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Everything posted by nikmar

  1. nikmar


    Hi, Just a quick question – Has anyone on the forum worked their way through Homer’s Odyssey at any time. I’m genuinely interested in and would be grateful for any thoughts or insights about it. I’m building up to reading it but , it is hardly “easy reading”. However, as I’ve had an interest in the character Odysseus since childhood, I see the book as a sort of quest in itself. A challenge for 2025. Any input is very welcome. Thank you in advance.
  2. Im curious as to who you think posts "genius insights". There seemes to be a fair bit of "chatbot" insights.
  3. hope they ve got plenty of sick bags !!
  4. Mrs Nik is going to see family up north with the boy, so it looks like I could be alone for the New Year holiday. I will attempt to stay out of trouble this time 🙂
  5. Years ago, when my boy was just a toddler, we caught a bus to Bang Na Central. On the way, a young ish lady was passing out and falling out of her seat. I stopped her falling at one pint and pushed her upright. No problem. After we got off and walked over the bridge to Central, I noticed she was behind us and smiling at me. She caught up and linked arms with me and also tried grabbing my boy’s hand. Very strange and a little unnerving. She wouldn’t take a hint so I told her my wife was meeting us. She left us then but looked heart broken. Anyone ready to fall out of their seat now gets ignored!!!
  6. Im not retired, Im in Bangkok working. I much prefer Krung Thep over Pattaya as there are so many more places to hang out, well out of the way of the tourists. Less tourism orientated if you see what I mean. Pattaya is 2/3 hours away if I fancy a walk by the sea. Having said that, I don’t think I’d fancy Bangkok as an old ‘un. When I’m no longer working, my wife and I plan to go north – maybe Chang Rai or Lampang. That’s just my personal opinion. It’s really down to you to see what you would prefer yourself George.
  7. just like the Bob we all know and love. What happened to the book?
  8. I still love you Bob - I enjoy your little games - makes life more interesting 🙂
  9. Cried like a baby on national TV before he was jailed , bless his little thieving socks.
  10. You would like Bob to call you "hansum maaan'"and ask you to go ST ??
  11. We watched Oppenhiemer together. When it was out. She took it in and gave some good insights over an after movie beer. not daft my old lady. However - one time she mentioned that if possible, she would like to reborn as a fish due to their obvious high intelligence - on accounts they are full of omega-3!!
  12. It s the sort of mindless cr#p that Bob used to come out with. Also Georgiegeorge meanders into gobsh*te territory like this. Im now wondering who is real on this forum v who is a chatbot.
  13. My lad was picked on for being "farang ki nok" for a while. A few Muay Thai classes and it ceased to be a problem. It wasnt so much as a "thump someone who gives you lip", but more a gaining of self confidence enough to confront his bullies. Once confronted they backed down.
  14. In other words - "This is going to happen, please be nice and dont criticise too harshly"
  15. Hi Bob, if you listen carefully to the shouted replies from said Ruskies, you might then know the Russian word for "d**khead". Please report back.
  16. I do like your posts George, I feel like you cured me of my inferiority complex.
  17. I have, over the years, attached a face to a lot of the names on here. A sort of “mind’s eye” about what the AN community look like. I ve just reimagined the Op’s look to….
  18. edited as someone got there before me.
  19. There was also, the completely unstaged photo of him being wheeled in a bed to some place in the hospital. He looked so sickly!!!
  20. I impregnated a local. That was the gamechanger.
  21. I wouldnt put it past him to pass himself off as his own twin. Twin of Thaksin for PM !!!!!
  22. I was thinking Georgegeorgia myself
  23. bought Ham on Rye yesterday and looking forward to starting it tonight. My first Bukowski novel.
  24. Absolutely - I remember it being very well touted by Prayut and his company, yet no one was allowed to criticise under threat of adtitude adjustment.
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