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Posts posted by chang35baht

  1. Hi guys.

    Can any of you advise me of a good freeware program that will help me to design an extension to a small house I have on a piece of land? I want to add 2-3 rooms to an existing bricks and mortar 1 room house I built a couple of years ago.

    There are all sorts of freeware programs out there so I am assuming that there must be some CAD clones out there also.

    Any help appreciated.



  2. Mr Chang35baht hasn't had a Chang to his lips for many moons. I think he is a Leo man now. He discovered, like his avator shows, that this crap beer leads to massive hangover headaches the next morning. :D:D:o

    Beautiful taste but alas, it took me 5 years to find out that MJ was right.

  3. Chang35Baht posted in the topic about visa. So he is well and connected again!

    How is the weather in Scotland Chang35Baht? Been a little bit rainy lately :o ?

    Good to hear from you again!

    Having picked up an unsecured wireless network from one of the houses next door I am able to inform you that I am alive and well. Having been working for a full month now I am ready for a 3 week return trip home to see my wife and kids, as soon as I can get my posterior onto an airline seat, some of you will be shocked or perhaps glad to hear!! :D

    My dearest Limbo. I was surprised to read your post stating that I had posted on a particular topic recently. Looking back thru my posts, I found that my last post before this one was 9th Jan. Methinks there must be a doppleganger in the midst of our ranks.

    No rain Limbo but rather chilly. Actually I have been working in the village of Wales.

    Erqwin I miss you too :D

    Till Wan Chand Reu WAn ankhand :D

  4. Will be in Chiange Rai early Feb when England will thrash Wales at the oval ball game :o

    Anyone know if the 6 Nations rugby games will be shown on Thai TV - If so where?



    Arthur you won`t have a problem finding somewhere to watch the rugby. It will be on one of the satellite channels( ESPN or Star Sports). Most of the bars have satellite tv.

    Your only difficulty will be the time difference. don`t forget to adjust your watch.

  5. The bad news is that Chang35Baht will be off for a while again (people who intend to fly with China airlines to Amsterdam to-morrow can expect a delay of their flight). Stay in touch good old Chang and good luck and healthy back here in due time!

    It is kind words such as these that draw me back time and time again Dr. :D Limbo. The bad news for Emirates fliers is that they have the pleasure of my company on this journey back to the sunny climbs of tropical bonnie Scotland( the secret is out).

    Never mind, we can still do some literary fencing on this forum I hope( if we don`t stray off topic too much :o)

    See you soon good but distant friend

  6. Limbo - please stay on topic. This thread is not about how to get a driving license. This is about the alcohol checks.

    Chang - Please stay on topic and remain nice :D

    Erqwin, does your girlfriend stand up or sit in the basket whilst you drive? :o:D

    As He has a motorbike with a huge wheeled basket on the side I was just trying to make my good friend Erq have a smile on his face as he knows my sense of humour. YOU OBVIOUSLY DON`T!!

    This is the last time I hope I have to explain myself to you

    By the way, Leave the moderating to those with that authority. :D

    I hope that this reply is nice enough for you Potty.

  7. Land prices in Chiang Rai have risen sharply in the last few years. God forbid you should want to buy a piece of land next to where a farang has recently bought some as the price will have risen sharply for that reason alone. By default you will be asked to pay a price that may be considerably higher than what a Thai may be aked to pay. But don`t forget it is your duty to haggle. If you can tell them you can pay cash tomorrow it strengthens your haggling arm.

    The 10-20 mile from town thing doesn`t always make sense. You may find land 4-5 kilo`s from town that will be 1/2 the price of others 20 kilo`s away.

    Do you want land with a "chanod"? Personally I don`t think that it is all that important as long as you are confident that the land has been transferred to your wife/GF`s name. Usually done via the Pooyai Bahn(village headman) and a witness.

    You can purchase contract papers to itemise the names and details of buyer/seller fees and land dimensions etc from a shop in town just before the main market where the guy copies your keys for you and will sell you a padlock too! The headman signs the contract(probably 1000Bt), as does the witness(3 bottles of Chang). feel free to take a lawyer along to witness it if you wish, but usually that is not necessary. You can then go to the land office to apply to have the name changed to the piece of land. A new document is then produced with the new name.

