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Everything posted by touch

  1. Not new books in any way, but Charles McCarry would fit the bill
  2. touch

    Good tv series

    I used to look up Spud17, BRSHNKV and RB58 for foreign series and movies, but they seem to have stopped posting stuff, At least on TPB
  3. I see that Henk already posted the site. Still no seeders though 🤔
  4. Thank you Waiting for seeders 🙂
  5. I'm looking for a Canadian series "Classified" (Classe Secret), two seasons from 2022 . If anyone knows where to get it I'd appreciate the help
  6. Thank you @Mutt Daeng Bitsearch was new to me. Happy to tell you that season 2 downloaded OK and has English subs.
  7. @Will27 Thank you for the reco about Yosi, the regretful spy. I've just finished the first season and it was really good. A little slow and you have to pay attention so may not appeal to everyone. The comparison with The Bureau is very valid, even though I think that The Bureau was more enjoyable. The first season of Yosi, the regretful spy, leaves you hanging and has to be followed up with season 2, Unfortunately, I can't find a download for season 2. Have found the first two episodes, but the rest doesn't seem to be available. Does anyone know where to find them?
  8. Thanks Will27, I have it on my NAS .but haven't come around to watch it, I don't really know why, but I usually don't like Spanish language movies or series despite being fluent in spanish. I will give it a try
  9. Thanks If someone compares a series to the excellent The Bureau then I have to give it a chance. I hope it is at least half as good
  10. @Sheryl of course you are correct. The insurance company has been provided with a Second Opinion and now reversed their decision. GOP will be provided as soon as I have definitive date for surgery. Thank you for your help
  11. So what has happened so far ? The insurance company (ACS) sent me an email that my torn meniscus root shouldn't be treated by surgery until 4-8 weeks of "conservative treatment" had been done. I've had three weeks of PT with all you can throw at it, Ultrasound, TENS, Laser and heat treatment and it has now gone five weeks since the accident. DR, Bancha says that surgery should be performed as soon as possible and another orthopedic surgeon that I consulted for a second opinion agrees, not the insurance company though. I don't want to have surgery if it's not needed, nor do I want to wait longer if , in the end, I have to have surgery anyway. Not being a medical professional one is put in a very difficult position when doctors and insurance companies don't agree. '
  12. Thank you to all that had useful advice. As to where I heard the "over 60" it was at a private hospital here in Pak Chong. Since I made the post Dr. Bancha called me, I had asked his assistant a couple of questions, and Dr. Bancha video called via Line. He explained that a TKR is too aggressive since my knee is in too good shape to even consider TKR. He repaired my shoulder 10 years ago. A complicated repair that went very well and I do have confidence in him. At the moment I'm just waiting to see what the insurance company (ACS) will have to say since they claim that Bangkok Hospital and Bumrungrad are over charging and they are not recommending their policy holders to use these hospitals.
  13. I'm 69 years old and in pretty good shape. Unfortunately i tore my meniscus a couple of weeks ago and an MRI confirmed a Complete Tear at Posterior Root of Medial Meniscus. I've been to see Dr Bancha Chernchujit at Bangkok Hospital and he recommended a meniscus repair. I've also heard that for patients over 60, it might be better to do a TKA Total Knee Replacement. I'm not a medical professional and I just don't know which treatment is best for my situation. It's an impossible situatin having to make a medical decision without having the knowledge. Maybe @Sheryl or somebody else have information that can help???
  14. Thanks, I'll try and find them again , having problems finding "The Met- Policing London" as well.
  15. I've been looking for season 1-3 . Where did you find it ?
  16. I am using UPSsmart with my Zircon Etech Grand and it is working very well. I have it set to shut down my computer is there's a power outage of longer than 10 minutes. Works very well
  17. Download UPSsmart from Zircon website zircon.co.th/download_software_for_ups
  18. @HermosaBeachGuy Thank you, I will ask them
  19. @HermosaBeachGuyWould you mind telling the building's name. I've been looking to buy a condo in a similar building.
  20. Institute of Dermatology close to Victory Monument 9 am -3pm ,11th floor
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