowhere do I ever talk about beer...or bars even.  I believe they have a right to be open, but I don't attend those either unless it would be for some special event someone holds.

    So that's another assumptive wrong tree you've barked at.

    Definitely developing a pattern here of barking at everything as a threat.  

    The "cure" by governments has been infinitely worse than the disease ever could have been to people.  

    I believe in people's rights.  That includes you having the right to protect yourself as you see fit. 

    Quit your job?  have at it.

    Lock yourself in your house? have at it.

    Wear 10 masks at once? have at it.

    Inject yourself with an experimental drug that by definition is NOT a vaccine, and on the FDA site itself says is NOT approved...
    Same drug that right now is failing FDA approval standards for injury and death if not under emergency approval? cool. You got your reasons.

    Rob... it's your life, your body, do it!  It's  your right!

    Never see anyone ever again? Please, if that's what you want.

    What I don't agree with is stripping basic human rights that the free world fought for 100's of years to attain.

    Not to:
    strip people of their businesses.
    Their jobs.
    Their incomes,
    Their ability to feed themselves
    Their ability to do what our species instincts are to do, work in groups and be social.
    Arrest people for having family over.
    Arrest people for attending church.
    And NOT to lock healthy people up iin pseudo jails.
    Requiring people to inject themselves with drugs.
    Require tracing and monitoring of your movements.

    That is not your right, nor should it be the governments.  (as a guest here, I abide by what they say though.  I am a guest and respect that like I would a person's own house rules.)

    All this tyranny is being sold as safety.

    They write about covid as being a black plague level disease.  It's just not.

    There's a fable about all this.  The emporer's new clothes.  Everyone can see plainly that the leader is wrong, but so badly don't want to be wrong...because "WHAT IF?"  that they go along.  It's easiest to go along, that it becomes group think and it must be true...

    Repeat things enough and then they become "true".  Even when the truth stares you in the eyes.

    Truth is, the coviid scare has become every governments wet dream to become dictatorships and enact every and any law they want to manipulate the wealth and power in the directiion they want sold on a straw man's back.

    You obviously have a different opinion.  So I'll respect that, and hope you are yours are well during all this.



    Congratulations.  You managed to collate all the covidiot misinformation and nonsense into one concise post.

  4. On 6/29/2021 at 3:22 PM, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

    Any updates from folks who had registered vaccine appointments at Phyathai II Hospital in BKK for the June 28-30 period, based on using the Intervac website before it was taken down?


    I went there at 11:30 am for a 2pm appointment.  Waited an hour and then all foreigners were moved into the waiting room. They collected passports then handed out numbers. They started processing at 1:15. I was 8th and was done by 1:30 pm. After a 30 minute observation period I was given an appointment for sep 22. The vaccine was AZ. All in all it went very smoothly. You should get an sms the day before your appointment. 

    • Like 1
  5. 3 hours ago, JonnyF said:


    But a crowded bar and having a beer/glass of wine with your food in a socially distanced pub/restaurant are 2 completely different things. 


    The government's failure to see the clear and obvious difference is killing off the restaurant businesses of which there are thousands. They are already down customers due to lack of tourists and now the alcohol ban keeps a lot of the residents away. At least give these places something to work with. Throw them a crumb or something to keep them afloat. Otherwise there may be little to come back to when they finally open up in 2022.


    They have to start somewhere. They can't expect to flick a light switch in 4 months time and everyone magically opens up as if nothing happened.

    I completely agree with you on that. The issue the last two times they tried that is that restaurants immediately become crowded bars and no social distancing is observed.  Unfortunately, especially for the restaurants that actually follow the rules, is that the only way to control this is shut down alcohol sales.

  6. 18 hours ago, Thomas J said:

    Is it just the governments dislike of alcohol that causes them to respond whenever they can with punitive measures? 

    I can dine at a restaurant whether open air or inside and consume any beverage so long as it is not alcoholic.  That makes no sense.  I and the people around me are just as much at risk if I remove my mask to consume a glass of water as I am a glass of beer. 

    I can stand shoulder to shoulder next to people at the meat counter at Makro or stand in a crowded check out lane and that is ok. 

    Worse yet, I can go on a crowded BTS train in Bangkok and that is OK.  

    Why the demonizing of bars and pubs?  The idea that somehow that Covid is more easily spread, or that there is more likelihood of spreading Covid in a bar is certainly not proven by any factual evidence.  From a risk standpoint I would certainly choose to take my chances in a pub, particularly an open air one than inside a BTS train or the enclosed cabin of a bus, or airplane. 

    Matthew Tostevin on Twitter: "Bangkok's BTS Skytrain new instructions are  to “maintain a safe distance from others”. In practice, this means roughly  0 cm but don't push too hard. At least all

    I see a lot of people with masks in this photo. Do you wear a mask when inside a crowded bar? And, the current outbreak that has locked the country down was proven to have originated on bars, mostly in the Thonglor district.

  7. 22 hours ago, Joinaman said:


    but still waiting for someone to explain how being a dork, increases the chances of dying from the :deadly" virus. Does acting silly, singing or dancing make it more likely, while sitting quietly does not ?

    If so how does this work ? Either the virus is already there, in which case anyone could catch it, or it is not, in which case nobody will catch it, beer or no beer

    It's been over a year now, and the same question has been asked and answered many, many times. If you still can't understand it,  then it's probably beyond your capability to grasp it.

  8. 10 hours ago, MikeyIdea said:


    There is of course a law about making noise in Thailand but no, it doesn't have a decibel value to it. It's the same in the country I come from, Sweden, as it is here. There's a law but no decibel limit.


    Since you mention decibel limits, I suppose that the country you come from has it. Which country is that?


