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Gonzo the Face

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Posts posted by Gonzo the Face

  1. I am posting below a copy of a email request I received this morning... This is the 6th one I have received in the past 2 months...

    The names change, but the request is always for about the same thing.... The scam, the bill is always around 3 - 4oo $ [uS] but they then say the family in question has already left for the holiday, and the person writing the email will send this money to you in advance, along with another US$5,000. which they will put on their credit card and put into your account..... the family will contact me once they get to Thailand and I will forward $4500. to them and keep an additional $500. for my trouble

    I am of the belief that , if it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, it aint a skunk...

    Has anyone else out there run across anything similar in your business..... As I say its a new one, only becoming aware of by me about 2 months ago, but now Ive gotten the 6th one this morning...

    Be interested in hearing if anyone knows what the scam is.......


    ===================== The Email===========================

    Dear sir\ ma,

    I will like to enquire if you have available space in your Guest house for my clients who will be staying for some days in your country for Holidays.i will really apreciate it if you can kindly get back to me with an urgent reply.Below is the details of my reservation:

    Room Type. 3 Single rooms.

    check in : 5 / 08/ 2007

    check out: 15 /08/ 2007

    Number of guest...3 people.

    Days of stay...10 days

    Thanks and get back to me with the total cost of the booking so

    that i can send you my credit card details.Note that all payment for the reservation shall be charged before the arrival of my clients.thanks

    kind regard


  2. Any news on why the money in Shin sale accounts is 20+ billions less than expected? The banks effectively froze them long time ago. Did he pay for something legally? Or did he squirelled 20 bil in small transactions that no one is watching?

    Maybe, just Maybe......

    do you recall that just about an hour or so before the coup, the Mrs. flew out of Thailand with , Ithink it was 114 suitcases of...... ??????? ...... on two planes....


  3. What in heavens name is with the TOT ADSL ! ! ! On, Off, On, Off...The past 2 - 3 weeks it has been going off exactly at 6PM or 7PM on the dot..... Like they are scheduling.....Sometimes it comes back on , but most of the time not until sometime during he night...... And this is almost every day..... Today especially bad..... Can't even stay on long enough o check email..... Very very slow when it is on...

    I have to do this in word, then cut and past , if I am fast enough.....

    Now to wait til and if it comes back on

    Any one have word whats going on ??


  4. [

    The all time favourite of sensuous South East Asian women. The Aloedeam effectively lightens dark unattractive nipple into delicious pink. It comes in a set of a cream and lotion. One to be used in the day, and the other at night. This combination ensures that the shortest time is required to develop one of the most sexiest part of a woman. Formulated with Aloe Vera and Vitamin E, it is gentle on the sensitive nipples.[/i]


    Perhaps they could add a few more vitamins and minerals to the stuff so as the man (or in some cases the lady) in the life of the bleachee could get some benefit from this treatment as well.

    Benefits .... Now there is a good thought.....how about some V & M that would make them glow in the dark..... and perhaps in tune with the heart beat ,,,,, blink..... you know like if you are laying in bed and she turns over too quickly.... uuuugh not a good feeling..... with the above time tested blinker,knockers program, she would have to give at least a 6 blink notice that she is going to turn in that direction.....

    Re the waxing..... somewhat a cross between the short-lastingness of waxing and the permanance of "once and for all" try this I accidentially found out about it, and found it to be amazing....

    You know how the locals like to have pics taken of them with the thumb and forefinger extended "L" shap under the chin. ???

    1] Well make that " L " configuration with each of your hands,,,,,,

    2] Squeeze a small but wide line of super glue , from the tip of your forefinger around the L to the end of your thumb, doing so on both hands

    3] Carefully place this "L" shape precisely along the inner line of the area to be waxed, applying just moderate pressure

    4] Enjoy a bit of good music, she could gently provide you with a glass of wine at this time for your trouble.

    5] Both of you can doze off for a few minutes ..... and when you hear her husband coming up the steps >>>.

    Well need I say more...... I don't know how, scientifically, it works,,,,, but believe me it is close to a miracle.....and just the fact of doing it for her ..... well you would be suprised how much of a blood rush you get through your heart..... I guess kindness does pay....

    Good Luck

    PS You can get a 6 pak of the super glue at Makro for 89 Baht

  5. Now guys ,,,,, in fairness to those trying to learn the English Language..... Please use the spell check...

    I've noticed some typos in the above few posts....

    BB .... nether ...... should be corrected to neither,,,, as in neither the front nor the back

    P1P .... svelt ....... shoud be corrected to smelt... as in smelt Roses.....whoever she is


    to be continued I'm sure....

  6. Nice emoticon, Blinky!

    I thought Austhaied had all the good ones :o

    I come from the Road Rage Capital of The World- Los Angeles, California.

    If a Glock Model 23 .40 cal was not involved, it's not really road rage where I come from...... :D

    Thanks Mac. It's one of the boards, just a ways down the list.

    Yeah the shooters are a way of life in many parts, been a bit of it in Thailand over the years too.

    Remember a couple years ago when a Thai guy in a motor vehicle chased the German guy on a motorcycle caught him and shot him.....Killed him...... I think somewhere by John's Cosey Corn.... I may be off on the spot of the shooting though...... I think the biker did something like give the one finger salute to the Thai guy

    Yea.... there is road rage here too...

