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Posts posted by Krenjai

  1. What can the Brits do? Even if they know ALL THESE INVESTIGATIONS are one big cock-up? They cannot question every murder case and PROVE that the Thai-investigators were lying cheating manipulating to save face, or can they? Should they? I am sure that if the Brits wanted to, they could have collected DNA samples of the B2 and compare with Hannah's body and PROVE beyond any doubt this was (is) indeed a cover up...

    This Chiang Mai murder I haven't followed that much but the situation will be similar and probably the perpetrators are known..........and also here the Brits could do a lot more, should they? If the Brits would do what every human being would expect, CLEAR UP THESE MURDERS, the UK & Thailand would indeed collide big time and foreign relation will get beyond sour.

    So Money Talks and BS walks, or shoud we say Money Talks and Mon & Co walks..........

    YIKES!! What a country (countries)

  2. The day the B2 will be executed will be one of the darkest chapters in Thai history, and no matter how much I love Thailand, this will be the drop in the bucket that will cause it to overflow.This independent verification is just another joke!

    IMHO, what is needed is FRESH B2 samples checked against FRESH samples of the perpetrators DNA inside Hannah (if that is still scientifically possible today). Yes, this sounds cruel but do these parents want the truth or believe the BS they have been hearing for 9 months?

    Can they live with the fact two innocent man will be sentenced to death based on a case where the head-investigator said: "both suspects were captured by CCTV cameras and the police have gathered enough evidence to implicate them in the murders."

    BTW, did the British coroner not collect samples from Hannah on repatriation of her body? If not, what an unbelievable mistake! It would get the B2 of the hook in a heartbeat!


  3. A very emotive case of course.

    Will this request for independent testing help the quest for justice now, not sure?

    When the General/PM praised the Police in arresting the Burmese, the case was basically closed.

    If the two boys are found not guilty and are released OK, but will the real killers ever be brought to justice?

    This is my opinion, please don't ask for links, evidence or if I was there.

    Will this independent testing help the quest for justice? Very unlikely IMO, the results are known upfront.
    Was the case closed once the B2 got arrested! Absolutely!
    Will the real killers be brought to justice? You gotta be joking! Based on what evidence? DNA?
    My question, was Hannah cremated or buried? If buried and if the family allows a re-examination of her body, is it scientifically possible to extract DNA traces of the perpetrators that raped her? If that is still possible today and would be allowed that is THE ONLY WAY to get the B2 of the hook.
  4. Although everybody welcomes this news of independent DNA verification (including myself), I believe it is not so significant or is it..?

    How on earth can this new verification show anything else than the EUREKA result: "it is a match"?

    The samples that will be provided for verification will be handed over by who? Yes, by Captain Eureka who already knows the result.

    It is same same as the Nomsod DNA check, the results are known upfront, why? Do you really believe they will allows this incredible loss of face to happen?

    So how on earth do we know the samples they provide are the "real" original ones?

    No matter the outcome, the DNA will match same same as Nomsod DNA was no match..........again results known upfront! If they can discredit the collection of the DNA plus the handling etc., there is a chance they will acquit and throw the case out based on technical issues. This is no loss of face (or minimal) and is the way out for everybody, except the parents who will never find closure because Nomsod & Mon Co. or whoever did this will not be taken to justice.

    Welcome to the land of Smiles!

  5. Honestly, how high is the probability of a young British girl, who in a way is a Hannah lookalike, and who has EXACTLY the same age as Hannah, to die at EXACTLY the same resort (In Touch) where Hannah was also staying within 4 months time-period?

    I would say the chance of that happening is 1 to, probably the same as winning the lotto jackpot 4 consecutive times in one month?

    Seriously, this is "roofie" territory where a lot of horny Thai wannabee bad boys are targeting the Farang chicks and I'll bet you this one is no different but will of course be covered up as well. It is dangerous territory!

