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  1. True, for example farm fertilizer is 95% made up of potash. About 90 percent of the potash used in the United States is imported from Canada. Increase fertilizer input costs by nearly 25% you have some very angry American farmers on your hands. Trump never intended on following through with terrace. It was all bluff and bluster and everyone should have known that. Let's not forget that Trump is the one who surrendered Afghanistan to the goat herder Taliban. When he was a young man he was a draft dodger whose old man bribed someone at the recruitment centre so the coward would not have to go to war like his peers. The leaders of Mexico and Canada know who they're up against and just go along to humour him. It's all about trying to entertain the MAGA nuts which doesn't take much.
  2. How about Airbus planes? The ones you Yanks build, Boeings, can't seem to stay in the air.
  3. The average Canadian is wealthier, lives longer, is happier and has more paid time off work than the average Yank. We also do not have to worry about every third healthcare claim being denied since it's a government social benefit and we don't have to put in claims.
  4. That is a bunch of nonsense. How people can swallow the rubbish fed to them by the western propaganda media is beyond me. You would think these fools would have learned something from the WMD in Iraq fiasco.
  5. It's amazing how the Russians for the last couple years are continually taking ground against the Ukraine army using shovels and wood armoured tanks.
  6. Funny how he didn't tell the public about all these plans while he was running for election.
  7. Whatever he was looking for he obviously got from the promoters. It didn't take long. Neil has a tremendous amount of respect within the Industry especially from fellow musicians.
  8. Their loss. Seen him play in his hometown couple times the last few years. Has not lost it at all compared to some of his old compatriots. Good ol' Canadian Prairie boy who won't put up with any BS
  9. 4.5 years out but clown car Murdoch media makes out the election is in 4.5 weeks. A Reform dog and pony show is Rupurt's wet dream come true
  10. American is a race? If so then more like the dumbest.
  11. We got plenty of rifles. Real men too. Not the pussy type like at the Arizona bar.
  12. No just put a 25% export duty on it.
  13. Come on they did show Grenada who was boss during Rotten R.R. time. Not sure who was calling the shots since it came out later he was senile at the time. Likely same reason Musk is now
  14. I've been doing some .308 target practicing in case you Yanks want to give it a try. Last time you invaded us your White House got burned down real good. One thing I learned while living in Pattaya was at the start of any trouble in a bar the Yanks were under the table or out the door. Recently a gang of gypsies were pushing around the managers of a crowded bar\restaurant in Arizona. One guy in the whole place stood up to them. A Canadian who took on all 9 while the couple hundred Yanks hide behind their women folk and kids. Bunch of pussies. We are having a good laugh up here in the Great White North at the nonsense coming from Private Bone Spurs.
  15. Has it found a cure for cancer?

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