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Everything posted by jasonsamui55

  1. It seems like you won’t be paying them anything further and also that you won’t be getting your security deposit back nor any refunds for overpayment on utilities markups, if any. I’d have purposely fallen a month behind on rent before giving them the 30 days notice, knowing in advance that wouldn’t be getting your security deposit back, as one rarely ever does. I’d just move out and not give them a forwarding address and call it a lesson learned.
  2. Years ago when I opened my account with them they asked me for my “home address” in my “home country” of my passport. The problem is I’ve never lived in the country that issued my passport. So I just have them a random address of a hotel I once visited while in that country and that seemed to satisfy them. They haven’t bothered me about this in about 10 years.
  3. He couldn't win the election. His girl couldn’t win. But he wants to leave his legacy and start WWIII. Insanity.
  4. Is that a Nissan GTR? If so, that is a nice car.
  5. Pureed. You mean like a mango smoothie?!? Gross!
  6. SCB app has been like that for a very long time now.
  7. Is this whole thing just for the first time you install the app on your phone and they send you an SMS to validate or is it for every time you login? What if you’re using wifi? Or you’re traveling? Or have a foreign SIM in your phone and use that for data? There are so many possible combinations and a lot could go wrong and surely they don’t want 1 million customers calling and visiting brand locations. It would be a time sucking disaster for the banks in addition to all the users. My guess is it would only be for the initial setup and installation, which already can only be done with some banks from a Thai IP address. I bought my last new phone in HK and couldn’t install the SCB app again until I got back to Thailand.
  8. Making lots of bookings on booking.com works just fine to get the visa and keep them all active until you actually arrive in Europe. Then change or cancel them. Maybe eat the first night at the first destination because if you said one hotel on your application and then when you arrive the border agent might also call to confirm that the reservation is still valid. But once you clear immigration feel free to cancel them all. Just choose ones that are no payment until check in and only pay if you cancel with less than 24 hours notice. I have a passport from a Schengen visa territory so no problem for me but had to go through all the same BS because I wanted to take my maid with us to see our home and life there, and she was going to stay at our house, but since we lived in Thailand, we didn’t have proof of residence and banks and all that. So we did the booking.com route and canceled after clearing immigration and took our holiday and went back to Thailand. Stupid rules deserve stupid responses. It’s not like it’s reality and actually keeping good guys in and bad guys out but more like those tests you took in high school to see who can follow directions and jump through hoops.
  9. To quote your illustrious ex president. But seriously, those are the lowest of the low, the ones who actually want to be the illegal Mexican lawn boys, or Ecuadorian lawn boys, or Bolivian lawn boys.
  10. Complete and utter arrogance. They think that everyone wants to live there and be an illegal Mexican lawn boy for the rest of their lives. Haven’t they realized that for the last 20 years so-called third-world people don’t want to live in the US? A.) they’re probably better off in their home countries and b.) if they’re not, and they do want to move, the US is hardly the first choice any more. Maybe from the 1950s to 2000 it was but since 2000 or 9/11 only the lowest of the low South Americans want to go to the US. Everybody else would rather go to Canada or the UK or Australia or anywhere in Europe. Arrogance to the extreme. Riding their legacy laurels as if it were still 1950s. I once lived in HK and was planning to move temporarily to the US for work and offered to take my Filipina maid at the time to the US and sponsor her for a visa. She just laughed and politely declined. She later told me she likes the US but it was like number 30 on her list, so she held out for something better.
  11. I’ve had the same problem many times. Open a BitKub acct online. Do the KYC Online as well. Do a domestic transfer to your Bitkub account. Buy BTC or USDT. Withdraw it to an external wallet and send to your exchange in the EU or UK like KuCoin. Sell to EUR or GBP or whatever you want. If you know crypto, it’s easy. If not, it’s time to learn. It’s fast and easy and no fees and no trips to the bank to kiss some pathetic banker’s ass and pray they let you access your own money. Compare that to 50 trips to the bank and 50 asses to kiss, and 50 sets of fess for the “privilege” of accessing your own money. And since you’re sending to a student, surely they know crypto and can help you or would just be happy to receive the crypto and keep it as it is.
  12. I’d like to see his lawsuit in a Thai court trying to get a refund of his Thailand elite fees. 🤔
  13. Last month I flew from Manila to Bangkok to Samui and then Samui to Bangkok to Rome via Abu Dhabi. Not once in any part of any of it was there any discussion of Covid or vaccines or even masks, except apparently masks were required in the Abu Dhabi terminal, but only about half the people seemed to notice that one. Otherwise it was 100% pre-Covid. Nobody cares any more. Outside of China and HK, Covid is as relevant to international travel as the bubonic plague.
  14. As someone said, use FTX and convert to USD and send to your bank in Thailand. Or, if you can withstand the long wait for KYC at Bitkub, they give pretty good rates on the sell side and you convert to THB and withdraw instantly 24/7 to your local bank account. I use SCB and its near instant 24/7/365.
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