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Posts posted by MarcelV

  1. 3 hours ago, AustinRacing said:

    A Thai friend who comes from the south says it is in the interest of police and military to have instability in the region as they get paid “danger allowance”. Some of the conflicts are apparently instigated or fueled by such personnel to ensure continuation of this extra pay. 

    All civil servants get paid danger money in the three provinces. My girlfriend works for the Ministry of Agriculture in Narathiwat and gets a handsome extra on top of her regular salary. I do believe that for many people it makes being employed there more attractive.

  2. 14 hours ago, sucit said:

    Yes, of course. The areas that lagged with infections will catch up.

    Then why is northern Thailand so unscathed? I think cultural habits pay a big role and in the deep south the vaccination rates are lower, people gather in large groups more, many people don't wear masks and muslims in general are much more likely to touch each other than buddhists are.

    I live in the deep south, so I pretty much see and hear what's going on around me.

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  3. 10 hours ago, Tropicalevo said:

    There should be no surprise about this.

    All efforts have been focused on Bangkok plus a few other areas.

    Whereas the provinces that have little political 'clout' with the generals, have had very little effort, energy or resources sent to help them.

    That is where Thaksin showed his 'smarts'. Look after the little people - there are more of them.

    Ignore them at your peril.

    If there's anyone that has done a lot of harm to the people in the deep south, it's Thaksin.

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