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Posts posted by Commerce

  1. Discrimination at its best.

    A uniform is to level all as equal, and not permit the richer kids to display wealth and power over the poorer, who without equal uniform would be considered scum.

    Discriminate the uniform, then may as well do away with it.

    This <deleted?>k up just continues to get worse, as the <deleted?kers who think they were educated when daddy paid and bought for their schooling and degrees now manifest as top educational leaders.

    Something tells me it's all ballsed up.

    A REAL THAI in-depth education...... sorry; there's no such so <deleted>king thing.

    • Like 1
  2. Is it dangerous to sell unripe durian fruit or to allow it to ripen off of the tree?

    Why would they make this a criminal act?

    How can they export durian if they have to wait until it is ripe since it would rot during the time to transport it put of the country?

    I know of no danger from unripe durian, in fact I believe if it is unripe you simply wouldn't eat it, or in Malaysia cook unripened durian as a vegetable kind of serving. Medically, there is no record of unripe durian being any kind of danger. Something doesn't add up here on this one, I'm afraid.

    Durian doesn't rot quickly once ripe, and transports well, but I can't work out what this criminal act for transporting unripe is all about. Somebody's on to something, and not sharing it, and it obviously involves a lot of money. ;)

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  3. "despite that they were the group of people who always rejected to enter legal process"

    Since when do any of the Thai military coups follow any legal process? It would follow then that Prayut is a critic of his own NCPO group. He can tolerate his own criminal actions because he has justified them and gives the coup command amnesty for any and all its actions. And this is a basic problem for Thai society in that the military has placed itself above the sovereignty of the Thai people.

    A tyrant or dictator never subordinates at any level (c.f. Aristotle, Plato, and etc, N.B. 377859).

  4. There are two critical elements to unifying this country and it's people ... the eradication of corruption and the installation of measurable and effective education.

    You need to find someone who isn't corrupt and can't be corrupted and remain complete unbiased to the political factions. Prayut could have been that man but he remains unwilling to lay bare how he managed to become a general and how he managed to accumulate vast wealth. What is lacking is true transparency and until you (the people) have it then distrust will fester and grow.

    Once Thailand manages to find an honorable, decent and respectable human being they can't move on and as usual the education system will continue to fail the masses so that they remain ignorant and therefore cannot voice an educated opinion or see the real truth.

    Geographically Thailand could truly be a great nation and prosper but sadly there are forces at work that are only interested in their own self-worth and how they can retain ultimate power that ultimately continues to enrich them.

    Take it easy.

    I don't wanna see another jumper. wink.png

  5. Did he preface his speech by thanking costas for his unfailing, unwavering support ?

    I also support the general for what he is trying to achieve for the country which includes those of us expats that live here.

    Given the choice between the last few prime minsters including Thaksin, Abhisit and Yingluck he is doing a better job than any one of them.

    I support my young dog too, in trying to learn to fetch a ball. It's a complicated learning process for an animal that doesn't fully comprehend new surroundings, once removed from the busom of comfort. However, the dog is trying, even though the ball often gets dropped on the way back because of distractions and insecurities.

    I hope the dog learns the ropes sooner or later, or the task at hand shall be totally corrupted by interferences of lack of knowledge and a true desire to fetch the ball.

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  6. Sviss Geez,,,

    What decade of Google are you using?.... Are you THAT dense?.... "There is nothing like a black-box in a car, any car, as yet in production." But you ARE correct,,,, "FAIL!",,,,,, just not me,,,,

    1, 2011, http://www.wired.com/2011/05/automotive-black-boxes/

    2, 2013, http://www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/2013/01/06/black-boxes-cars-edr/1566098/

    3, 2014, http://www.usatoday.com/story/tech/columnist/komando/2014/12/26/keep-your-car-black-box-private/20609035/

    There,,, i've provided 3,, dating back over at least 4 years,,,, Care to show me ONE, concerning a MODERN car like this Mercedes, that counters these I've provided?,,,,,, WHY is it some people, dig a small hole,, and when it's pointed out they are digging themselves into a hole,, claim they're NOT, and Seem to ask, "Mate?,, got a larger shovel?"...

