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Everything posted by roo860

  1. All 4 assailants were sentenced to 4yrs in prison, cut to 2yrs having pleaded guilty.
  2. Three security guards who assaulted two foreign visitors admitted that their actions were excessive, raised their hands performing the “Wai” gesture, and apologized to Thai society for their actions....
  3. The guy in the grey t shirt gets inbetween both parties, seems to be trying to calm the situation down?
  4. Google "Soi 6 fight" and look for result "Full merged video of the Soi 6 incident"
  5. Thai news this morning, interview with cashier no mention of anyone having their nose broken, disputed bill.
  6. roo860

    Soi 6 beatdown

    Seems like you're totally wrong about breaking the girls nose. Take the advice you give to everyone else, to get the facts straight before posting. 🙂
  7. Interview with the cashier on Thai news this morning, no mention of anyone getting a broken nose in the bar, said it was a disputed bill and security called.
  8. roo860

    Soi 6 beatdown

    Just seen the interview with the cashier on Ch32, there was no mention of anyone getting a broken nose, staff or customer in the bar, it was a disputed bill, and security were called.
  9. roo860

    Soi 6 beatdown

    Absolutely, seen on the news everyday, normally with machetes etc.
  10. 'Additionally, the locals claimed the tourists posed potential threats to public safety.' A restricted occupation, exclusively for Thais. 🙂
  11. Judging by the photo he didn't spend much on food.
  12. If its less than 5 tabs doesn't warrant jail time only attend rehab?
  13. It's actually a change in the weather that brings out the best, put it down to the monsoon. And that your honour is the case for the defence.🫡🫡
  14. That's good info to know when getting attacked by a homicidal maniac with a wakizashi sword, I'll definitely be better prepared. 🫡
  15. He has been caught, he'll apologise, bit of grovelling, money will exchange hands. Everyone happy, Thai style.
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