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Posts posted by Commerce

  1. Unless this merry band of protestors obtained permission from the NCPO head, I wonder why the PM didn't invoke article 44, specifically:

    "Item 12: Political gatherings of five or more persons shall be punished with imprisonment not exceeding six months or a fine of no more than Bt10,000, or both, unless permission has been granted by the NCPO head or an authorised representative. Offenders who voluntarily agree to receive corrective training for no more than seven days may be released with or without conditions. Those who fail to comply with the conditions of release shall be punished with imprisonment not exceeding six months or a fine of no more than Bt10,000, or both."

    Fine observation! thumbsup.gif

  2. Putting aside the guys turn coat status, something he has even admitted in an article that he was affected by political pressure the key points and questions that need to be asked baring in mind his assets have been frozen for 'unusual wealth' not morals, ethics decisions etc are in my opinion:


    1) He declared his assets in 2009 at 37.3 million baht

    2) Now in 2015 his assets are 41 million baht and increase of about 4 million in 5 years


    1) Why now 5 years later have the NACC suddenly decided he has amassed unusual wealth?

    2) An increase of 4 million in 5 years is hardly suddenly accumulating unusual wealth, so one would presume its in relation to his original declaration?

    3) Why has the NACC suddenly decided its time to raise the issue?

    4) Was the NACC itself under political pressure in 2009-2014 to prevent an investigation?

    5) If not, then why now? are they under political pressure now?

    6) Has more evidence come to light somehow?

    If he can be found to be corrupt they should throw the book at him, but the way it has taken so long to suddenly come about to be investigated, i cannot help but feel it may be grandstanding more than anything else. Someone in his position no doubt has plenty of experience in the how's to hide any trails of naughty goings on, and would presumably have it covered.

    I would love them to investigate some of the really big persons who have wealth far exceeding this, but i suspect a lot of them know far to much about the inner workings, people and shenanigans in the political, police and military upper echelons for them to risk doing anything. Perhaps Tarit is an relatively easy target who no longer has use to anyone and does not posses the correct connections to keep himself above it all.

    Not that its a bad thing, but retroactive investigation into previous officials asset declarations from times before could be a dangerous road to go down for many people.(although potentially a very good road if it can be done properly)

    In answer to Qs 1-6; sorry, we're not allowed to discuss the Royal family or the Prince of Thailand. cheesy.gifcheesy.gif

  3. In the normal course of events, the pursuit of those who have accumulated 'unusual wealth' ( some kind of euphemism for corruption) would be a good thing. However when it is one side pursuing the other and ignoring their own who have accumulated wealth through similar means, it is very dangerous indeed.

    yes exactly, it will make the divide worse not better

    The Junta is only doing what any entity in power would do.

    What do you think would happen if the Shins were in power right now ? Do you honestly believe they would be charging people from both sides of corruption ?

    No, in fact they would not even be charging their opponents for fear it would attract attention to their own ill-gotten gains.

    They used to let everyone got away with it as long as they got the biggest share of the spoils.

    It is the Thai way, and it was this way long before any foreigners came to Thailand.

    When the Shins are in power I never hear a word from you about how impartial they are. Why is that ? whistling.gif

    I thoroughly agree Mike, yet there is a paradox still involved.

    The Junta is doing rightly so, but is undoubtedly based upon exactly the same corrupt and bent foundations as all previous leaders and governments, over all years.

    It is right, absolutely, in what they are doing to cream out the previously bent, enrichened, brutally abusive and obnoxious. However, throwing stones from within glass houses; where is the benchmark for true honesty? Where is that going to come from? Article 44 is effectively a predetermined amnesty, as bad as the one tried to be passed at 4am in the morning, is it not? Yet it has been passed with all guns ablazing.

    When does the ultimate truth, hidden behind Article 44, permit exactly the same actions being taken against the previous now come from, in order to permit exactly the same actions to be taken against those who have, paradoxically, written and passed Article 44 without question? wink.png

    Edit: In addition, I would not say exactly out of the frying pan into the fire, have we gone. Far from it. But I would say a set of pots and pans vary little, unless the quality moves from flat bottom and cheap aluminium to thick copper based and excellent 'stain' less steel. Seems there's not a lot of difference between the kitchen wares of what is now and what has ever been, mostly Chinese cheap imports - especially by brand.

  4. THE Transport Ministry is considering asking the prime minister to use Article 44 to help "solve" urgent aviation safety problems, including the need to recertify 41 airlines by the end of June.

    Minister Prajin Juntong said he was may seek use of Article 44 after meeting yesterday with airlines and aviation agencies on fixing the aviation crisis.


    This Article 44 must be akin to Tinkerbell's magic wand. Make a wish, and Boom! - the solution is implemented and all is rectified as in order, all upon the order given from the main man, whatever order that may be only Peter Pan himself knows.

    It's about time the crew at the top started to realise that this ain't no Disneyland........ but... then again? giggle.gifclap2.gif .

  5. When I am INSIDE a restaurant, a bar or a pub I already made my mind up about what I drink!

    I am not going "Ooooohhhh delicious orange- juice....oh...wait...there is a picture of a beer! Guess, I have to change my mind and get sloshed!"

