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Everything posted by Reigntax

  1. And those toys are very good dancers. Some of them !!
  2. Or maybe a warning to continue as is but next time dont get caught.
  3. No. All the drivers should be called death drivers
  4. You haven’t experienced the real Thailand until you have been hit by another vehicle at fault and they have driven off
  5. You can probably bet you’re right!! And I will bet the result will be nothing more than involve brooms and carpet
  6. Yes. By 2 am that money should have been lining the pockets of a few hoes in Bangla
  7. It will be returned in a week after being modified to include #13, a pre addresses brown envelope
  8. It would be an improvement if they enforced driving in the wrong side of the road but the police don’t give a stuff. A few days ago I saw a police car have to change lanes to avoid an oncoming truck. I thought finally we will see a cop do their job. The cops just kept driving. There is no hope at all. Every 5 minutes on Thai roads I see more vehicles driving on the wrong side of the road than I have in 45 years of driving back home. There are ignorant lazy idiots.
  9. You could argue their commitment is exactly the same. Non existent !
  10. Then It would be called Nono
  11. You must hide it very well!
  12. If they replaced all cars and motorbikes with buffalos as it used to be there would be no deaths from collisions. Buffalos aren’t that stupid and can think. However, Somchais would still find ways to die unrelated to the travelling skills of his said buffalo
  13. They deserve a lot more than they will get. Because they will not be punished except an announcement for the media to dribble over.
  14. If you go through a red light the only result is that sometimes you are going to hit another vehicle and in this case kill someone. Im sure, just like many other Thai drivers that run red lights every time they can. In that case it’s intentional. It’s no accident.
  15. He is still working on the 100B lottery ticket scams. Give him a chance
  16. You’re forgetting the most important issue. Thaksin was elected by majority and if the majority didn’t like how he managed, they could vote him out. But they didn’t, so the majority must have been happy. They were certainly more happy than the last 9 years. What have the 17 or so military coups achieved.? Absolutely nothing. it has nothing to do with performance. It about not having someone in Power more popular than the military and who can control them. Only an imbecile would expect a different result after 16 previous failures. Only an imbecile would try it after so many failures except if the sole purpose is power and the fake reasons given are for justification. Thailand will never have an elected democratic government that lasts. Not because of their performance but solely because the military need power and control but are totally lacking any reasonable level of intelligence.
  17. I think you’ve e summed that up pretty accurately except maybe you left out 2 things. Pretend it not that way and stuff everyone else
  18. It’s not a breakdown of Thai society. That is normal Thai society.
  19. A disease that exists solely within the military mind and a few expats who you’d think the western education afforded to them via their democratic governments would have at least given them the knowledge to see through the anti Thaksin propaganda.
  20. That being the case, he probably wouldn’t comment on any question asked or statement made by his military cohorts or so called politicians. Is that why he can’t comment on his own previous statements? Remember, this so called man is a treasonist. The only reason he hadn’t been charged is because he placed his mates in positions of power. In any other country his actions would result in him spending life behind bars, execution or dragged through the streets on rope.
  21. Maybe you need to research the difference been elected and imposed upon? Doesn’t matter whether you agree or not but an elected PM, good or bad, is still better than a self imposed government. Except for those without the ability and belief that they can make their own decisions rather than others dictating what they should do.
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