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  1. Yes. You can open the calorimeter afterward and feel the heat with your hands or see it with an infra-red camera. Similarly, you can feel the wind with your hand by putting your hand behind the sensor or hear it by putting your ear behind it. Also, you can see the wind using smoke or opaque gas instead of air. This is a common method when studying fluid dynamics.
  2. Yes by using a calorimeter and E = mc^2 By using a pressure gauge or anemometer
  3. I've just reached this stage but have hit a bit of a snag 🤪 This morning I received my response letter, with the shortfall tables, giving a breakdown of how much I need to pay in class 2 and 3 past NICs for each year, for the past 15 years. For some years, I have to pay a mixture of class 2 and 3 due to short periods of unemployment. I've read the site you linked to, and the corresponding one for class 2 NICs, but can't fathom how I inform them of which year or type I want to pay for.
  4. Management restructuring, eliminating loss-making parts of the business and replacing staff with automation / technology are all things that they would have done anyway...very convenient for them that the budget came along. Sainsbury's made almost a billion in profit last year, and are projected to make over a billion this year, so the 140m added costs won't break the bank. They have 1431 stores in the UK so I expect most of those 3000 job cuts (actually they announced 1500 before the budget) will be bread-cutting bakery staff. 🤪
  5. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Journal_of_Vaccine_Theory,_Practice,_and_Research
  6. Do you mean you're eligible for class 2 for past gaps or for future contributions as well. The Gov recently abolished class 2 so must pay class 3 now...currently about 900 GBP per year. 🤔
  7. In the vast majority of Bangkok pubs I go to, the advertised / menu price is what you pay. The only place I remember that pulls that crap is the Irish bar at the end of KSR whereas all the British / Irish pubs I go to on Suk don't.
  8. The missus saw similar sofas available on some 'TikTok Shops' for 10-20k. The construction looked sturdy from the pictures but we didn't buy one in the end. It's one way to go if you want to save a significant amount but better to have a Thai wife / friend contact them re the quality.
  9. Always read past the headline 🤪
  10. We live on the west bank of the Chao Phraya just South of Thonburi. We just bought a house with minimart attached and have invested a few 100k on new fridges and stock etc. The wife is panicking and the locals speak of little else apart fron 'nam too-am'; fingers crossed it won't be a repeat of 2011. 🥲
  11. The 'Gender Pay Gap' is the most stupid statistic in the universe. It simply adds up what men earn, adds up what women earn then compares them. It doesn't even take into consideration the of type of job or level of seniority.
  12. It's a well known fact that if you press the lift buttons in the Fibonacci Sequence, it changes the Universal Gravitational Constant...then you float to the ground. If you don't believe me, try it
  13. I think you mean according to Newton. Falling 17 floors, assuming 5m per floor, would give t = 3s If you want to invoke Einstein, she didn't actually move 😀
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