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Everything posted by Reigntax

  1. And by the amount of oxidation on the bars, it’s been many months, if not years since any work has been done there.
  2. Did he use the meter or quote himself a fixed price? and surely it should be cheaper having to drive yourself
  3. Just misinterpreted the “ Come unload in Phuket” TAT advertising!!
  4. If you’re concerned apply for a visa before you leave at you local Thai consulate. Turn around is less than a week by post.
  5. And if any of us nobodies comment again you'll be around to empty your petrol can on us and then claim you didn’t know what you were doing?
  6. Can’t be suicide. He didn’t tie his hands behind his back before he poured petrol over himself!!
  7. Yes because the thought of bridging anything in Lalaland is dangerous to the control of self imposed authorities
  8. He clearly doesn’t understand the legal system. That’s probably the same reason he has been promoted all these years.
  9. Then the ignorant morons who blast their music at 6am without any thought that others might enjoy quiet
  10. They need Big Joke back to look after all the little jokes they call the RTP
  11. It’s just not the RTP. The whole, or most of society suffer from the same. They will screw anyone to make a buck…. As we all know or at least should know.
  12. Best just to assume and accept that every Thai driver is unaware of anyone else on the road, will ignore any road rules, take the most direct route unaware of the danger and then you don’t get surprised by their actions
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