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Posts posted by kcirtapyelrah

  1. Damage control? There is corruption all over the world and in the interests of not wanting to become concrete foundations for something, I will say no more! Let's just say corruption is commonplace in Asia and its not something that is going to change any time soon.

    Your obviously right, it's not going to change any day soon, but the younger generation are a different animal, better educated and more westernized, It's only a matter of time.

  2. but it is not up to you to try to change matters to what you want or think we want

    I strongly disagree.

    It is up to everyone - Thai and non-Thai, residents, non-residents and visiting tourists, to call out and condemn corruption, double-standards, cronyism, incidents where freedom of expression and freedom of the Press are impinged upon.

    The elected government of this country has been illegally removed.

    Was that government corrupt and incompetent? Probably. But they were the elected government and change and improvement is made at the ballot box and by honest individuals bringing those who have broken the Law to justice. Which means justice in a Court of Law, not by taking the law into one's own hands at the point of a gun.

    I am glad that countries and ambassadors are speaking out and condemning the government of Thailand and corrupt Thai organisations. That is the correct way to effect change, not by some absolute Article 44 issued by a fake government.

    Although not a Thai national, I have lived and worked in Thailand for 14 years. I own some good businesses, pay tax, contributed heavily to the coffers of my ex-wives smile.png. Living in Thailand for that length of time has (luckily), not transformed me into an apologist, or someone who has rejected democracy, good governance and freedom of speech.

    Totally agree with every word of that, well done.

  3. Just one simple question .

    Can any of you all of you all state hand on heart that the country you come from is totally free and totally corrupt free? Somehow I doubt it, yet you feel you are in a position to dictate your views to the local people who live with the system and have done so so for many years.

    It may not be palatable system to some but it is the Asian way .Perhaps you need to look at your western values and see if they are all that you claim they are.

    No limits on freedom in the west? Perhaps a closer look is needed. No corrupt practices in the west? Perhaps a closer look is needed.The Thais have got it wrong? Well it is their country, their culture. Over the years western interference and its imposition of its brand of democracy has caused many a problem in other sovereign states as we are currently seeing now in the Middle East,

    Can you remember, did you go and play in Vietnam? Strange how the Vietamese retained thie own ideals despite the mammoth interference of another group of nations. Seems as if a good many of you have not and never will learn the lessons from the history concerning the of imposing another MY BRAND of democracy on another culture in another country.

    Democracy across the years and in all the nations concerned there has always had a long and painful and labour before giving give birth to the child of democracy..

    Too many midwifes confuse the issue, let the locals do it their way.

    There's nothing complicated in the principle of democracy, it's straight forward, the people rule, they live and learn in the process and experienced out side influences can help in that process, there's nothing wrong with that.

  4. There appear to be some very knowledgeable posters here!

    Perhaps they can tell us why the vastly superior Western Police/Intelligence Services fail to detect and arrest the bad guys before they kill people ?

    France, England, Scotland, Australia, America etc !

    because in Europe and the UK they are heavily focused on Human rights - equality - fair unbiased treatment, if you look at the people involved in the Paris attacks they were already known to certain agencies, the problem is where you set the goalposts before taking action with these people, I suspect it will now be a lot lower, even then what do you do with them ? have they actually broken any laws, dealing with these people requires special powers enacted and even special courts that operate outside of the normal justice system, the US had a certain place where they dealt with people of extreme interest - was that the answer ?, back in the day N.Ireland had a special terrorist act and at one time had internment to take people out of circulation

    Probably time for a new approach as this thing is now well out of control and will only get worse, more innocent people are going to die but first and foremost you must cut off the snakes head and defeat ISIS in the ME, remove their funding/income as greed and power feeds these people, I have absolutly no doubt that certain people are making a lot of money out of this - they need to be targeted and removed

    The ME is a mess even without ISIS, these muslim people can't even get along with themselves never mind trying to integrate them into Christian countries

    And finaly my own personal belief is that religion is evil, it is a constant scourge on this planet and is responsible for more wars and death than any thing else in mans sordid violent history, time to smell the cheese and see it for what it really is - pure evil

    Your absolutely right about religion, it's the biggest curse on the human race, with the exception of greed.

  5. It specifically indicates that four travelled to Pattaya, two to Phuket and two to Bangkok and two to unknown destinations. The alleged terrorists whereabouts and names were not identified. According to the FSB warning, their goal is to perpetrate attacks against Russian interests in the kingdom

    They know this much about these alleged terrorists and they KNEW the seriousness of their intent, but they can't tell where their final destination was. The whole thing is a load of <deleted>.

  6. Being a vile and despicable person is not yet a crime in this country...being "caught" speaking out against the military dictatorship is...most common way a dictator removes opposition...is to detain them for interrogation...whereupon many commit suicide...in-spite of all the military could do to stop them...sad to see the country sink into the abyss...

    The opposite is true - those terrorists removed from the streets

    is a big step away from an the abyss

    The Junta is the abyss, power to the people pal, the majority and democracy should rule. Try sweeting less.


  7. Being a vile and despicable person is not yet a crime in this country...being "caught" speaking out against the military dictatorship is...most common way a dictator removes opposition...is to detain them for interrogation...whereupon many commit suicide...in-spite of all the military could do to stop them...sad to see the country sink into the abyss...

    The opposite is true - those terrorists removed from the streets

    is a big step away from an the abyss

    The Junta is the abyss, power to the people pal, the majority and democracy should rule. Try sweeting less.

