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Everything posted by Reigntax

  1. All their calculations must have equaled zero. About the same amount of progress they made in their time of practicing.
  2. Received my Thai Pass approval and QR code last night. Say 5 days. Was getting concerned that it may have been lost as some here received theirs only a few hours after submitting.
  3. The email you didn’t receive will have stated “you will be contacted at this email address within 7 days”
  4. Git the pass or received the email confirmation that your application had been submitted ? it took me 10 hrs on Monday to finally be able to submit the application. The email stated I would receive an email within 7 days.
  5. In any case the insurance is cheap. 3.5 mil THB Covid and health insurance for 2 months cost just over 4K THB
  6. No, just reused and kept resubmitting after I made the change it worked first time
  7. Ok. After 50 attempts I was successful. Previously each time I received the API error. go back to the passport page and type a space after your passport number. Then next through to the last page, update you insurance details and hopefully success like I did. received a confirmation email immediately but not the approval as yet . hope this helps
  8. Only 5 times!!!! Ive reset and completed at least 20 full applications from 3 different devices in the last 7 hours. Same error right at the end after loading Insurance doc. They do say stupidity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result! My applications have now exceeded the number of coups so that’s not a good sign
  9. Would be interested to hear from anyone who initially received the Error from API Server if they have since been able to register and how. Have tried different browsers, devices and always get this error at the final click and the insurance doc removed
  10. Yes got exactly the same after getting through the rest
  11. I assume that why they use the phase “countries/ territories” also
  12. It’s not news until it happens. Until then its just taking credit in advance!
  13. You get a discount for the wife on the basis that you’ll cop an ear full when you get home, all night and for the next few days
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