  7. A tip of my hat to you, Chanchao, for your insightful comments.

    CC .... this may just change my vote on whether or not we should have a smoke free society ???? :o

    and come to think of it ,,,,,, we have had no input on whether or not THAT business is having a 'Down" or 'Up' season........ Maybe we can get some 'Input' from the Coy girls ???

  8. Not to be looking for Doom & Gloom, but maybe someone more familiar with the street, can give me some verification..... I have had some of the locals coming and telling me that there are places closing ......

    Knowing that there is an area penchant for this thing of having enough money for one months rent so I think I'll go into business , both among Thais and Falangs,,,,, Being undercapitalized is what I'm saying, I can see where this may be true...

    Anyone familiar with the Thapae Gate area got any input on this ???

    UG you're down that way, any comments ??


  9. Pardon me, which way to the windfall? :o

    Anyone reaping the windfall yet ????

    Well about another month has passed and traditionally May is a slow month, but the last month was a record setter ...

    There are just not the tourists coming to my door as in the past.....

    anyone else care to give some updated input.....


  10. Gonzo,

    What nice things to say! :o Aww ya jus caught me in a mellow moment.....??[/color]

    I'm not giving up on CM per se. I met my bf in CM seven years ago and had been coming every year to see him. We took vacations around - Phuket, Koh Chang, Hong Kong - and I was also supporting him. Then about 3 years ago, I found that I could immigrate to Canada and sponsor him as my conjugal partner. That would be far better than what we were doing, because we could both work and earn a reasonable wage, we could both own property - basically, we could both be full citizens. That'd never happen in Thailand, and I can't sponsor him to the U.S.

    EW if you don't mind, are you a US or Canadian Citizen....... cuz I didn't think you could sponsor him if you were US ??

    Canada requires we live together for 12 consecutive months. So after a lot of planning, I quit my (very good) job in the U.S. and moved here to be a teacher .. and to wait for our visas. A few weeks ago, we got the initial "ok" with the interview waived and a request for our medicals, police records, bank statements, and landing fees. So assuming everything goes as planned, we should be there in July or possibly August.

    Yes, I'm selling nice things. But it won't affect our financial future - so no reason to be greedy.


  11. Gee expatwannabe...... I don't think anyone has asked, and forgive me if they have and I missed the answer....

    why are you giving up on CM...... :o

    and don't forget you can still participate in the forum, from whereever you end up


    and it looks to me like you are really offering some good stuff and prices not out of line

  12. I had some slight time problems and had to ride my motorcycle to the airport to make my flight. What do you think the odds are that my shiny new Honda Wave will not be stolen from the parking lot during the week I'm in Bangkok?

    Taking the next flight would have cost 1700 baht so I figured it to be a reasonable bet. Unless I bet wrong.....

    What color was it ????????? :o

  13. Government approves 16 million baht-budget for the biggest insect museum in Asia-Pacific

    The interim government has approved a budget of 16 million baht to build the biggest Insects Museum in Southeast Asia at the northern province of Chiang Mai. The project will start in October next year and will be completed within three years.

    The project will have a collection of insects, specimen database of mosquitoes and black flies for education in Thailand while local staff will be trained at the UK and the US.

    Dr. Weerachai Na Nakhon (วีระชัย ณ นคร), the Director of Queen Sirikit Botanic Garden, presided over the opening of the “Taxonomic Capacity Building in Support of Biodiversity Conservation in Thailand” project, and it is funded by the Darwin Initiative.

    The British Museum and the Smithsonian Institute of America are providing expertise for the period of three years to implementing the researches and developing the database information.

    Source: Thai National News Bureau Public Relations Department - 30 May 2007

    Just a play on words/coincidence ??????

    Maybe a bug museum as a tribute... ?????


  14. I would urge caution to the artist fellow.....seems that he is hanging by a thread....

    As others say.... going to Ch. Khong...??? It costs upward of 1600 B to cross there [dependent on nationality] and only 500 baht to cross at Mae Sai..... plus the additional cost to get there..... does sound like milking the system and trying to avoid Mae Sai perhaps due to being too familiar at the border....

    another thing possibly...... if he is selling his art work in CM , does this not require a work permit as he is deriving income for his efforts ???

    Sad case but some people do work themselves into deeper problems...... In any event best of luck to him

  15. If I buy a ticket out of thailand to get past immigration for a '30 day visa on demand', and then I cancel it... ok, so I have entered thailand. BUT,, now its cancelled and I will do yet another visa-run to poipet next week and I will do EXACTLY the same thing again, (buy a ticket and cancel it).

    will they have on computer records that I was supposed to fly back to europe a week ago?

    wil they realise I am doing a scam to get past immigration? or you reckon they dont bother making notes of your exit flight at immigration?

    Why do you not do the decent thing.....and BUY a visa?

    Does it make you feel good to act the cheapskate, in order to cheat the system?...if so....I feel sorry for your moral health!

    do you realise that you are publicly declaring that you are a liar and a cheat?

    Good Response...... I don't find it bashing...... always amazes me , the level and extreme to which some people will go , just to milk the system...... this visa exemption thing goes on and on and on.....

    This country makes it extremely easy to stay here......chances are , easier than the posters home country.....

    Just do the right thing, GET the Correct visa for what you wish to do........ if you can't , go home ......


    I don't consider this bashing at all... good post....

  16. Did we just have an earthquake....3:58P


    Nah, it just the beer Chang making you dizzy!

    Thanks for that,,,,, I thought it was worst than that...... I thought I was having a gas attack....


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