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Posts posted by chang35baht

  1. Just out of interest ...assume you did/ have a Thai motorbike license ?

    coming from a police orientated background myself I find a lot of this stuff very distasteful, don't these people realise that without us living or visiting their coutry they would all be in the ######ing paddy fields or living under a blanket, farang is important and the good ones should be treated with respect.

    You find it very distasteful!!! Who the hel_l do you think that you are? SOM NOM NA you pretentiuos t##t. the only people that are important in this country are the Thais. I feel very priviliged to be living here and the sooner people with ideals and opinions like you are out of here the better this place will be for people who accept the rules and regulations of the country we have chosen for our place of residence.

    you live in a 1 way street Buddy :o

  2. I saw some gas heaters for sale in CR.

    Sorry don't know the name of the store, it's on the SuperHighway on the left going north, before you get to Big C

    Thetyim, please take my advice and steer clear of gas room heaters.

    I only say this because I don`t know the country of origin of the heaters that you mention. The biggest problem with gas heaters is the carbon monoxide that they give of.

    there was a case 3-4 years ago when they were building the extension to the Overbrook. The people that were working there as usual were sleeping on the premises. It was winter here also, they had a gas heater, they were sleeping in the basement, no ventilation. 3-4 people died.

    Double up on the jumpers and tracksuit bottoms, with a hat provided by your good lady. you`ll be fine mate :o

  3. Looking around for Erqwins table-football-table I tried to find an electric heater at the same time. Just as blankets and sweaters they use to pop up this time of the year. What I found however were mostly Chinese products of the kind that certainly wouldn't get any international safety hallmark.

    As I don't want to execute myself nor end my life in a fire (how spectacular that might be) I am, in vain, thinking about other solutions.

    Anybody having the golden tip ?

    No, I don't mean your sister-in-law, unless...eh. Mai pen rai.

    Limbo . :o

    Dear Limbo, just stay in bed for 1 hour longer in the morning because after the sun comes up the tempertures start to get back to a reasonable level of degrees.

    Or alternatively, as soon as you get out of your bed, get on your bike immediately and cycle for 50 clicks to bring you body back up to room temperture. Then simply retire back to your lounge for small coffee and biscuit/newspaper and reflect on how lucky we are not to be experiencing the European winters that we came here to escape from. :D

  4. I have problems with my back. I have been planting rice, yes, but after that I couldn't stand straight for a day.

    and I join therefore their happy moments when the work is done.

    We contribute with some liquids mostly. They are happy and we feel happy to be able to share their satisfaction after a day of hard work.

    Dearest Limbo. Does the back problem actually arise from the liquid contributions and falling down water? Or, as I suspect, you have actually been in the paddy with your Taliban Headgear atop your head getting your feet wet and stuck many times. Been there, done that too, my friend. And good back breaking fun it is too.

    I hope you didn`t mix the beer and lao kao. It`s usually goodnight Vienna after that. :D:o

  5. I have live in Spain for 21 years...

    I live in the u.k for 8 years...

    I have been in thailand now and then...

    I have a job now in Spain...just for few months

    I have a bank account, a room and place in a u.k university

    I have a job waiting for me in Thailand...i am working for the people via internet...

    :o what am i ?


  6. I know guys to whom classing themselves as 'expats' means the world yet they know a fat zero about Thailand. Conversely I know tourists who have spent only a few months there yet built a good knowledge of Thailand. Its a term which really means nothing and only contributes towards pointless snobbery.

    fair point. Its the expat snobbery of hate the short term stayers, and the short term stayers hate the backpackers etc.

    That`s right Madness and you started it. But why? Are you a better person than someone who cannot yet or who hasn`t made there mind up wether to make the permanent move.

  7. OK, Erqwin, here comes the test-question concerning the identity of Chiang35Baht.

    First: Raise the bonus to three small LEO (!) beer.

