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Everything posted by Reigntax

  1. Using your logic, then petrol stations and car manufacturers cause a greater number of road accidents….. but the drivers, of course are not to blame
  2. Hope they choose the periscope option!!
  3. Isnt that called a cock fight?
  4. Out of all the crimes Thai public officials are suspected of using a government vehicle for private use could hardly be considered to be urgent. Unless of course, he was beating senior army players in the golf competition. Then it’s fully justified !
  5. He was probably flogging the army’s old stock of GT-2000 drug/golf ball detectors from the boot to fellow players and they notified the authorities that they still couldn’t find their balls.
  6. Yes, but apparently all Thai criminals just love to confess.!!!
  7. He mistranslated walking street to Gaza Strip
  8. Sounds like he spent too much time in the dope cafes
  9. Strange how all the Thaksin haters all have some sarcastic comment but the real Thai criminals, the military, are far from criticised to the same extent. Which can only leave one to think that jealously of a person who succeeded must make some individuals seem somewhat deficient in realising their own life’s goals.
  10. Not sure but he is rich and was once the PM. And you?
  11. Lucky planes aren’t made of steel
  12. Yes there are a few people who just can’t shut up with the same old rhetoric.
  13. All social media is fake. Anyone with an agendas will post anything to justify their predetermined intention
  14. We know they like to take over tourist type islands off another country’s mainland
  15. Yes. Isn’t 17 enough? it’s been 9 years since the last. Surely one is due!!!
  16. Yes, by holidaying in another country where brainless idiots don’t consider violence as a suitable recreational activity
  17. Nor with people who draw nazi insignias on your forehead.. I’m guessing !!
  18. Nigerians and Thais involved in scams whi would have thought
  19. Leaking roof is hardly a tenants issue. maybe the tenant treated the property the same as the owner
  20. The paid protestors don’t appear to be the most intelligent looking of the species
  21. Red and yellows together Has a khaki sounding result
  22. They think of it as their new Crimea
  23. He was probably fed up with the noise pollution the temples generate
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