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Everything posted by Reigntax

  1. The Russians are on a special mission to root out all the nazis from the 7/11 stores
  2. For your information she now sleeps with pickled gherkins
  3. And you still haven’t realised that the military were behind the unrest in 2014 and the previous 16 coups? Maybe when the next civilian government is elected and the military provoke the same unrest again to oust them, and they will, it may ring a bell. Then again, maybe not!
  4. At least they didn’t walk their clothes in the pool. Yours must have been middle class.
  5. Yes. Nothing more dangerous than being run down by a horde of Chineses at a smorgasbord dinner and the accompanied screaming frenzie.
  6. It broke so it was not fit for the duty. If their visual inspections can’t pick up an obvious defect then their inspections are inadequate. If their inspections are inadequate it needs to be shut down until they put in place an adequate way to inspect wear, fatigue and any other faults.
  7. You probably set the bar at your level of competence
  8. If they ban all dope in Thailand they’d have to deport 95% of the population
  9. Yes but at least they will be easy to find dining and drinking outside the local 7/11
  10. A crime under law maybe but did anyone suffer a loss or harm because of his actions or was anyone placed in a position of potential danger.. … which is what laws are made to protect. but daily they completely ignore driving down the wrong side of the road and driving through red lights which is potentially far worse.
  11. Yes but the 50% increase was because these cars were smart…..unlike those who occupied them.
  12. If true it would be a good sign. Unfortunately it’s all talk and bravado. Despite the many announcements over decades you never hear of any major player being taken down. Unless there is an opposition political threat to a persons line of succession at the head of the trough. They have convicted drug traffickers as major ministers in parliament and they all pretend it didn’t happen.
  13. I hope the “shuffling paper” doesn’t refer to opening of the incoming brown envelopes
  14. Whereas they should be blaming the inherit ignorance and inability to realise the results of there actions. That probably applies to smoke, road accidents, education… or just about every part of their existence.
  15. Children’s toys? Rubbish!!! Not a single illegal golf ball entered Thailand while these great pieces of detection equipment were in use !!!
  16. But all concerned pretend to care. Isn’t that just typical of how Lalaland works
  17. You can’t achieve 21st century until you reach the 20th first…. Or maybe the 19th!!!
  18. I thought you had to pay for being handcuffed and slapped. Maybe I’m thinking of a different activity
  19. Better than the embarrassment of being caught stealing a sex doll… I suppose
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