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Everything posted by Reigntax

  1. Considering life only exists because of a nuclear reaction that’s pretty naive especially as it’s been operating for a few billion years without any maintenance
  2. Professional rivalry to establish the alpha dictaker.
  3. He should be thankful he wasn’t getting surgery on his old fella!! Although, there would be no more cockups.
  4. Anyone who has spent time in Thailand knows there is An overestimation of mosts abilities but it’s hard to find anyone with the intelligence of even that expected of a 10 year old.
  5. don’t you mean Prayuth maintained stability and integrity commensurate with its position on the corruption index?
  6. They only caught them because the car colour matched the notice. And they were unable to offer up any red bull!!
  7. Thailand certainly doesn’t attract the smartest of criminal’s
  8. And that’s exactly the biggest problem in these debates which goes against the fundamentals of all science. The pro side wants their opinions to be believed due the the brainwashing of extremists views that unless we do as they want, the world will end. Science, engineering and currently available technology suggests that the green energy, without the inclusion of nuclear power as a base load source, is nothing more than a scam.
  9. Looks great if you want to average about 60km/h. And even less for the waiting time to charge. Talk about going back 30 years in time. Similar to swapping our current PC’s for a Commodore 64 and saying how great it is.
  10. Do you mean the EV’s and solar panels that are manufactured using your so called dirty energy? The whole green industry is a facade of false benefits and calculations. The emissions to manufacture and operate during an expected life cycle are more than conventional vehicles. Even if their was some economical efficiency to be had there is not a single country that has the infrastructure to supply the anticipated maximum demand load. This is exactly what happens when fashionable naive politics makes decisions not backed by fact, science or engineering. The only reason the green energy industry currently survives is because of government incentives and grants.
  11. Maybe to prove to the girls he wasn’t firing blanks?
  12. They let Megan into the royal family. Couldn’t get much worse for the UK than that !!
  13. If you’ve lived in Thailand for 20 years you would understand everything in Thailand is hypocritical. But that is for Thailand to sort out, not for us to place western values on them. What we think is right and wrong is irrelevant as it is in all countries to which a foreigner visits.
  14. If you’re after a destination with law and order, Thailand is hardly the place. After all the “democratic” system has resulted in drug dealers, murders, fraudsters and treasonists running the place.
  15. This is not NZ, in Thailand pot is legal to grow and smoke. I think you’ve entered the wrong forum.
  16. Considering pot is legal in Thailand, you don’t think that would be slightly hypocritical ?
  17. You must work for a government department, or did? Yes, why not just get criminal records tattooed on everyone’s wrists and save the paperwork? Sometimes an IQ test may prove more worthwhile than any other test.
  18. Activist or attention seeking? Wonder if he realises the country has been already sold out to the Chinese.
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