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Everything posted by Reigntax

  1. Yes, the fiction of airlines giving discounts. I’m sure any benefit in tax reductions will assist greatly in increasing the bonus’s of upper management.
  2. Wouldn’t that be still 20% better off? because the 20% discount also applies to the 50% increase as well.
  3. Dark skin. 160cms tall and about 25 years old. that will catch her… or the other 100,000 that fit that description.
  4. Instead of going to the police she should have sold it to youporn. then she could have have got a buck from his early morning……… rendezvous
  5. 2 franchises of muppets protecting their own turf maybe.
  6. I thought they would be handing out reply paid empty brown envelopes
  7. He now will have plenty of time to consider alternative wiser options
  8. Strange how the legality in the ACT never gets a mention or never causes a problem. Then again it’s full of public servants so it would be difficult to tell if one was stoned and asleep or just at work and asleep
  9. There were never any goal posts and the Police are well versed in failure. So it should be successful in achieving nothing which was probably the original intention.
  10. Must have been dreaming of becoming a speed hump
  11. If ever there was a reason for the Thai military to stay In Power…… they need more training or is it the opposite and a sinking ship ?
  12. I think they are the before photos
  13. Absolutely clueless is an understatement. maybe they should first try an understand under what circumstances a cable car system is a feasible option.
  14. As we know it’s all just for the appearance of doing something but January 10 it will all be forgotten.
  15. Lucky they weren’t hit by enemy fire then !!!
  16. Because they think everyone is as stupid, gullible and naive as themselves
  17. Yes . And they also didn’t get the memo about driving the wrong way down the wrong side of the road and the licence requirement also. And I suppose we can all laugh until we become affected.
  18. I suppose you maintain the same ignorance towards Thai driving as you do with noise? There is no right to make noise. There are times and noise levels that are permissible. However there is a right to quiet enjoyment of living in an environment that does not cause harm or discomfort just as there is a right not to be affected by the actions of another. its also not the short term and variable noise that causes most problems. Its caused by low frequency bass type noise that is often over volume compared to the music being played and the repetitive thumping. I find the centre of Bangkok pleasant compared to some rural areas. Earplugs are useless for low frequency noise as is most fabric and building material unless specifically designed to attenuate the offending noise frequency.
  19. It happens every morning in Bangla after closing. And has done so for years
  20. The ignorance of Thais towards others is consistent across the whole spectrum of life. The tunnel vision without being unable to recognise of give consideration to what occurs outside their personal desire is no different in regards to noise than it is driving on road and following basic road rules to avoid injury. unfortunately, the transition from buffalo to motor vehicle meant that the intelligent part of the transport source and passenger relationship was left grazing in the rice fields.
  21. Unfortunately as they go deaf they turn the volume up louder
  22. Hope he used a silencer so as not to annoy his neighbours
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