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Posts posted by Krenjai

  1. Why would Sean lie about his cut saying it came from a motorbike accident? Why did he not wash off the blood on his guitar? Why was he allowed to leave Thailand on the same day? How did they manage to do a DNA test on him within 24 hours? What about this employee at the AC bar who helped him to wash off a lot of blood on his body, arms, legs & face? Why was he chased & targeted by Mon & Co.?

    It is all very very very obvious, he was an (unwanted) witness of the attacks, got in the way and got cut! Very very very simple! He knows or partially knows who did it. He holds the key and therefore needed to be eliminated or shipped out on the next plane. The guy is a fruitcake with blood on his hands and the only true thing he said so far is: " I know you (David) tried to save her".

    I would personally start looking for the NO DNA guy who happens to be the son of Mon & Brother (Mayor of Koh Tao). Forget the (manipulated) CCTV, get the DNA of this NO DNA guy!

    I repeat, GET THE DNA OF THE NO DNA guy!

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  2. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    OK, case solved, dozens of anonymous emails from Koh Tao point to Warot Tuwichian + a buddy as the killers; Warot Tuwichian is the son of Montriwat Tuwichian, who is the owner of the AC bar, who refused a DNA test & is also the brother of Voraphan Toovichien, a local mafia politician & ra ra ra ra .. the Mayor of Koh Tao!

    Only new DNA tests will either clear them of all these accusations or will show the truth IMHO, they better be quick since I fear we will read very soon the Burmese boys hanged themselves in their cell. If you were accused, what would you do to clear your name? Refuse DNA testing or volunteer DNA testing?

    And coincidentally, he is shown in photographs on the crime scene assisting the police handle the evidence "correctly". The same fellow that is also seen peering over the counter at Sean on his FB post about fearing for his life... "Oh, that's mine, I'll take that. That's odd. Not sure how that got here... AND Oh, look what I found over here..."

    And coincidently offered 1 million THB cash reward to the police if they have substantial evidence to implicate him and his family in the murder.

    And coincidently said on the night of the murder, one of his employee identified as Khun Jok saw so much blood on the face and body of Mr Sean, so he helped to wash it out for him. Coincidently the same blood that Sean did NOT wash off his guitar? Sean is lying about the cut, that is clear! As mentioned earlier he was there! He got in the way and he got a cut! They have somebody who washed off his blood! Is everybody blind here? Remember what he said? "I know you tried to save her"

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  3. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    OK, case solved, dozens of anonymous emails from Koh Tao point to Warot Tuwichian + a buddy as the killers; Warot Tuwichian is the son of Montriwat Tuwichian, who is the owner of the AC bar, who refused a DNA test & is also the brother of Voraphan Toovichien, a local mafia politician & ra ra ra ra .. the Mayor of Koh Tao!

    Only new DNA tests will either clear them of all these accusations or will show the truth IMHO, they better be quick since I fear we will read very soon the Burmese boys hanged themselves in their cell. If you were accused, what would you do to clear your name? Refuse DNA testing or volunteer DNA testing?

    And coincidentally, he is shown in photographs on the crime scene assisting the police handle the evidence "correctly". The same fellow that is also seen peering over the counter at Sean on his FB post about fearing for his life... "Oh, that's mine, I'll take that. That's odd. Not sure how that got here... AND Oh, look what I found over here..."

    And coincidently offered 1 million THB cash reward to the police if they have substantial evidence to implicate him and his family in the murder.

    • Like 1
  4. Is it coincidental that Sean is wearing a punch knife around his neck?

    this version shows a little more detail.

    This is not of course any kind of proof, but it certainly makes you think. Perhaps it's the kind of thing you wear when you want to fit in with the AC crowd

    Well indeed yes! This would be the kind of thing to wear if you want to fit with the AC crowd. Kinda Cool & the Gang! 18 months on Koh Tao (without Visa runs) & working in a bar (without work permit) is also an indication on the connections of Cool & the Gang. Also, spending this amount of time with Cool & the Gang will also have given him a clear insight in what goes on after dark and I bet you, it ain't a pretty picture. Amazing Koh Tao.

    Just read the prison guards in Samui are afraid the Burmese suspects may kill themselves! UH OH! Somebody better do something quickly or we will read a post in the next few days they hang themselves or cut their wrists with a spoon and bled to death.

  5. http://i2.mirror.co.uk/incoming/article4303620.ece/alternates/s1023/Sean-McAnna.jpg

    Look at that blood on his guitar? Why didn't he wash it off? There are more photos like this. He also had a deep injury on his right forearm, scratches to his left wrist and more......

