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Everything posted by Rimmer

  1. A spam post was removed earlier but replies to it kept coming, they have now also been removed
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  3. M1 Abrams Tanks Have Arrived In Ukraine The first of Ukraine’s long-awaited American-supplied M1 Abrams main battle tanks have arrived in the country, the U.S. Department of Defense has confirmed to The War Zone. While we don’t know how many of the tanks have been delivered to Ukraine at this point, Washington has committed to sending 31 of the M1A1 versions and these will surely be committed soon to Kyiv’s ongoing counteroffensive. The Pentagon provided The War Zone with the following statement: “As President Zelensky said earlier today, the first batch of the 31 Abrams tanks have arrived in Ukraine. The mere presence of Abrams tanks serves as a potent deterrent. By having these tanks in their arsenal, the Ukrainian Army can more effectively discourage aggressive actions. https://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zone/m1-abrams-tanks-have-arrived-in-ukraine
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  5. I used clear one time at the side of the house, it got some black mildew on it and looked horrible from underneath. The wall which it was against got as hot as ever before.
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  8. ATACMS can be fitted with an HE warhead or multiple cluster munitions Three different types of warheads are used on the operational models of the ATACMS. The MGM-140A contains 950 M74 APAM (Anti-Personnel Anti-Material) submunitions, which are scattered in mid-air during the final stretch of the missile's terminal phase. Depending on how far from the target the missile is set to release its submunitions, they can potentially saturate an area of up to 33 000 m2, with each submunition having a casualty radius of 15 m. The MGM-140B disperses the same M74 submunitions, but carries roughly one-quarter as many. The MGM-168A carries a large unitary warhead designed to greatly increase damage to point targets, while minimizing collateral damage. All three of these warheads are most effective when employed against soft targets. MGM-168A: Replaces submunitions with a 227 kg WDU-18/B unitary high-explosive warhead. Also has a greatly improved range over the MGM-140B. Formerly designated the MGM-140E. https://www.militarytoday.com/missiles/atacms.htm https://missilethreat.csis.org/missile/atacms/
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  10. An off-topic post has been removed please see our Community Standards .
  11. A post and replies contravening our Community Standards has been removed. The topic is in the Chiang Mai Forum please recommend shops in that area, thank you
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  13. A post and a reply contravening our Community Standards has been removed.
  14. A post and reply contravening our Community Standards has been removed.
  15. Another good WW2 movie from 1964 also with Burt Lancaster is The Train The black and white full movie is also on youtube
  16. I have watched it several times It is a great movie, everyone should make a point of watching it. It's also on youtube: https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=judgement+at+nuremberg+full+movie+1961
  17. A deflection post contravening our Community Standards has been removed.
  18. The Allegation n the small German town of Ottern, a pediatrician diagnoses "chronic sexual abuse", while examining a young girl, setting events in motion that lead to a judicial scandal of devastating proportions.
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  20. Topics on the same subject from the same person have been merged to avoid duplication
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  22. An off topic post contravening our Community Standards has been removed.
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