    You can always apply for a chanod for the land that you buy after you buy it. The criteria for this is that you have to have a house with a roof and a toilet. Small or big house. 1 room is ok.

    At the end of the day, going back to the cost of land, it is worth only as much as people are wiling to pay for it. I might be willing to pay 50,000 per rai for a certain plot. Wheras you might like the plot more than I do and you want to secure it for yourself. So you might be willing to pay 80,000 per Rai. Ergo the price of land in that area will now be 70-80,000Bt per rai.

    I have a small piece of land in a village 5 kilo`s from town. 35,000Bt per rai 3 and 1/2 years ago. now because many farangs have purchased land in the same vicinity the price has shot up to 250-300,000Bt per rai in that short period(YIPPEE!!).

    Many people will give you there opinion that a particular piece of land is cheap or expensive, but just remember what i say before. Land is only worth what you are willing to pay for it as long as you are sure that the price is not totally over the top.

    What I have written is obviously my opinion. And the land buying guide is a rough idea of what you have to do. I may have ommitted one or two details. Forgive me please all you guys who are waiting to pounce.

    It really helps if your Wife/GF has a reasonable knowledge of the process. If your going it alone into uncharterd territory then be on your guard.

    One last point. In my opinion the using of land/ estate agents is also pushing up the price of land and houses unnecessarily for obvous reasons. Take your time and look at lots of areas/land and it will also give you a guage as to the price of land.

    Do you really want 20 Rai? Is ithe land you want to build a house on? Do you realise how big even 10 rai is and the amount of work it requires?

    Good luck. Take your time. :o

    P.S. as for the prices of land. It`s impossible for me to say as the price varies from one village to the next. Even over a distance of 1-2 kilo`s, rice land, mountainous flat etc.

  8. My last experience about drunk driving goes back two years in Chiang Kong.

    We as my girl and me, were sitting in a karaoke bar in CK getting pissed, together with a police man.

    As we tried to leave te policeman was laying with his head on the table, next to his impresive gun.

    while we were leaving, the officer stood up and waved us of.

    My girl at that time, drove back into his car, and then foreward into a wall.

    After we swiched places and i was driving.

    He gave me a tumb up and said You number 1.

    and with a big smile he went back in.

    You can only love this country.

    Erqwin, does your girlfriend stand up or sit in the basket whilst you drive? :o:D

  9. Up until a few years ago I played for 2 teams in Chiang Rai, Singh Sanahm 4( sponsored by singh and we played on pitch 4 at the stadium) and a junior police team.

    most days from 5 o`clock onwards there will be people playing football on the outer pitches at the stadium. Generally on Saturday afternoons there will be games on all of the pitches including inside the stadium itself. Of course the teams also play away games too.

    Anyone is welcome to go along in the evenings to join in the bounce games. The Thai`s love it when farangs want to join in. That`s how I started. A dodgy akiles heel stopped me playing but it was great fun and the away games were a good day out.

    Ottokar get a Thai partner. :o

  10. Dear Autocar, If you can drive then I`m sure you will make the perfect guide as you have already answered your own question. You`ve listed just about everywhere there is to go in Chiang Rai. I`m sure your friends will have a great time even if they are in the car for most of the day. It is a sightseeing trip after all. :D

    P.S. nice plug for Joe`s book :o

  11. I had a similar problm a couple of months ago but system restore was not able to remove it. For some reason the malicious files remain even after performing a system restore.

    Go to ewido .net and download Ewido security suite. It did the trick for me.

    If I remember correctly you may have to disable System restore to remove malicious files such such as you have.

    Good luck.

  12. I am also sory that I won`t be in the country to witness it.  :D

    Off topic

    Chang, i was sorry to see you change your avatar. Liked the old one, and the new one looks like a couple of Brits celebrating the new marriage law of last week. :o

    I take it you`ve heard of Laurel and Hardy!! Anyway MJ, just for you I`m going to change back(I`m not to keen on it either to tell you the truth).

  13. I have now been informed that the Singha Open starts on the 12th of January.I am sorry for any misinformation before.

