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Laza 45

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Posts posted by Laza 45

  1. 16 hours ago, JamesH said:

    Does anyone know if the International Driving Permit (IDP)  applicatiion form is available to download online in Thailand?

    A International driving permit has to be sourced from the country your license is from.. I got mine from my automobile association in Australia.. online application.. the problem now is that there is very limited overseas mail delivery.. getting it here is the problem.. 

  2. An older guy goes in for a haircut.. The rather pretty young hairdresser gets him seated in the chair and spreads the chair cloth over him and secures it snugly around his neck. She starts to trim his hair.. she notices some movement under the chair cloth.. the movement gets rather vigorous.. She stops.. calls him a dirty old man.. gives him a good wack with the hair dryer and runs off crying.. The salon manager comes over to see what the problem is...


    It turns out he was polishing his sunglasses under the cloth... 

  3. 10 minutes ago, NE1 said:

    What happens when they are 10 days into their quarantine and another load of tourists turn up. Do they go to a seperate hotel. 

    For it to really work the airlines would have to run like a package tour , where everybody on that plane stays in the same hotel.

    So you would need 14 seperate quarantine hotels to accommodate 14 days of " package tours " to stop later arrivals mixing with the earlier arrivals.


    Could work.. 

  4. 3 hours ago, ChouDoufu said:


    i don't doubt that he's a fraud, but there's a flaw in your reasoning.  the irs has all of trump's tax returns and would have audited him, probably annually....especially under the obama regime with his weaponized irs.  if there's anything illegal there, the irs would surely have caught it.  if not enough to prosecute, it certainly would have been leaked.


    i'm sure he's NOT paying taxes, as he had nearly a billion bucks of losses from his latest casino bankruptcy to carry forward and apply to future profits.  the fact that someone pays no tax has little relation to their richiness.  the wealthy can afford excellent lawyers and accountants, they have friends in congress, and lobbyists to sow green envelopes and reap delicious tax breaks for the privileged few.  only the little people pay taxes, right google?

    Fraud is where they will get him..  undervaluing properties and income to reduce tax... overvaluing to get loans.. a no no.. Money laundering for Russian oligarchs.. and laundering through Deutsche Bank which has already handed over details of dealings with Trump.. The Trump empire is a different monster to Trump the President.. Once they have access to his business records they can proceed to dismantle his empire with fines and appropriation of properties..  These are seasoned prosecutors who take down organized crime...'mafia' if you like.. they will destroy Trump whether he looses the election or not.. 

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