    They are purely ECUs. They are not programmed to record every second or every movement. They simply update the electronics during a journey. We're not at Star Trek level yet. They retune the engine, they monitor electrics primarily, ensure warning lights are on if there is an electronic error - but they do not record who was sitting where, if the pretensioner fired, if the airbags fired on impact. Wake up..... if you believe that malarky then don't feel so fancy free next time at the wheel.

  7. OK The guy was speeding BUT it was the Policeman who cut in front of him!

    So, Policemans fault.

    That's how the law works in oz or at least it did for me. I was caught behind traffic through an intersection. Speeding driver hit me on the left. I was at fault for blocking the intersection.

    My argument, if he wasn't speeding he wouldn't of hit me, there argument if you weren't blocking traffic you wouldn't of been hit.

    I guess my was the greater infringement.

    Don't know how the rule is applied here though,


    The rule here applied? cheesy.gif

    It's called how much have you got? facepalm.giflaugh.png

  8. Nonsense, car's computers are not "black boxes", their purpose is to control the operation of the vehicle not provide accident related information.

    Another ignorant.. Yes they are like black boxes - Especially in the new Mercedes.

    No they are not. If they were able to provide that kind of information there would never be any doubt about the circumstances of any accident and that isn't the case.

    Hahaha,,,,, Of course,, you've got extensive background in current automotive tech,, to validate this claim?,,,, (other than the local Chang swillers),,,, Google is your friend,,,, That's of course if you understand how to USE Google,,,, JUST when you think you've seen/heard from ALL the resident, "experts",,, several others chime in,,,,, jeeez

    Well I have. There is nothing like a black-box in a car, any car, as yet in production. FAIL.

  9. just hit a dog with your cat at 90 km/h , and you ll see the face of car . you speak about something that you don't know . it's crazy .... are you all experts of what ??? and even if he was driving to quick , is that a reason to be guilty of murder ? the title say : - a brit killed a motorbike policeman driver .... KILLED ???? beter say : a motorbike policeman driver die after accident with a car . a why say that the driver is brit ??? how many expats or tourist die after accident with thai-drivers ( drunked , who takes jaba , who fall asleep , who drive crazy ) ? anyway , the brit will be guilty just cause he's farang so everybody will be happy , even you the expats . you disgusting me .

    I see that you are disappointed with many of the comments made on here, so I should tell you firstly, that I've had 30 years service in law enforcement, with the last 20 as a Crash Investigator. I hope that's sufficient for me to comment on a few aspects that you have brought up? During this time I completed numerous courses required to become a certified Crash Investigator and have investigated numerous fatal motor vehicle crashes, staged accidents and serious (catastrophic) incidents.

    Firstly, there are so many factors involved in investigating such matters, that I would be here all day typing. So I'll try to keep it short. One aspect that I agree with you on and conclude from the posts that many are relying on newspaper articles as a source for their comments and subsequent conclusions. Not a very wise thing to do.

    You then mention speed and murder, all in the one sentence. Of course this does not relate to murder; murder in an intentional act of killing a person and although he may have been speeding, it would be most unlikely that this was his intention. There is however, a charge of manslaughter, which, once all the facts are known, could well be brought against the driver of the car. Whatever the outcome, I certainly would not like to be in his shoes.

    When viewing the damage, as depicted by the photograph, one can safely say the car was being driven at a high speed, (unknown) and that impact occurred, initially on the left (nearside) of the vehicle and then worsens as it progresses backwards and rises upward toward the offside of the car. This is a good indication that impact occurred at speed, (unknown) when the cyclist was at an angle to the vehicle.

