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Posts posted by Krenjai

  1. 4 hours ago, rockingrobin said:

    The crossing out of her name serves no purpose, there is simply to much other info available in the register to identify her.

    We have the first name, nationality, and a visible attempt to disguise the surname. Anybody who was attempting to locate Elise would quickly establish that this is her

    If  Elise intention was to hide her identity, would it not be logical to completely erase the whole registration and re-register with a fresh alias, including a change of nationality.

    Well, if her luggage that arrived in Chumpon (on the 19/4) was labelled Dallamagne, or an item in her luggage would link her to Dallamage,  it would serve a purpose.  Don't forget, if you buy a ticket with Lomprayah you don't have to show your passport do you? It is not a plane. So there is no way of knowing who is exactly on the boat, it would take a long time to find out. Also don't forget she boarded in Koh Phangan.


    So, if she planned a suicide, crossing out her last name could have been the purpose not to trace her down that quickly. I assume nobody knows she left the boat in Koh Tao, and if she then changed her mind (buying another ticket) would explain that event too. The fire, well ....could have been coincidental. 


    This case is so weird, that is why I want to see (indisputable) evidence from the RTP about the previous suicide event in BKK like a clear record from the hospital  for example. If she indeed tried to commit suicide before this whole thing becomes 'logical' in a twisted way and I would go with the suicide. 


  2. 24 minutes ago, Khun Han said:


    Sorry, my mistake, I meant in the word 'Belgium'.

    The way her real name is crossed out makes me wonder a bit. It is done pretty nasty in my view, she really want this to be unreadable! 





    Why on earth? She didn't want anybody to find her or what? She didn't want her luggage that arrived in Chumpon to be matched up with her last name by looking at Koh Phangan/Koh Tao ferry departures or resort check-ins of that day? Is that also the reason no passport number was given? She didn't want anybody to know where she was? Is that the reason she ended up in Tanote bay Poseidon Bungalows? What name did she use there? Dupuis (which is a common Belgium name) or Dallamagne? 


    Did we get any news from the RTP on the previous suicide attempt in BKK? Did this really happen and if yes, is there hard evidence of this event? Maybe a record of the clinic? 


    Why did she buy another ferry ticket? Is it because she originally bought Koh Phangan - Chumpon but left the boat in Koh Tao?  The answer to all these questions is very simple, we will never know, but calling this suspicious??? Not really or? 



  3. 16 hours ago, Lamar said:

    Sunday 02 June, the Police made an official statement about this alleged suicide attempt. According to the police, this suicide attempt took place on April 4th at the Nopphawong railway station, Bangkok. Elise would have attempted to kill herself by throwing herself under a moving train. She would have been saved by the action of passers-by with the help of railway police . She was then sent to the Somdet Chaopraya Institute of Psychiatry for treatment. She later travelled to Koh Tao.


    There appears to be no record of this event in the press. Thais citizens who save the life of a young Western woman in distress, that would have made a good headline.


    In that Sunday 02 June official statement, Police told that Pol Colonel Pumpanmuang will be sent Monday 03 June to collect information at the train station and at the Institute of Psychiatry.


    We are on Tuesday night and we are waiting for the evidence that the Colonel Pumpanmuang picked up yesterday ...


    We are waiting for the testimonies of the passers-by who rescued the young woman, as well as for the testimony of the railway police, for the testimony of the locomotive driver, for he testimony of the person who registered her admission to the hospital, for the testimonies of the doctor and nurses who took care of her, as well as for the testimony of the driver who took her away when she left psychiatric institute


    We are also expecting material evidence, such as the exit form filled of Elise's own writing and signed by her. It is probable that his stay in the psychiatric Institute or the consultation was not free; so a record of the financial transaction should be found, for example, the recording of a money withdrawal from an ATM within or in the vicinity of the Institute building, or possibly the trace of a transaction carried out by Elise's insurance.


    Let us wait until Colonel Pumpanmuang has publicly and openly exposed all this evidence before concluding that Elise tried to commit suicide on April 4 ...





    I think there is a good chance you will never see any evidence that:


    1) Indeed it was Elise who jumped in front of a train and was rescued by bystanders. CCTV? Nah....

    2) Any record of the hospital confirming it was indeed Elise who was 'treated' there. 


    I think what you will see is a statement by the RTP confirming this all to be correct after carefully studying the evidence and facts. Possibly even backed up by witnesses confirming the above events. 