  6. "Breaking News from the Grapevine" .... the B2 that are currently awaiting trial for the double murder of David & Hannah confessed killing Ms Annesley as well. They will volunteer in another reenactment tomorrow on how they could escape from prison in Koh Samui, take a speedboat to Koh Toa, fix pretty Annesley up with a roofie before killing her and return to their cell before dawn without getting noticed. The RTP confirmed that indeed a speedboat was seen at 4.00 am with the B2 on board but has no explanation yet how the B2 were able to get in and out of jail without getting noticed, the RTP did confirm though there is a DNA match between the B2 and Ms Annesley so there can be no doubt who did this.

  7. I distinctly remember reading in the news that RTP cleared the Burmese migrants tested for DNA AS NOT BEING MATCHES. It was 100 to 200 migrants. Surely those closest to the scene of the crime (AC employees or beach partiers) were in that first dragnet. What is it about the word 'cleared' that AleG doesn't understand?

    Absolutely 100% correct. I also remember the RTP statement 100 of 200 DNA tests came back negative. I am not going to Goolge it, it's there. So any amoeba understands that it is very very very very very likely the B2, as being employees of the AC bar, were in this first batch and therefore cleared with a 99.99% probability. Backlog? Rubbish!

    A is hanging is hat on that 0.01%, but we all know why. Unfortunately nobody can exactly say the date the B2 were tested. The photo of them standing in line does help but be careful with the dates. For example, look at this photo, it was taken on the 19th but published on the 22nd. It is not the B2 but it shows you the RTP were taken DNA samples early on from people that worked near the spot of where the bodies were found, I quote:

    "Police taking DNA samples from people who work near the spot where the bodies of two British tourists were found, on the island of Koh Tao on Sept 19, 2014"



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  8. FACT = The B2 were tested early in the investigation, and were NOT arrested, yet it took the RTP 10 more FULL DAYS (if the test was done on the 23rd) to get a match! WOW! All other tests came back within days! It don't have to be a genius to see what is going on here......

    Another few quotes (I suggest Google to verify)

    Thursday Sep 18th

    "Royal Thai Police adviser Jarumporn Suramanee has reported to the press that DNA of 12 people had been tested, including nine samples from Myanmar workers and one from Mr Ware. The tests found none of the DNA matched that collected from semen found in the female victim’s body, he said."

    Tuesday Sep 23rd

    "DNA tests on 30 out of 64 samples collected mostly from migrants on the island did not match"

  9. FACT = The B2 were tested early in the investigation, and were NOT arrested, yet it took the RTP 10 more FULL DAYS (if the test was done on the 23rd) to get a match! WOW! All other tests came back within days! It don't have to be a genius to see what is going on here......

    • Like 1
  10. Police say they have examined CCTV footage showing the two victims leaving a bar late on Sunday night, walking towards the beach - but they were killed in a hidden spot behind some rocks, and no eyewitnesses have yet been found.

    (Jonathan Head http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-29225672) - 16 Sept.

    Must have missed this. So police have footage of them leaving the bar TOGETHER? Would be helpful if they stated what time. Unless they got it wrong again and the footage was of the other couple they initially said were Hannah and David. So more footage they have chosen not to release. Why? Why have they been so selective in what they have released?

    WRONG, the RTP does not have CCTV footage of them leaving together because if they really would have this, we would have seen it by now as it backs-up their total ridiculous & fabricated scenario. Also if you click the link you'll see what the RTP is referring to, which is also ridiculous because that girl has black hair.


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  11. http://asiancorrespondent.com/129570/thailand-koh-tao-frenchman-hanged/

    Grim speculation over Thai-style justice pervades internet after Frenchman is found hanged on Koh Tao with hands tied behind his back, writes James Austin

    Days after the Koh Tao murder trial was postponed until July this year, in which two Burmese men are accused of murdering British travelers David Miller, 24, and Hannah Witheridge, 23, a 29-year-old Frenchman was found hanged from a beam from Ta Chin bungalows on the same island. Photographs of the man seen hanging from a wooden beam appeared online and have been widely shared via social media, with many commentators writing of the possibility of foul play.

