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  1. i have shipped an e bike 3 times - but now you have send battery separately- UPS has been recommended to me - i think they have special cointainers for the battery
  2. hyundai ionic 5 N - avaibale at 3.8m baht
  3. basically they are moving it from paper service to online service..and from manned immig gates to automatic unmanned gates.. they can speed up the arrival service which is great, and they can cut costs on manned gates.all sounds good to me - until they go wrong.They always go wrong..
  4. This is when the journalists should be getting onto Pongtaen and asking her about this appointment That SHE has approved not her dad.If she can validate it as being her decision based on past experiences with her dad or similar pheu thai advisers then fair enough. However if she has received this advice from her dad to make the appointment - then he is still meddling with politics ..when he has stated that he isnt ..and that should have been a condition of his return and subsequent pardon. If he is found to be involved in politics then i suggest that the pardon could be reversed...either back to jail (hospital ) or back to Dubai..?
  5. did they ever find out who assasinated his son? was it family of the deceased aide?
  6. i have traveled with my ebike 3 times from london to bkk to london , and on the 3rd time - they made me take the battery out. not allowed battery over certain power.bike in thailand battery is in uk ..
  7. i just paid 742 pouds for extra 30 kgs from uk to thailand - its very exppensive to carry 23kg - 2000 baht wont get you very much
  8. Lest we forget - taksin's under the table plan involves bigging up the police - if you have any doubts about his ability to fund a digital wallet or vote buying scheme.this is how he does it.Also,if he wouldn't attend jail or his sister -then guess who's going to have to pay the price....however will they stop Paetontarn from becoming a criminal?Should she be guided by a criminal? on the other hand you'd think they would double their efforts not to get caught again ...so perhaps she is a safe pair of hands ? didnt we think that with Sretta??
  9. can you put the cost of the rental car onto the room price - and then just loan out the car for "free".... too many bike accidents where i am . small ev for my villa guests would be a great step forward - in terms of safety . Is Thailand ready for increased levels of safety? or are high prices , rip offs and unsafe vehicles the order of the day.?
  10. Should not the Constitutional Court be dissolving itself...? If they make descions that weaken the monachy (under the guise of protecting it)- then they are also guilty of similar offences...?? And by the way...if anyone needs a history lesson (albeit uk history)...we should remember that people's rights were born from the wrangling of the Dukes on behalf of the people with King John...Was King john weakened? Yes . but it also strengthened the monachy and aligned it with present day thinking.Before the Magna Carta -the king owned everything or the church did.Reform takes place whether we like or not..so clinging to this section 112 as a fall back to protect the monachy is serving who's interests? It's disingenious. Generally speaking if the goal is to protect the monachy- which i think the majority want - if it's aligned with the people's wishes then it will continue and thrive with their support.Critiscism is part of the process in forming consensus.Whoever wrote that into the constitution either did it naively with the best intentions. But never properly considered the future consequences for so many sucessive govt disbandments.What's the econmic,social consequencies of this? It's certainly stifled investment and development.
  11. Mistral - The S07 interior might have the edge on the ev5 ....the exterior the so7 looks like a baby lambo urus, which is gorgeous...the ev5 felt spacious inside and relatively good quality, outside i thought it looked sharp and mean in a good way..more volvo than Lambo though...i know what u mean about plastics..just rented a VW T roc in uk , VW use alot of hard plastics too but - as a brand its grown on me since my golf R 7.5 stage 1 ....if ev's arent the answer for my driving needs (compact 4wd) at around 1.4m THB....i think a VW T roc R...is the answer...but i shudder at even asking the price...so the success of ev's lies in offering better performance at a 1/3 of the price ...for what i'm looking at, for personal transport
  12. it appears that the stalker was let off lightly by the court ...not so much by the court of public opinion....perhaps it is a reminder -to quote (Aretha Franklin in the blues brothers): you better think about the consequences of your actions ..lol ....The Blues Brothers ..the ultimate stalkers!!..
  13. also tried the Deepal S07 - great looking car and very comfy...could do with more power. Kia EV5 was a very nice product but i would prefer either Kia ev6 or ev3 awd.. or zeeker
  14. tried a few ev's recently .. looking at the changan lumin for my villa guests ... i have solar panels in my parking area..
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