    What I don't understand, if indeed this did happen, why was this not reported immediately after the body was found? I mean, any previous suicide attempt would have make the case much easier this was very likely a suicide. They could have said, yes we have another dead body on our shores but this was a suicide, she tried it before....


    But NO, these facts are hitting the newswires now after they tried to sweep the whole case deep under the carpet for two months. Why now? Now it seems much more like a cover up smoke screen trying to hide the real facts.


    So I am too waiting to see convincing evidence of the above two events? Why do I feel we will not get this?

  4. RTP will soon come to the following conclusion, PR for immediate release...


    We conclude, after carefully studying all the evidence, that no Thai could have done this. In fact all these deaths is the fault of the tourist who party on our beautiful island as if there is no tomorrow, tourist who run around half naked in bathing suits and who take drugs & large buckets of alcohol. Shame on them, these thrill-seekers. There are no suspicious deaths on Koh Tao and this latest case is just a suicide. 


    Although we did inform the embassy and the family, the reason why we initially held back on information is mainly driven by the fact we wish to protect our beautiful and safe paradise. There have been enough conspiracy theorists dropping dirt on several online forums. We, the people in the know,  strongly condemn this, so we wish to reiterate: no Thai could have done this, it was suicide. 


    Case closed.




  5. What about this version? Girl decides to go home after traveling abroad for a very long time, buys ticket to BKK, but before going home wants to spend a few days in Koh Tao. Fire at the resort, caused by a candle, petrol whatever. Need another place to stay, goes to Tanote Bay by motorcycle taxi, it is the middle of the night. Her ticket was burned/lost in the fire so she buys new one. Wants to pick up her luggage next day but it was loaded on the ferry by mistake due to chaos with the fire. The motorcycle taxi driver who drove her to Tanote Bay or whoever spots the good looking farang girl goes back the next day for some action. She refuses, he strangles her and makes it look like a suicide. Police covers up, they don't want another suspicious death, come up with a previous suicide attempt in front of a train, and an obscure sect guru. 


    This version is as ridiculous as any other speculation. We will just NEVER know, that is very likely the outcome of this case. 

  6. 2 minutes ago, Bigdogfarang said:

    Easily explained I don't want to post the whole theory again here - but short version - suicidal girl left for mainland in a terrible mental state - Got off at ko toa on a whim - stayed at guesthouse took sleeinng pill overdoes - knocked over lamp started fire - this brought her round and she fled - bought ticket to Bkk but a day later suicidal thoughts returned - goes into jungle and hangs herself - third attempt first was trying to jump in front of a train and was saved - put yourself in the mind of a tortured soul who contemplating suicide and all her actions make sense .. police delay release of story and try to suppress it as last thing they need is another ko Tao farang death reported end of story 

    Brilliant that must have been  exactly how it went! For sure!

  7. 3 minutes ago, Bigdogfarang said:

    Highly unlikely?

    you do realise 35% means over one in every three right?

    as I stated earlier my theory she did try to kill herself with medication first which meant she knocked over the lamp and caused the fire at her first guesthouse that roused her and she fled - realising that hadn't worked she tried it by hanging - either way a tragic case but nothing other than koh toas reputation points to murder so far.

    Before hanging herself though she bought another ticket to BKK at the other resort, go figure...

  8. 25 minutes ago, johnarth said:

    Sad another police cover up, and the general is nowhere to be seen or heard, so much for his getting rid of corruption.

    Eh...yes....it is business as usual over-there and for the ones that don't believe this I would suggest to check the facebook page of the kohtaopubcrawl. It gives you a good idea, just use your imagination.

  9. 4 minutes ago, Dogmatix said:

    The police are looking for tangental "evidence" that could be used to support a theory that she either committed suicide (the alleged suicide attempt in Bangkok) or was murdered by other foreigners - mysterious Indian/ German cult is an obvious choice.


    Absolutely correct, because no Thai could have done this!

  10. Well well well, the facts keep changing quicker than the speed of light, well done and good job RTP! The whole focus is not on Koh Tao anymore but now on an obscure sect/cult in Koh Phangan with a questionable leader all under a dark dubious cloud. Reminds me of the focus shift from the headman's sun and his uncle changing to the Burmese two.