    For the current restrictions in Pattaya, just go to the Chonburi provincial website and follow the links



    Thailand does have an environmental noise law, but it's not very effective:


    "The Thailand Environmental Noise Regulation states that the 24-hour average sound level should not exceed 70dB. As a result, people can play music loudly for several hours but avoid falling foul of the law because their average for the day is within the limit."

  9. 6 hours ago, MuayThaiGuy said:

    They have already said that the vaccine will NOT prevent you from contracting the "virus", or spreading it.

    So, what's the point of vaccination passports?

    For people who haven't figured it out yet..

    Vaccines are extremely profitable.

    Pharmaceutical companies (and the politicians they have paid off), have wanted to implement a system whereby our freedoms are tied to our vaccination status for quite some time now.

    Once "health passports" are in place, and your mobility rights can be tied to your vaccination status - pharma companies and their bought-off government shills can easily coerce you into rolling up your sleeve for as many injections as they want.

    They can't even be sued for injuries/deaths either as they have a complete exemption from liability.

    Quite the business model.

    I can't believe so many "men" are willing to give up their right to bodily autonomy so easily.

    It's so submissive and pathetic.

    So the conspiracy is that the world economy has suffered trillions so pharmaceutical companies can make billions? And 195 countries are involved in this conspiracy?


    Maybe spend less time in your mother's basement surfing qanon and infowars.com and more time in reality. 

    • Thanks 1
  10. On 2/20/2021 at 9:11 AM, thesetat2013 said:

    Facebook is in itself a form of cyberterrorism. They choose what they want to censure.. Decide what they think should be permitted or what they want the public to believe. Force you to divulge private information that is stored forever on their mainframes. They conspire with other platforms to block content based on their own perceptions. There is no freedom within the platform and those who use it daily are puppets to what facebook moderators deem good for your mentality. 

    Platforms like facebook should permit freedoms to say what you think.. They should pay for news the same that is otherwise paid for on the news services sites. 

    In essence their use of links collect them income and take away income from the news services platforms. I read many comments in here that prove most tvf posts do not seem to understand this. Imagine if you opened a website and charged money for registration or a flat fee to access the information that was on your link.. Then along comes FB and bypasses your link to pay for this access. You would want it stopped also. Then imagine because you told FB to stop that they blocked your other links for emergency aid or where to go for help.. FB is the one extorting.. FB is the one cheating and stealing. FB is the one that needs to be taken out to pasture. 

    How many times did you check your Facebook today? Facebook is a private company and nobody is forcing you to use it.


    Also, many of the news site are actually free. Since Facebook is just a link to these sites, if the sites have a paywall, it will still be there with a Facebook link.

  11. On 2/10/2021 at 10:18 PM, AllanB said:

    It was only yesterday that you reported that Thailand had recieved fewer tourists in the past 6 months than ONE SINGLE DAY pre covid fake news crip.

    So you're saying that covid is not real? Please share your qanon or infowars.com source where you discovered this massive cover-up. Amazing that the governments of 195 countries don't have access to your research. You should really let them know.

    • Haha 1
  12. 16 hours ago, Rodbayne94 said:

    15 days to fill the pockets of hotel owners, nothing to do with the health system

    You really think anyone is getting rich from this? Thailand is getting at best not even 1% of the tourist numbers that it was seeing before, and almost all hotels are empty.  When you factor in the current costs of covid tests here, and the number of tests during ASQ, a large of amount of the cost is going towards this. All hotels and all parts of the tourist industry would benefit by several orders of magnitude versus the current situation.  You will have to look somewhere else for a conspiracy. 


    I recommend qanon or infowars.com. I think you will find like minded people there.

  13. 13 hours ago, connda said:

    Me?  Sure!   Yeah, me and 10 other people who aren't China-phobes. <laughs>

    It' my preference.  Hope I can find access to the vaccine.  Should be easier considering that most Westerners also detest everything to do with China.
    I look at where I live and why I moved here.  I'm not among the China-phobes.  If I had children I'd have them enrolled in Mandarin courses. 
    Sorry farang but the future is not in the West.  It's in Asia, SE Asia, Central Asia, Eurasia, and China. 
    When you reject their technology out of vile partisanship you're just a dupe and a fool.  It's funny.  Along the same ethnocentric lines, I still know farang expats living here who won't eat street food because "it's dirty."  I have been sick after eating here in Thailand twice in over a decade.  Never from street food.  Both times from Western multinational fast-food outlets - which are clean. Right?  Then you apply that same prejudice toward China and all Chinese people.
    "Dirty Chinese!"  Considering where you live?  You may considering checking you built-in prejudices that you imported with you from your home country. 

    Hey, I have an experiment.  Contact your US, UK, or EU embassy and ask them how they are going to help you! - one of their beloved citizens - get one of their own, high-quality, best-of-the-technology vaccines.  No doubt the State Department will send US citizens two personalized ampules of Moderna mRna vaccine because American exceptionalism beats all and the United States takes care of all their expatriated citizen who are spreading the word of liberty and democracy in a rules based international order.  Yeppers.  They gonna take good care of you!  You can bet on it!
    FYI - You live on the other side of the world - in Asia.  You ought to try checking your nationalistic prejudices if you plan to continue living here.  Be a good neighbour.  Try detente.

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    • Haha 1
  14. 5 hours ago, robblok said:

    So what.. why do you expect the Thai government to take care of you. You are not Thai. I don't mind paying a private hospital. Also GF her company is looking into getting the vaccine themselves they are a medical company. I don't see the problem of governments not taking care of non Thais. 

    We made choices when we came here.. why expect a government to take care of us. If you want that then go back to your home country. There you are being taken care of have more rights.

    I thought that buying a 99 bht breakfast every day entitled me to full social benefits ????

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