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Posts posted by thecolonel

  1. Brilliantly helpful answer elviajero, option 2(another country) is clear but clarification needed on Ranong re-entry(preferred option) due what Liverpool Consulate advise me namely that re-entry is not guaranteed and 'should' only be given if you have a return flight within that time frame nb which i wont have! So practically in real terms i would be crossing back in circa 14th Feb 2017 but with a return ticket of around 4th April(48 days) L'pool saying should they press me for return flight details, it gives them grounds to refuse me re-entry? Sounds from what you say they may not even ask and give 30? So is the bottom line there are no guarantees with border run? (surely people wouldnt do it if they might not be let back in!) but crucially can i be assured they will give me 15 days as a minimum and let me back in? if so by rights i can extend that by 30 giving me 45 and im only 3 days short(in which case change flight) appreciate the help, i guess i just want to know my failsafe position(for border run if i choose that) cheers 

  2. Top knowledge Elviajero, thanks! ok, im breathing easier than earlier...so, option 1. why Ranong only? does Baan Phu Nam Ron not give what i need? either way this would be cool as it gives me the 5 months i need. but do i need be out 48hrs? option 2. i assume the requirements/process for SETV are same as in UK so its just a case of picking one that has an Embassy/consulate eg Yangon. Likewise, if i need just 5 months i assume i could equally come back in from eg Myanmar on an exempt 30, extend it for 30 and i have my 150days! if im missing something please advise cheers

  3. these previous posts are fairly relavant to my problem(!) which is that Liverpool informed me today that i cant have what i had last year ( a dual entry 60/60) ok no probs BUT one the new requirements is this self assesment if self employed. I cant prove any INCOME (other than interest) and Liverpool Lady says that wont cut it! Surely if i can prove i have sufficent funds to pay for myself for (what would be a max of) 180 days then that should be ok? I really would like a METV as peace of mind for re entry, but she says i will have to get SETV 60, extend 30(ok so far) but then can i still go to border (Hua Hin -Myanmar as per last year ) and come back in like i did last year. She thinks not,  any views on here? she thinks i will have to take a trip to Laos or Myanmar and go to a consulate or Embassy and apply for another  60 in thailand(assume extend 30) what a ball ache!.....and the METV has gone from 60 to £125!! All help/thoughts  appreciated i just want to stay as long poss(well 5 months) and have peace of mind that all visas are nailed on!....thanks......ps im too late to get a retirement visa but i will be trying for one when im there for next year!

  4. Further to this thread, I have dual entry (60 + 60) I extended first 60 by 30(1900bht) Hua Hin immigration said "ok" can still go to border for re entry(second 60 day visa stamp), but local people here suggest that a. that cant be done at Phu Nam Ron(Kanchanaburi) and b. the fact that i extended first Visa may cause issues??? I repeat Immigration said no issues but now im 'concerned' as only have 1 week left, can anyone offer any clarity?? has anyone successfully done the same as what i need,i would appreciate contact details for a Mr Day if anyone has(he is a visa run taxi service man from HH) many thanks all

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