  8. Please lock them away.

    Yes, absolutely, but for proper convictions for proper criminal charges, in a proper court of law. Not for vague charges of convenience under S44 or LM stuff at a military court. Make it clear and definite for things that will still be understood and still stand scrutiny in 5 or 10 years time. Otherwise the martyr syndrome which is inevitable, will just be all that stronger.

    The pair are under bail for terrorism charge since 2010 !

    ...and that has exactly what to do, with them, visiting a park?

    That's almost six years, I suppose they are going to be under bail for the rest of their lives then.

  9. 18 months and no real blowback, except this small group of people.

    It's the army dude, completely unfettered by any laws or principles not approved by a sole x-general that hijacked an elected government. Now, what does that tell you?

    It tells me that the army is doing a good job wiping out the scum and corruption that has infested the gov't over the past 10 years.

    The people made their choice, they should have been allowed to repeat the process, government by the people. Those in favour of democracy put their hands up.

  10. They really just can't help themselves, can they? They have to blame anything and everything on Red Shirts and UDD, no matter what it is or who is involved.

    Going on the fact that every single act of terror and intimidation I have seen in the last 10 years that was not Muslims has been red-shirts, I think it is a pretty safe bet. And there have been many.

    But you always deny it just like you are trying to do now. Like when you tried to claim Suthep was throwing grenades at his own people. Another lie exposed.

    If the cap fits, wear it.

    And nobody can be right every time either.

  11. What is this point that Prayut - O seems to be making, perhaps he requires more men to replace the ones that will refuse to fire at their Mothers , Fathers , Brothers, Sisters and other family members and defected to the other side , just like it happened all those years ago, It's called forward planning ...................bah.gif

    He intends to use them to man the polling station in the forthcoming elections, that's my guess.

  12. You know I could not help but notice this guy’s body language is all wrong. The last time a saw someone accused that was staring straight into the camera in every shot was the guy that confessed to the JonBenet Ramsey murder. He was fascinated by all the attention just like this guy. That guy just turned out to be obsessed with that murder. Typically you see people hiding their face if guilty but not this guy.

    The whole case is a farce.

  13. Try looking in the direction of the army itself, perhaps it was meant to implicate a certain persons and group of people but backfired when the police went off in the wrong direction inspired by the reward. If you look at the footage of the boom being placed, it’s clear that there are three people involved, the guy that vacated the seat for the bomber and the guy he stood next to in an effort to shield the bomber from view, they look fit as butchers dogs and full of confidence, they give me the impression they have no fear of repercussions. Do you believe the army and the people at the top really want democracy? The bomb was not an ordinary homemade device, it was ether c4, semtex or something comparable to cause such devastation.

    I still don't buy it. Suddenly, all this expertise becomes available to acquire bomb making material, plan and execute with a carefully constructed network of supporters in a foreign country ....... and then keep quiet about it with no public claim for the reasons? And because a few Uighurs were deported it was a revenge attack? Why not claim responsibility if that was the objective instead of playing a guessing game? Hardly accomplishes anything. This is much deeper and more extensive, me believes......

  14. BBC are also on to it LINK

    Well good on the BBC. however, it would have been better if the UK police/authorities hadn't put on their sham investigation concluding the Thais were on the right path, thus legitimising their claims of everything having been conducted in the proper manner. It would have been far better if they'd shown their disdain by not coming here at all. However, diplomatic relations and all that pip pip.

    Correct, I can't believe for a moment that the British haven't got their own DNA samples, nobody on this planet has better forensic technology than them and it's noticeable that the Thai police have clamped up on providing information since the British detectives have come and gone. It's going to be one big stich up.

  15. Yes and no doubt the same is happening in respect to the Koh Tao murders. The British Government has no excuse however. I wonder what the Austrailan Government would do if it were their citizens , apparently they don't pussy foot and khaowtaow to diplomatic courtesies if Oz citizens are affectd by lawlessness and or corruption over here. As said previously, UK Diplomatic corps , NO BALLS

    I agree with you on some points. Nothing to do with not having balls - all to do with "seeing the bigger picture, guarding the country's relations etc" as they like to put it. In other words individual citizens ain't worth rocking the boat for; unless you happen to be one of the elite of course.

    Australia - wind and piss but little action. Not seen them doing anything about the poor Aussie lad badly assaulted by the Chinese-American rich kid thugs, or the lack of progress in their trial. US - didn't do much about their citizen hacked to death by a nutter Taxi driver, or the guy stabbed by the angry band. Other EU countries the same, very little response to their citizens being murdered. Possible exception is Japan - they seem to try and do something.

    I believe the police here are more competent than some give them credit for. But, they are also highly corrupt and political. I'm sure they have a very strong idea who murdered this poor lady, and who murdered the poor couple on Koh Tao. Whether they will do anything about it is another matter. It's not about serving justice, it's about bribery, favors, position, connections and making the most of any situation that is presented.

    How much information the police forces in the UK involved with these murders is anybodies guess. Because despite being a democracy, with freedom of speech and freedom of information laws, that only means what the government will allow.

    Meantime watch your back here and be careful - your country won't.

    CORRECT, that's hitting the nail on the head with a lump hammer.

  16. I would like to see anyone on this forum try to tie their hands behind their back. See how easy it is.

    Then simply step through

    Ok well that was easy enough. Can you now show me a video of someone stepping thru their tied hands.

    But their hands must be as tightly tied as the French guys were, not just some loose tie like she made.

    By the time that guy finished tiying his hands as effectively as that, he would have wanted to commit suicide.

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