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  1. Used to enjoy Sizzler with the family but it s gone downhill in my opinion. Grissly steaks and over-priced. And they stopped doing the blue cheese sauce.
  2. The tak Bai incident occured during his regime. It s funny to think that, with that in mind, he s trying to broker peace. Especially considering no one was prosecuted for it and the statue of liitations have run down.
  3. Truly bizarre. I have this vision in my head of one guy with multiple personality disorder, and all his personalities (GG, the other GG, Bob, Colin, Elvis , maybe one or two more) are using this forum to meet up.
  4. how can you be scared of Winnie the Pooh 😆
  5. I worked at a government school a long time ago. An English guy who used to teach in the UK worked there and, by all accounts, was very popular. Unfortunately, one day, he made the mistake of correcting a Thai English teacher's bad English in front of a class. He was sacked the next day.
  6. I dare say we 'd have a better outlook on life
  7. She believed he was dead so then bound his hands together????
  8. I could tell you, but it wouldnt be a secret then 🙂
  9. But. he has a meeting with Naomi Campbell to attend. Busy helping thai ladies become super models!!
  10. Just before his "health crisis" .
  11. whilst slapping one femaile reporter at a time
  12. had a look on Booking.com and it looks pretty good. pretty inexpensive as well. Booked it for April - 5 nights. Thanks mate 🙂
  13. My wife makes a yam wunsen "boran" - a sort of old fashioned way to make it - goes extremely well with a cold beer on a Saturday night. Not unhealthy either.
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