    Maybe all true, but one wonders where all these new facts suddenly come from? Why was this not reported before? She tried to commit suicide jumping before a train?  Really? Any CCTV on this? Probably not. Are you sure this was her? What does the record say of the hospital? She was sent there for suicidal thoughts treatment? Any CCTV on that one? Any pictures maybe in the hospital? How do you treat suicidal people anyway? Can you cure this is a few hours? How long was she there? Who settled the bill? And suddenly she had three suitcases? Really? And they all arrived in Chumpon? But other reports say that is not the correct? And what about the fake crossed out name? Or a second ticket to BKK? I think Sherlock Holmes would run for the hills if this case would be allocated to him. The RTP can do a far better job! 


    As I said, we will never know! This investigation will go nowhere, body has already been cremated (without permission). But hey, nothing suspicious here, right Steve?






  11. 13 minutes ago, sweatalot said:

    As far as I know there is no hint that this German man has been on Koh Tao at all.

    Nor did I find any hint that the victim "fled" from Koh Pangan

     I believe you are right, he probably has not even been on Koh Tao, nor did she flee the island Koh Phangan.  But don't forget, no Thai could have done this, it must be a farang, let's target and find a scapegoat!

  12. 1 hour ago, cyberfarang said:



    I think we have been led onto the wrong track as regards all the murders deaths on Koh Tao. Now I believe that the headman, his son and business owners may have knowledge about what`s going on there but are not directly involved in the deaths. I am strongly leaning towards that the victims were involved in heavy activities that got out of control. 


    Consider the facts so far: all have been white, young people under the age of 50 that are more likely to visit the island for partying, so it`s not rocket science to assume that these people were not just random tourists falling foul of a murderer or murderers or accidents or suicides, otherwise why are not some of the the victims middle aged or elderly. As you rightly say the amount of money involved is staggering and so those running the show don`t want to kill the golden goose and are trying to keep this under wraps at all costs.  The only case so far that could not be explained away other than it being murder is the case of the young British couple. If they release the B2 then that`s admitting the couple were murdered by a person or persons unknown that means these people are still at large and the island has a problem. 


    All I can conclude on this is that if young tourists choose to visit Koh Tao, want to party or get involved with heavy activities, then they do so at their own risk, because by now with all the publicity that has been giving worldwide about Koh Tao, they should know the score.

    For sure, not all people visiting Koh Tao are heavy party dudes & girls, of course a big portion is but not all. And yes, I also believe that the headman, his son, uncle or cousins or whoever is in on the party have knowlegde about these murders (not all but most). I mean, of course they know, it happens on their turf in their own backyard. I also believe in some cases they might have been directly involvement (IMO David & Hannah). 


    Good looking farang chicks on their own are an easy prey, with or without KO drops. Any men that comes to the rescue gets the hell kicked out him and may end up dying. Go there on the pub crawl and you are in the middle of an explosive cocktail. It is dangerous territory, period! 


    We will probably never know what happened to this belgium girl, but if I had to put money on it, I would vote for a rape, murder-cover-up scenario not necessary caused by heavy partying. Just wrong place wrong time in a very dangerous place.


  13. 38 minutes ago, cyberfarang said:

    I would strongly recommend that the people who rent out these rooms and whatever cults, groups or those who organise parties and events there are thoroughly investigated, that I am positive will yield some answers. 





    Agree, but that will never happen!


    The amount of money involved is so staggering it is mind-boggling. Parties with drugs freely available, overdoses on alcohol, fights and of course people out of control is what you get. The fact that rape, murder and cover-ups come with the scene should be no surprise to anybody that knows Thailand. Maybe there has already been another death as we speak which will come to surface in a few months from now. Another suicide by somebody jumping of a cliff with their hands tight behind her/his back and multiple self inflicted stab-wounds. 


    The day the B2 will walk free is the day I believe something might change. Until then and sadly enough I believe that will never happen either!







  14. 3 minutes ago, dick dasterdly said:

    Depressingly, I started wondering a while ago about a hanging suicide found very close to my house.


    At the time (many years ago), I accepted it as a suicide - but, thinking back, I wonder whether it wasn't suicide at all (for various reasons) :sad:.


    Suicide is the easy option for 'authorities'.


    In this case, how on earth was this woman's death so quickly declared a suicide - whilst her death was 'hidden' for two months?

    As you have seen the Koh Tao defendants are yet again out in full force on this forum explaining away events as 'normal' and putting up smoke screens getting the attention away from what is really going on at Koh Tao. 


    It is really simple, Koh Tao is a party island with drugs, sex, rock&roll and yes sometimes rape & murder. It is called collateral damaged produced by the Golden Goose. This happens everywhere where these ingredients come together.