    You can almost feel the intelligence level in this country sink on a daily base!

    Sinking with the increase in Farangs... whistling.gif

    If your avatar is anything to go by, then most likely. tongue.pnggiggle.gif

  6. it amaze me that they can just freeze someone assets just because they think he is unusually wealthy. These people at the NACC are too powerful.

    Well, Bob, if you read the articles, you will see that his assets have been temporarily seized. If investigation shows nothing wrong, I am sure he will have them returned.

    What are the chances he will be found whiter than white?

    Tarit is not wealthy enough to be found whiter than white cheesy.gif - no tiaras in his locker.

    Only the 'big guns' from now on are whiter than white (c.f. Article 44).

    • Like 2
  7. Has any Thai government in recent history indicted so many fat cats in so short a time?

    Keep it up.

    Surely not.. the PTP were masters of corruption. The only reason they wanted to hold on to power at all cost was to avoid this. Now an other party is there checking them and this is their worst nightmare.

    You must be kidding. PTP= small beer, chicken feed, minnows, rank amateurs relative to some of their predecessors ( but maybe now that's considered 'old money')

    You are right. PTP etc had only been at it for a few years. The army/dems/elite have been at it for decades. They just didn't like new boy Taksin muscling in and refusing to share. We are witnessing a turf war between equally nasty groups of people. The only good thing to come out of the mess is that Mr T. used tactics that resulted in huge benefits for the poor of Thailand. That's what democracy does occasionally - ie force power hungry politicians into acting in the interests of the electorate.

    I suppose changing national laws for personal gain could be considered as 'tactics' in a way, yes. However, I wouldn't particularly reference that as being 'democratic'. ;)

  8. One must presume they have some iron clad info of corruption on Tarit for them to freeze his assets.

    If it was based purely on unusual wealth then there would be many more before him being investigated.

    Oh, no, it's all about which clique is up and which is down for today. It's the Thai saying, "When the tide is in the fish eat the ants, when the tide is out the ants eat the fish." There are family feuds, business competition, political antagonisms, and just plain petty willfulness. Gen. Prayut is conservative, so for today the yellow shirts are in the ascendant, but aren't allowed to shout it from the rooftops. In a few years things will swing the other way.

    Agree with you on the whole, but your last sentence loses a lot. Article 44 hides so many knock-out punches for anybody daring to question the assets of those currently "in power". Tarit's assets, even if (likely) ill-gotten gains, are a drop in the ocean compared to yours truly Mr. P, whose personal assets have risen from 680M to 1.4Billion since he took power, alledgedly that is. rolleyes.gif

    • Like 2
  9. It is the employer's responsibility to cancel the work permit if you are no longer in their employ. Some employers will not cancel a work permit if you leave on good terms, in order to maintain your visa time, and grant you time on your visa to fine further employ. However, if you gained a non-B visa through your employer's application support and permit support, then if your employer cancels your work permit your non-B becomes immediately invalid, and you are on overstay from the very day of work permit cancellation. If your employer has done nothing, then you are fine to leave the country and the work permit has nothing to do with your visa validation.

    It is highly likely that if you do leave the country then your previous employer will cancel your work permit, and so you need to enter on a new visa - be that a non-B or whatever visa you choose when you re-enter the country. You will no longer have any attachment to your previous employ.

  10. t

    The best looking and sexiest woman on the planet are French,,,

    Maybe -- but those of us here in Thailand may just have to settle for the likes of this:


    Those thighs remind me of the time I was working in London in a shoe shop, One day i was working alone,and this Thai Girl walked in the shop and asked how much the boots were in the window. I replied 125pounds madam.

    To cut a long story short,she did not have the cash ,so I did a deal Sex for the boots

    I locked the door and took her to the store room. She kept saying But i dont like Sex!! So we started,after about 3 minuets her Thighs were wrapped around my neck.

    I exclaimed, Thought you did not like Sex? She said I dont,I am just trying on the boots!

    That's multitasking biggrin.png

    Hope the sex test was also fun biggrin.png

    If anybody finds that girl in the pic even half attractive I pity you. That's a snap in half, skinny, and totally unattractive whipper-snapper.

  11. "Should further investigations confirm their wrongdoing" I thought they were wrongdoers already! Why is the government tap dancing on the issue?

    It's called due process of law. I know you want to think that Prayuth can just sentence them to a prison term.

    Thrse civil servants have had reports of corruption made against them. The next step is to investigate in order to determine if a prosecution should take place. If you think that is a "tap dance" maybe you prefer to live in a country where there is no rule of law.

    He can, under Article 44, and without any due process being in the process! wink.png

    • Like 2
  12. Obviously none of you have a job or you would not be complaining about songkran being too short. I would love more holidays!

    Get a real job. Then you'll appreciate a real holiday.

    I have no idea what your comment means, but thanks for the words..

    Like I said; Get a real job, and maybe then you'll get the idea and enjoy your real holiday. Words are free... no need for thanks na krap. ;)

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