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Everything posted by roo860

  1. VID-20241205-WA0000.mp4
  2. That's it, cheers for that!!!!!
  3. I remember watching a series called The One, with Pierce Brosnan, that was about the oil business, was excellent
  4. Well said mate, he's fast becoming the AN bore of the year candidate.
  5. I just completed this quiz. My Score 100/100 My Time 27 seconds  
  6. 'Pattaya does attack quality foreigners.' You still drinking on that street corner Skippy?
  7. I'll check it out 🫡
  8. Well done the British police for alerting the Thai Authorities about this piece of excrement!!
  9. Yep, the usual old weirdos 🙄
  10. 😅😅😅 having fun, what's up with that, oh to be young, good on ya girls!!!
  11. Pretty much every morning on the Thai news, can see the same scenario.
  12. If you don't contribute then it doesn't concern you.
  13. The ones in the pink Busbies looked lovely 😍
  14. https://m.imdb.com/video/vi3848651033/?playlistId=tt9174582&ref_=tt_ov_pr_ov_vi Just finished 1st season, Brassic, funny as f
  15. On the Thai news now, tragic, CCTV showed the kids buying snacks prior to the accident.
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