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Posts posted by kcirtapyelrah

  1. Lozza

    The police have one theory of the case. Court will hopefully clear things up.

    Yet on here people have many theories. They change hourly. The phone... The shorts... Small men could not have done this. The RTA knew or the RTA didn't know.. McKanna did it... He knows who did... ETC etc etc

    Although I've read some blatant conspiracy theory nonsense, a lot of the suspicion has not been unreasonable or unfounded.

    The defence team are asking for UK forensic assistance in any case.

    With the exception of a case being heard, what do you think needs to happen to remove doubt and restore confidence in the case?

    Nothing will restore confidence in this case.

    What is left is the trial. I have no problem with the defense getting help from anywhere. I doubt that they will get any official help from the UK government though.

    BS. The UK police will provide anything the lawyers ask that they can help with within the law if asked. Count on it.

    The UK have already offered on official levels to Thailand to help. Should Myanmar ask they will again be willing no doubt .

    The question here is will Thailand cooperate to put right whats been all wrong since the day the case opened.........and if not , why not ?

    Absolutely, there's nothing unreasonable about that, that would shut all the doubting tom's up wouldn't it, that's what you want isn't it.

  2. Good god don't any of you have any balls, do you enjoy bending over and letting any Thai give it to you, pathetic!

    Here's the next victim.

    It's not about having balls and bending over...it's all about life in a country that we are not originally from. It's about compromising... It's about learning to live in a different culture than our own. If you are not willing to compromise or learn the culture and want to live by your standards without a care in the world for the country you live in (Thailand), then why stay here? Why not just go back to your own country?

    It's people like you who cause all the problems and then place the blame on others.

    Nope. You've got it <deleted>-backwards. It's people like you that encourage scum like this to do what they do.

    We're all entitled to our own opinion and I know yours and you know mine. That's the end.

    Absolutely no changing of minds then, not very learned.

  3. Some of the comments on here are unbelievable. There is no justified reason why this yob used violence to get his money. Regardless whether it was a justified charge for parking or not. Saying he would have had to pay 3000 baht fine in another country is purile and only serves to justify violence. Thailand right now is in a very bad place if people have to resort to violence of this kind. If we are using another country as examples of law then the yob in question would be charged with ABH and criminal damage. Wrong is wrong regardless of where you're from.

    You are absolutely right in principle, But ABH means actual bodily harm, with this injury it would be classed as GBH, which is grievous bodily harm and in the UK it would carry a minimum sentence of 5 years in prison, I wouldn't be very happy if this was my old man and before some fool points out we are not in the UK now, I know at least that much about geography.

  4. I signed this petition, I live in Thailand & tried to share it's link on my facebook home page. Even using a VPN it would not post on my page... I wonder why???

    I've just looked at the arms, hands and faces of these two innocents on the photo's on the petition.

    My god!!! I have never ever seen such injuries and burns all of my life!!! They are unrecognisable as human beings, so, whoever did this scandalous thing to them to get them to confess should be put behind bars for a very long time. Their hands are lobster red and their faces bloated - god I feel sick!!

    Look if you dare, but be warned it is pretty gruesome!!!

    Grow up.

  5. Good news, everyone should have legal counsel when jailed guilty or not. However, this will not help those who cannot accept the overwhelming evidence against these two or those who want to believe it was the rich Thai kid (for no other reason than he is rich and Thai) that did it who was taking an exam at school in Bangkok and appeared on security cameras that day in Bangkok.

    No doubt the lawyers will be able to collect new DNA samples from their clients and have it compared against the DNA results from the semen taken from the scene originally and sent to both Thai and Singapore labs. But again, doubt this will convince some of admitting their original suspicions were wrong.

    While police may have done things wrong, there is no plausible way they could fake the DNA and expect to get away with it unless these two accused disappear from the planet and nobody can ever check their or their family's DNA ever again.

    You sound like you're buddies with or connected with the Headman's son. Pardon me if my suspicion is wrong. It's just that the son should still be a prime suspect. Same goes for his uncle and the uncle's cop friend. Unfortunately (for the Burmese and for the truth) there is no continuing investigation by officialdom. Case is closed because they have scapegoats.

    And why should they be suspects? Especially now they have these suspects whose DNA matches, admitted to the crimes, were the ones in the video and were the ones seen playing and singing that night near the crime scene and whose friend will be testifying against them.

    Pardon me for suggesting it is time to accept your original suspicions were almost certainly wrong ... I know mine were.

    No intelligent impartial person should believe the Thai police evidence, given the circumstances surrounding this investigation, if you can call it that.

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  6. Good news, everyone should have legal counsel when jailed guilty or not. However, this will not help those who cannot accept the overwhelming evidence against these two or those who want to believe it was the rich Thai kid (for no other reason than he is rich and Thai) that did it who was taking an exam at school in Bangkok and appeared on security cameras that day in Bangkok.

    No doubt the lawyers will be able to collect new DNA samples from their clients and have it compared against the DNA results from the semen taken from the scene originally and sent to both Thai and Singapore labs. But again, doubt this will convince some of admitting their original suspicions were wrong.

    While police may have done things wrong, there is no plausible way they could fake the DNA and expect to get away with it unless these two accused disappear from the planet and nobody can ever check their or their family's DNA ever again.

    it dosnt matter who did it only that they are caught and theres no doubt... As for the kid your on about theres another son and hes not being mentioned but hes real and was on Island at the time. Its a reasonable request to ask the appropriate questions of all.

    The whole point of a separate investigation is to verify DNA matching and such... what is your problem with an independent agent or country doing this pref the UK whos citizens it was that were butchered ?

    a match is a match right ? shouldnt matter who does it the results will be the same and ThaIand can then stick two fingers up at everyone and regain their honour .. they have everything to gain by doing so if on the level ............so what is the big deal here ?