    READ MORE: Not saving Thailand’s face: the backlash of police corruption in tourist murders

    Losing face (justice being served) is part of the rightful appropriation of blame that is necessary in any efficient justice system. Because of the complexity of corruption, and how deeply entrenched and interwoven it is in Thai society, rightful appropriation of blame to an honest degree may take a generation or two to manifest. Until that time washed-up bodies, suicide notes, and immigrants being accused of high profile murders will always find their way into the trough of speculation because there’s nowhere else for them to go. Truth is a rare commodity where justice is concerned in Thailand, and while this was mostly concealed within the country prior to the advent of social media, it’s now Thailand’s worst kept secret.

  12. All these photos will likely make a strong case supporting some of Headman's people involved with crime. However, let's not lose sight of the fact that Thai officialdom is dead-set against implicating the Headman's people, so showing these photos is like 'preaching to the choir.' There's essentially nothing, not even DNA evidence, which will sway Thai officials over to the side or reason. Same goes for their echoers; the Gang of 4.

    In contrast, people like me, who think the B2 are not guilty, will look objectively at any and all solid evidence which implicates one or both of the B2. If Brit officials, by doing independent DNA testing, corroborate what Thai officials claim about the B2 ('their DNA matches that found on Hannah'), then I will concede the B2 had sex (and probably raped) Hannah - whether while she was living or not. For that they should be punished.

    That's just one reason why I'm frustrated with Brit experts: They appear to have done nearly zero investigation, and their Coroner's Office has taken 14 weeks (and an estimated 40k pounds in salaries) to publish NOTHING thus far.They're talking of delaying things further - possibly until October, when the trial is supposed to have wound up. Who knows, they may delay beyond that - to after appeals, if there are appeals. What these delays accomplish, among other things, is; it increases the odds that the B2 will be found guilty (based on false evidence by prosecution) and it perpetuates the ability of the real criminals to stroll around looking for more victims, knowing they're untouchable. ....and it keeps the B2 behind bars.

    I'm not expecting the Brit findings to nail the real perps (tho that would be great), but am confident that it will spill the apple cart of the frame-up / cover-up orchestrated by Thai officials. Indeed, that's a big reason why the Brit findings are being delayed. The Brits are probably doing that - due to pressure from top Thai officials.

    I think........ ONLY if the Coroner's office compared fresh & new B2-DNA samples with DNA of the repatriated bodies (if that was still possible) the defense may have a chance to get them of the hook, BUT I also believe this has not been done!

    Therefore I still believe they will be convicted and will get the death penalty. I also fear the defense may underestimate one fact in this case, despite evidence pointing to other people, despite no DNA on the hoe from David, despite David his wound clearly being a stab wound, despite possible eyewitnesses, despite everything, and that fact is.......... their guilty and conviction was decided long time ago. The judge will convict on matching RTP-DNA.

    It needs a miracle to turn this around > I hope I am wrong.

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  13. I have numerous times viewed the CCTV video at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l4Z1zEjDj7I#t=160 (Thai PBS report actually starts at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l4Z1zEjDj7I#t=101) and I just cannot see the issue. Can you explain what is dubious about the door that I am missing.

    What I am getting from the still is that one arrow is highlighting the bottom of the door on the left to show it is open. The other arrow is pointing to the red band in the glass door (which I assume is a safety thing). The red band appears to remain there even though the sliding door seems to be open. Can't see what else the arrows would be highlighting. What that signifies is beyond me.

    I Had trouble with the door but then I realised it swings and the thing you are seeing on the left side is not that door. I did have trouble with it but then the penny dropped. Study it and you will see.


    Just look at 3.20 to see how t hat door opens..........it is not a sliding door.

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  14. "Now that I have seen that he didn't leave with that girl, and he must have stumbled upon what happened and tried to fight them off."

    Sean on 22nd.jpg

    Date ??

    I think we need to do a special timeline of Sean.

    Pic in bar ⏳➕day.

    Pic 7/11 ⏳➕day.

    News reports⏳➕day

    Facebook ⏳➕day

    I think Sean planned what he said in the 2 email very carefully.

    Both to insinuate that he was not there. Still a prime suspect in my mind .

    Agreed 100%, please start timeline

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