    This could cause the front of the cycle to be propelled away whilst the rest of the bike continued backwards and upwards into the vehicle, with the body possibly impacting and shattering the windscreen. It also gives the impression that there was little, if any, braking at the time of initial impact. However, if there were there skid marks, then these, when combined with a number of other factors, would provide evidence as to the vehicle's speed at the time of impact.

    The press release contains a version provided by the driver of the car, however, this can be neither accepted or rejected until all the evidence has been gathered which would then allow investigators to reach a conclusion, one way or another. At this time it sure beats me how anyone can conclude who is at fault or what their fate should be. Not only does it appear many are super sleuths but also want to be the judge, jury and executioner

    Let's not forget the need for medicals, scene investigation, witnesses, reconstruction if needed and the numerous other factors that need to be carried out before any finding can be reached. In so far as your not liking the use of the word "Killed", nothing wrong with that as it relates to the death of a person, animal or other living thing. As for the rest, have no idea what you're on about so I'll leave it it at that.

    I'm taking you up on this one - Mr. Expert. Why? I just recently retired as a Senior Vehicle Manager/Launch Manager. I've worked for Jag, Ford, Benz, BM, you name it... and you're talking out of your backside.

    Crash and impact is a particular expertise of mine... so meet your maker on this one!

    That car, as shown (who knows if it is the real car after the event) was not impacted by a bike at high speed, nor did it impact one do create so much unilateral damage to the car.

    Watch a Benz against a fixed barrier ( a fixed block of concrete... unable to move) and you see the impact results against the car) :


    That crash is at 35K/ph into a fixed wall barrier - it won't move. The car has to take the impact and bounce off it. That is akin to nothing like a car bullet at 90K/ph hitting a moving object - the object will fly, despite there being an equal and opposite force - there is no equal force in mass!

    A car at 90K/ph would throw the bike and suffer little damage - maybe a slightly impacted bonnet, a broken light on one side, impacted bonnet with large damage, but even if it dragged the bike under the car would in no way sustain too much damage as displayed (again, I relate back to and wonder if the picture is true - but seeing as that's what you're going on.. let's play with that).

    The passenger of the bike would, for sure, hit the screen, but there is no way a non-stationary moving object would cause that much damage to the front end. Torsion and impact bars are not even crumpled nor twisted at all - A-pillars are intact, as usually expected, but there is too much damage to both sides of the front-end to warrant a single impact, unless with a stationary and fixed object hit more than one time, and that does not happen with impacting either a bike or a pedestrian.

    I COULD go on... but await your wise reply. ;)

  10. Operators were also told to fix the problems of these buses which need minor repairs before they would be allowed to put in service, he said.

    Besides, officials also found 176 drivers of these buses were not in the condition to drive safely and that operators were ordered to replace all these drivers immediately.

    It's pretty obvious that Sisaket wasn't included. They wouldn't even find 25 excellent drivers. How do you replace drivers immediately? It took my wife only two years to find out that we've got a five gear box.

    Bless you. Does she count the rice grains too? clap2.gif

  11. "The department’s director-general Theerapong Rodprasert said land transport officials monitored driving of 32,359 public buses during the period from April 9-14 vehicles, and found 2,046 of them speeding.

    During the period officials also inspected the working condition of a total of 85,484 public buses.

    They found 231 of them were not in good condition or not fully prepared for service. Officials have ordered operators to replace 32 buses immediately, he said.

    Operators were also told to fix the problems of these buses which need minor repairs before they would be allowed to put in service, he said.

    Besides, officials also found 176 drivers of these buses were not in the condition to drive safely and that operators were ordered to replace all these drivers immediately."

    So what are you going to do about it? Just tell the operators to fox/fix the problems? Order 'MINOR' repairs.

    Another knows >deleted<k all and hasn't got a clue what to do. We discover each day these school mates who really never paid attention, but because they have a few nice badges are in highly paid positions not knowing what to do. Orders.. orders.. but not a single legal case ensued.

    Makes me sick how thick these wankill or be killed idiots are. Idiots - all of them. bah.gif

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