    Exactly, everyone here wants to see justice done, one way or the other, if we are wrong in our beliefs that doesn't matter, it's truth and just that's what it's all about.crazy.gif

  7. Come on everyone on TV .. if you want to be sure about this then we need 10,000 sigs to move on it to petition the British Embassy and British government for another independent investigation, all people want is real justice and closure for David and Hannahs families, that means 100% without doubt .... get enough voices and the UK gov will have to open an investigation if they havnt already behind closed doors.

    We can make a difference for once, all it takes are for good people to do something....


    Please Moderators im asking you on behalf of many do the right thing and let this link stay.

    We are almost undivided on this matter, "unity" a rare occurrance, we must strenghten our resolve and don't give up. It's very heartening.

  8. OH Dear John,

    To much don't care, and it doesn't matter from u. It matters to the parents. The friends and family of the victims. I guess you have no offspring. Perhaps you cant imagine what those parents are going through on a daily/nightly basis.

    You also obviously don't realise that every Thai who settles in the UK gets a Full Biometric check. You do not enter the UK without having this done. Even children.

    So having the same for migrant workers in Thailand seems an excellent idea IMHO.

    Most 1st world country's already do this. Its not racist its just common sense.

    I came to Thailand 20 odd years ago. What a place. Wonderful.... Times have moved on now. getting the basics right is for the benefit of the whole population. Its not bashing its protecting them, their income their way of life.

    Evil is all over the world and we all rely on the police etc to protect us. If there's any doubt in the ability of the law to protect us then what's wrong with safeguards?

    So, in the US and UK you think they get DNA and Fingerprints from all illegals?

    And the question was not about entering Thailand but rather this island.

    And never did I say I don;t care or it doesn;t matter.

    Pretty much everything you are responding to are things you want to believe were said but not said in the post you;re responding.

    Migrant workers have to provide complete hand prints. Iris recognition was also a requirement but I believe its been shelved. All dna is stored for many years if it is ever taken. In the UK.

    Lets be honest, if you have nothing to hide then what's the problem.

    These are illegals we are talking about. Again, I will ask... So, in the UK you think they get DNA and Fingerprints from all illegals?

    As well I doubt the UK has DNA on everyone on file who immigrates or comes their to work or vacation. Biometric information is not DNA.

    Again I will also say you are not responding to anything said but rather trying to distract.

    You are the one who is trying to distract, your totally impervious to sense and reason, some people wear glasses, you wear blinkers.

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  9. You are absolutely right to draw attention to these facts and the facts speak for themselve don't they, the Thai police are not going to charge any Thai's with murder, this will come back to bite them on the arse. I can't imaging the families of the victims ever letting this lie. Your a very commonsensical man.

    Why most of you think the DNA of the semen belongs to the killer? She could have had sex with anybody the days and hours before she was murdered. Second the killer is not necessarily the same person that raped her no?

    Yes, hypothetically it's not impossible that she had consensual sex with two Asians, and then she and the young man got brutally murdered just afterwards by others - but the plausibility of that is essentially nil. Outlandish. Cops surmise that there were probably 3 perpetrators (which is very plausible). Every young man has friends and family. If they reside in Bkk and/or the island, there are others who would have pertinent info as to their whereabouts and state of mind (did they bury soiled clothes in the ground? Did they arrive at a place early AM all sweaty and testosteroned out?, did they jump on a speedboat? etc etc.) Unfortunately, in Thailand, it's legal to harbor a criminal. And lying to police, particularly if you're from a powerful family is expected and excused. Phone records could show a lot.

    I recall seeing a photo of Kristi Jones' parents arriving in Chiang Mai, many months after investigators there couldn't find a viable suspect for the murder/rape of their beautiful daughter. The parents were wai-ing the police commander after he had just told them he would do all he could to arrest and convict the murderer. Of course, the police commander was lying, and it was all done as a photo opp, and to give false hope to the parents and friends of Kristi.

    This case will go down in the annals of infamy along with that one, plus these two:

    >>> Chaleum's youngest son. After shooting a cop at close range with many witnesses (none of whom had the courage to speak up) the boy gained shelter at a Thai general's house (which, in a decent country would be 'harboring a criminal'). The son then ran off to Cambodia for several months. The dad said he didn't know where the boy was. Of course he was lying. Punishment? None.

    >>> The heir to Red Bull fortune got off for killing a cop. Punishment: none.

    .....and there are others. This case is a chance for Thai investigators to dig themselves out of the muddy hole of disrespect and arrest some real (not contrived) suspects. At the rate their going, it looks doubtful.
  10. This only shows how desperate they are, they are more concerned about tourism and it's effect on the economy than they are about bringing the perpetrators of this anus crime to justice. Nothing happens in Thailand without the locals knowing about it, they are very inquisitive people, whoever did this was local and was probably in the pub on the night, you don't just find an agricultural hoe conveniently lining around on the beach for some stranger to come along and use to batter someone's brains out with. The Thai police are not so incompetent as they would have you believe, THEY KNOW WHO DID IT, nobody will be charged with murder.sick.gif

    When you say "anus", I'm guessing you mean "heinous"? But an anus of an idea it certainly is...cheesy.gif

    Your good at guessing, but incorrect in your analysis.

  11. This only shows how desperate they are, they are more concerned about tourism and it's effect on the economy than they are about bringing the perpetrators of this anus crime to justice. Nothing happens in Thailand without the locals knowing about it, they are very inquisitive people, whoever did this was local and was probably in the pub on the night, you don't just find an agricultural hoe conveniently lining around on the beach for some stranger to come along and use to batter someone's brains out with. The Thai police are not so incompetent as they would have you believe, THEY KNOW WHO DID IT, nobody will be charged with murder.sick.gif

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