    Second: Ask him with who he (and his brother) was drinking so much beer at Don Muang 2,5 years ago that his plane got a delay of one hour before taking off to London. :D

    Limbo  :o

    AAhh Limbo, a wise man never forgets but only gets muddled due to the massive intake of knowledge and information flowing into the brain. When the capacity to receive more becomes rapidly low, a bottleneck must occur at some point.

    p.s. it was back to your home country.

    :D no more alas.

  8. Is it possible to get ITV, BBC and Channel 4 programs over the internet?

    I`ve tried before and generally the will have recorded clips of news etc. but live streaming hs been a washout for me.

    Or alternatively you may have to enter a subscriber agreement.

    Try a website called tv4all.com there are lots of channells there.

    Course it also depends on your conxn.

  9. Obviously a meeting regarding the next business venture of the next Dutch enterpreneur. Having forwarded the date of his arrival to the dutch Poo Yai Bahn and his advisors a meeting is scheduled to assist him in finding a suitable location.

    He will be told that he cannot undercut any of his fellow Enterpeneurs so as to allow his fellow Dutchmen to thrive in this wonderfull new land they now find themselves in.

    He will also be told to bring a bycicle or he willbe shunned from the fold!!


  10. One of the things I would do is:

    Go into windows explorer (or My computer)

    Click on Tools

    Click on view

    Ensure that "Show hidden files and Folders" is enabled

    Hopefully if you now go back into the folder where the files are being downloaded, you will be able to see everything.

    If you can see all the files, then before you delete everything have a look for any file(s) which has a file extension other than .zip, or any files which look different or are a lot smaller than the norm, as this may give a clue as to what the trojan or virus is,and therefore ideas as to how to get rid of it.

    Post any additional info you get and someone may be able to help you out.

    Hope this helps

    Slim, you a genius. I just did as you said and could see and open the file. All of the files were zip files so I`ve just deleted the whole folder.

    I owe you a beer mate.


  11. I`m thinking of downloading one of the free download accelerators from the pinned freeware page. I`ve never used one yet so I have a few questions;

    1) Do they really increase the speed of your downloads(some say 500-600%)?

    2)Can you use it as a browser like IE for example?

    3)do they come with allsorts of added software that I don`t want/need?

    Tell me what the advantages of these programs are if I`ve missed out any relevant questions.

    Thanx guys.

  12. download a copy of ewido that should get it out .


    Thanx Buffy, I downloaded Ewido and it found spyware that my other programs didn`t find. but it still didn`t detect the virus that I mentioned in my original post.

    Now I have a different Question for you guys. The virus that I mentioned or some other malicious program. Is downloading zipped sex movies to the folder C:\documents and settings\myname\complete\.

    I cant physically see this file as it has no icon. How can I get access to this folder and delete the files inside. Even though the malware may download more in the future, I would still like to be able to delete them on a regular basis. I don,t know how much space these files are taking up. When I ran the Ewido security suite there seemed to be even more sex files than the last time. :o

  13. If you Google the name you will find a lot of information - mostly specific to each computer case.  But AVG has general information at the below location that might be useful (basic is to turn off system restore prior to healing or deleting a virus).


    Did everything asked of me on this website. Now when I scan with AVG it doesn`t detect the virus. But when I reboot AVG does detect it. Looks like I`m stuck with it for now. At least it`s not causing any problems in general, although I`m still a bit worried about the porn being downloaded. And is it still doing it even though I`ve uninstalled limewire? It wouldn`t be so bad but I can`t even access the porn. :o

  14. I had one recently (a trojan) which my software couldn't deal with. I went to the Network Associates website (MacAfee) and downloaded the stinger and cleared the problem immediately. And its free.


    Thanx John. I`ve just Downloaded stinger but the scan didn`t find the virus as it wasn`t in the list.