    More deaths will follow, people will still go there with the attitude 'it will not happen to me'. The RTP will declare more future deaths as suicide. It will be business as usual and they are ''good'' in what they do. They even managed to convince the parents of David Miller the real killers were caught. Amazing Thailand!






  15. 2 hours ago, Alainpm said:

    A French dive instructor who formerly worked in Koh Tao for several years told me that 10/15 years ago there were already quite a lot of killings there, unsolved.. 

    Very likely correct. The fact that news travels so much faster these days to every corner of this is planet is the internet,  social media,  smartphones etc. I think we all know that.


    10/15 years ago there were no smartphones and Facebook but I am sure there were suspicious killings just like now.


    It was just same same back then! 

  16. 22 minutes ago, dick dasterdly said:

    Hard to imagine that the police would call this extremely suspicious death a suicide if it was obviously a murder that could be easily blamed on a guru/cult leader that has gone missing?


    Sounds very like deflection to me - bearing in mind the constantly changing reports about everything....

    Suspicious? Nah, why? There are no suspicious deaths in Koh Tao.


    1) The girl had booked her trip to Chumpon, BKK and was gong home to Belgium.

    2) Traveled from Koh Phangan to stay in Koh Tao for a few days.

    3) Fire in the middle of the night, by a candle I read? Resort must be evacuated, she needs another place to stay.

    4) She takes a taxi? Motorcycle taxi? The driver says he knows a place....hmmm...eh.....


    Well, all speculation I know, but to blame it on a guru from India? No! Don't think so. Why was this not in the news? Why it was reported she died in Koh Phangan? This was not another Koh Tao death, no it was Koh Phangan, right Steve? It seems obvious they tried to keep this out of the media for about two months. That is called a cover up! More bad publicity is not what is needed, right? 


    I think she was murdered and the suicide case closed scenario is very convenient, so nothing happened, it was Koh Phangan, not Koh Tao.



  17. It would be interesting to hear from Mr. Steven Drylie. I feel he has a lot of explaining to do, first he comes out and claims there are no suspicious deaths on Koh Tao (that statement alone is in my opinion a case study for any shrink), secondly he was perfectly in the know about this case as mentioned in the Samui Times, I reiterate:


    ""According to the girl’s mother the girl’s body was then taken to Surat Thani by the Koh Tao rescue team, however this is denied by Steven Drylie from the Koh Tao rescue team told the Samui Times the girl had died in Koh Phangan, although he did admit she had visited Koh Tao""


    Questions for Mr. Drylie: is this statement from the Samui Times completely wrong?  If not, why did you state this girl died in Koh Phangan?  If yes, did you spreak to the Samui Times about this case at all? Are they making this up? And why did you not mention this case in the long lists of farang deaths on Koh Tao?


    Somebody who wakes up because of a fire, fleeing the scene to another bungalow on the other side of the island, has her name crossed out in the guestbook and changed by a fake name, and then decides to hang herself, one of the most rare acts of suicide committed by women, is not suspicious? 


    If it is indeed true that her name was crossed out in the guest book and/or was replaced by a fake name, could it be somebody did that deliberately to hide traces she was staying there? I don't know what happened, but you Steve, live there, you spoke to the Samui Times, why did you say she died in Koh Phangan? Don't you want to set the record straight?



  18. 3 hours ago, Tom Cahill said:



    Excellent points.  Excellent points I'd've missed without you having so cleverly pointed them out.  Do you think that the fire and missing luggage were things to cover up a crime;  i.e. rape or maybe robbery/theft,  or maybe both?  They do like to burn tires for no reason aside washing being hung up,  so this fire starting where only tourists could have started it sounds a bit far fetched in a tropical climbate where any fire can easily be put out and would be faily well a non-event.

    I have no idea what happened, how the fire started (if there was a fire), why her luggage went missing (if that is the case), why she checked in at another bungalow resort at the other side of the island (if she did that), why her name was crossed out and replaced by a fake name  at the check-in desk (if that is what happened)  or why she hung herself afterwards (if that is true).


    What I do know, she is good looking, she is young and she is a farang chick on her own. What does that mean? Well the testosterone of the 'family' studs like these three ingredients, mix them together with some KO drops and you have the prefect cocktail recipe for disaster. Any men getting in their way will take a dive on a rock or a deep dive without oxygen. 


    What strikes me however, is Mr. Steve saying the other day there are no suspicious deaths on KT without even mentioning this case, although he was perfectly in the know according to the Samui Times. So Mr. Steve is either a serial killer himself, or he is in on the party? I suspect the latter. 


    Welcome to the land of smiles!


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