    I bet you this is his own blood which did not happen from a motorbike accident but happened during a fight with Mon & Co. trying to safe David who was getting killed. They let him off the hook at that moment (because they knew him & worked in AC bar) but later on changed their mind that it was better to get rid of him.

    Sean knows and he posted it on FB trying to save his own life as he knew his last hours had arrived. Who did interview this guy and why was he allowed to leave Thailand?

    • Like 1
  6. Sean has crucial info on the case posting on FB knowing who did it, saying they were going to hang him! Have you seen the photos of his cuts on his arm and the guitar sprayed with blood all over it? That was a lot of blood!! He lied about how he got the cut. Why does a RTP let a guy go who has a guitar in his hands full with blood? Who has injuries himself? Who posted on Facebook he was going to get killed? Who worked in the AC bar? He is a key witness who knows something, possibly he is even involved! So what do you do? Right, you let him go!

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  7. But if Mon was seen out with a speedboat why on earth didn't he and his buddies not pick up the bodies and dump them at sea? I'm sure daddy would have preferred that to waking up with 2 horribly murdered corpses in front of his club.


    1) Too risky to be seen dragging the bodies in the boat.

    2) Needed to organize a speedboat quickly and get to the mainland ASAP

    3) Panic, and knowing his buddies will tamper with crime scene.

    & a lot more

    There are so many conflicting and false statements made he should be dying to volunteer giving his DNA to clear his name. I am convinced Sean knows exactly what happened as he posted it on FB. Get the DNA of Mon & get this Sean to testify and CASE SOLVED!

  8. I think this post of Johnson above on page 8 is probably 100% accurate:

    *There was an argument in the bar. Mon and co were rejected ( I believe one is police and one influential islander). Later that night whilst on the beach in a group Sean, having been asked by Mon and co for his help, has lured Hanna away behind the rocks so Mon and co could have their way. David on the beach hears her struggle, probably screams and has gone to help and been assaulted with knuckle knife and dragged to the water and drowned.

    IMO: correct! Sean worked in AC bar, with a no problem work-permit & visa, is whispered to be involved organizing gangbangs sometimes using KO drops etc. He knows Mon well. Sean is also a convicted weirdo related to child porn.

    "Sean who was OK with the girl being raped tried to stop Mon and co beating and killing his friend and has been struck and run for his life also. Mon and co have finished the rape buy because she has seen David murdered needs to be killed herself so she can't id Davids killers. Mon runs the other 2 stay on the island again I believe as police and influential islander to contamenate the scene, remove all evidence of their involvement and help the investigation lead somewhere else, plant new evidence to find a patsy ie cigarette butt of the accused, phones etc etc."

    IMO: correct! It explains the DNA on the hoe didn't match David's. It explains the cuts on Sean that obviously came from fishhook knuckle knifes.

    "No patsy is easily found so they go after Sean, hence the comment u have blood on your hands when they catch up with him in 7/11 and or the minimart. Fearing for his life and now with witness to being chased and being able to post on FB who was chasing him he calls police. Police come to help and knowing now that he has posted on FB and created a scene have to protect him."

    IMO: correct! Sean is now scared sh*tless and knows he will be killed. He became an unwanted witness of David's killing.

    "Sean gets off the island with help of journalists but is interrogated on BKK by police. Not because they think he did it but to make sure he Nevers opens his mouth RR the truth. Agreeing to this he is allowed to leave Thailand as are David and Hannah's friends. They have all been told and or threatened to keep their mouths shut."

    IMO: correct! Why else let such an important witness leave Thailand with blood sprayed all over his guitar? He had to leave ASAP!

    "SteveFong and u people who were there how close am I. I reckon that's it.

    What's happened since with BK air and the Uni is just all apart of the cover up money chain etc. Mon was on the first flight out. He was never in school and all of this just goes to show u how evil this whole thing is. Thai authorities are prepared to maybe executed 2 innocent people so 3 weak pric#s could get there rocks off and save some face.

    You know the saying AMAZING THAILAND."

    IMO; correct! Mon, who was seen on CCTV twice and was out with a speedboat that night. All the rest, the tampering with CCTV on his condo, the Uni conflicting story, the refusal to give DNA is ALL part of the cover up! I also think Mon did it with one or two buddies and I believe the above post, although fictional will turn out to be a 100% correct!

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