    Whilst watching the Stinger program do it`s scan I could see that I have an invisible folder Which seemed to be chock full of zipped sex movies. In amongst my Lime wire folders I have an "incomplete" folder for incompleted downloads. But I saw the Stinger program looking thru the "complete" folder But I cant find this folder at all. It looks like this is the virus doing it`s dirty work

  15. I think that this virus got into my computer during a Limewire download. The only thing that it causes my computer to do is to make limewire open up all the time. After I close it, it opens up again and again.

    My AVG virus program detected it during the download so I stopped and deleted the file thru AVG. But now everytime I boot up my laptop AVG detects the virus, Gives me options on what to do; heal it,delete it or stick it in the virus vault. No matter what I do it is always there when I boot up my laptop.

    The name of the virus is Trojan horseIRC/BackDoor.SdBot.MYX. As I say it seems to be pretty harmless but I,ve had to uninstall Limewire in the meantime because it`s a pain in the ass

    Does anybody know How I can remove this? System restore doesn,t work!

    Any info would be appreciated. Thanks.

  16. Do any of you guys know where I can buy a meter to measure the amount of knowledge I have consumed from reading this thread.

    K = Pr x T(measured in minutes) / DU(don`t understand) x STML(short term memory loss).

    Thanx guys. :o

  17. Well said MJ. Joel, If you showed your face around some of the places where we socialise then you may find out in conversation that sometimes we say things in jest and that in reality we probably know the identities of the Nom De Plums on the Forum. Nobody will be taking lawsuits out against you/me so I may not take responsibility for some of the stories, quips or information put on this site by me as I don`t need to.

    Unfotunately Joel, you have the honour of being the 2nd person to which I have had to say this on this forum:LIGHTEN UP PLEASE.

    That said. Keep on writing :o:D

  18. My dearest Limbo. My last post was shown before your last post on this topic. I saw that you were replying whilst my post was already on the page. But now suddenly your post is shown before mine. Does your power as Moderator enable you to do this or is simply a spanner in the works. Because I`m sure someone of your integrity would never abuse the position to which you so richly deserve to be in. :o

    Dear Chang35Baht,

    Even if I, technically seen, would have the possibilty to do so, I probably would not know hów to do it.

    At the Post Office and at the office of the TOT, where one pays his telephone bills, they use numbers nowadays. For me it makes a big difference.

    Before it could take me half a day to pay a bill. Now I am out as quick as the others.

    Thanks for you confidence anyway

    Erckqvin, another beer for Chang35Baht!



  19. Mae Sai Immigration good enough for you?

    Assuming there are 1000 farang in Chiang Rai town, some 800-900 seem to be Dutch. Any explanation of this phenomenon?

    Just asking.

    The simple reason for this Autocar is that the dutch are the new master race. Almost all of the new bars or restaraunts in the town are set up by dutch people. They have an idea that they can take over in Thailand and oust the chinese who are the real masters of business in this country.

    The newest Dutch person in town is a guy who goes by the name of Tommy Row. I`ve heard his name on a few posts already. I think Erqwin is especially worried about him as he was the first person to show concern regarding him. Maybe Erqwin thinks that Tommy will open a bar/restaraunt and steal some of his customers.

    I hope that is not the case Erqwin, because all of the dutch people that I know in town are really nice guys (except Limbo. He`s a really nice guy).

    Back on the topic. The real number of Farangs living in town is quite hard to judge as there are many people living here on tourist visa`s. Including half of the"teachers" who are working here. Some people will mention Chiang Rai as their place of residence but may only be here for 6-7 months of the year due to work commitments etc.

    Does the immigration regard the people who obtain a 30 day tourist visa every month as someone who stays here/is an expat.

    We see people almost every day that we don,t recognise, so let`s not fool ourselves that we can judge the amount of expats on our own.

    Where was I, oh yes, I know 6 dutchmen. :o

    My dearest Limbo. My last post was shown before your last post on this topic. I saw that you were replying whilst my post was already on the page. But now suddenly your post is shown before mine. Does your power as Moderator enable you to do this or is simply a spanner in the works. Because I`m sure someone of your integrity would never abuse the position to which you so richly deserve to be in. :D

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