    I am also sory that I won`t be in the country to witness it. :o

  14. I got a Commodore 64 box :o

    Are you kidding? That would be an AWESOME present. If you don't want it, sell it to me, I'd happy kick around on a Commodore 64 again. Remind me of my youth and all.

    Believe it or not I brought my old Amiga A1200 over here about 5 years ago to give to my kids. Loads of discs, games etc. Of course it`s collecting dust now because they`ve long since got a computer. Fantastic piece of kit though with a whopping 120Meg had drive. Those were the days.

  15. Chiang Rai is the place that a lot of people to make fun of because it`s so quiet. But that`s exactly the reason that we live here.

    Some people like to stay out in the villages of there respective partners,hopefully because that`s their choice(maybe it`s not always their choice) :o. We don`t hear criticism of this ,do we. Surely one of the biggest concerns that one may have when one decides to settle down somewhere is the number of people that stay there to ensure that we will have friends to converse with. Fortunately, for it`s size Chiang Rai has a large expat. population.

    The infrastructure here is advanced enough to suit all needs. Not everyone measures their quality of life by the amount of up to date movies they can rent or by the amount of places they can have a good steak to eat.

    You can keep your Groong Tayp`s and your Chiang Mai`s.

    Keep up with the bad press about Chiang Rai guys and hopefully it will stay the way it is for a little while longer.

    I couldn`t care less that we don`t have a train line all the way up here!

    No Sky Trains for me Kop Khun Krap.

    Clean breathable air in my town suits me just fine. :D

    LONG LIVE CHIANG RAI.ssshhhhh. :D

  16. My dear Chiang35Baht,

    Why do you ask me a question like that? Of all possible persons you pick.

    Sorry Limbo,I thought you had something to do with the way that the topics are placed, you being a moderator too.

    I give you my word that I will never ask you anything remotely difficult or complicated again . :o:D

  17. On the 2nd of January at Santiburi golf course there is a tournament(I`m pretty sure it`s the Singha Open). Many players from the Asian tour will be competing there.

    It`s a good chance to see professionals in action and see the game played the way it should be.

    It`s free to enter the course and walk round with the players. It doesn`t get to busy(it`s not the Masters) so there`s plenty of room to see and get up close.

    I understand that refreshments are sold around the course for those who like to refresh themselves,if you get my meaning.

    If I`ve got the starting date wrong I will update this post.

    Enjoy. :o

  18. I have the 256/128 conxn from TT&T and apart from the perhaps once a week that it takes me say 1/2 hour to connect( I can only assume that there is some sort of maintenance going on) it`s fine. For that sort of money what do you expect. It`s far better than the hopeless dial up cards.

    If you sign up for 1 year you get the modem for free.

    I was told by someone that If the first of your last 6 digits of your number is 7 then you qualify. But I think the real criteria to qualify for the system is that you have to be within 18,000 feet of the nearest exchange.

  19. I don`t know any other shop with a large selection of software like ITD. The computer shop behind the Overbrook Hospital may be able to order it for you.

    Failing that, your best bet is to order it online yourself. That way you can be sure that you are getting an original disc and not a copy.

    The advantages of this, as I`m sure you know, are that you can be sure of getting updates etc as you are registering an original version of the software.

    Sorry I cannot help you in your search in Chiang rai. We are desperately in need of a decent up to date software outlet in town.

  20. Not into netting.  If you can't get them off a cast/baiting, it really isn't fishing. :D

    I suspect that the way that the Thai(Asian) people fish has been going on for umpteen centuries long before rods and hooks were invented.

    They catch the fish,go home, cook,drink and eat.

    Just my opinion. :D

    Fishing for eating can be done in many manners. I remember using Dupont spinners (M-80's, Cherry bombs, etc.) I have also fished with an arc welder. Both these methods are very effective and large amounts of fish can be collected in a very short time. Good luck on winning the prize tomorrow :o

    If only the Asian people had been as lucky to have all these methods at their disposal all these years ago. Perhaps they would now be wearing deerstalker hats and waist high gaitors whilst casting their flies. Picnic hamper and bottle of wine in the back of the Range Rover. :D

    P.S. Dupont spinners were overrated.

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