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Everything posted by Reigntax

  1. They may be just booby traps
  2. He is already back. I saw him tipping a coyote in Soi 4 last night
  3. But its still ok to drive on the wrong side of the road in the opposite direction…..as long as you wear a helmet are are not drunk !!!!!
  4. There is a difference between foreigners and foreign invaders. one has shown their sub human traits over the last century
  5. It will end up just like Ukraine.uninvited and difficult to get them to leave!!
  6. When you are behind 250 at the start of counting it is difficult just as it was always intended to be
  7. Keep calm. The election is turning out just like it was intended to do.
  8. Just what Thailand needs. The Penguin as it’s PM He is the Thai equal to Joe Biden. needs to be put out to pasture with all the buffalos
  9. The appointed senators don’t care one bit about the Thai people or their preferences. The senators will vote for any dinosaur from the military put before them
  10. The EC are just cohorts of the military dinosaurs.
  11. The faulty escalator at Don Muang is hidden from the public today
  12. Prayuth and his likeminded cohorts are the creator of this mess. They are scared that a representative civilian government will investigate the military graft and corruption that has occurred for decades.
  13. That’s from 5 years ago. A lot seems to have occurred since!!
  14. That will be determined by who has the least amount to offer.
  15. Alternately, she is offering 1 mil Baht for return of his wallet and credit cards!!!
  16. Designed by the dinosaurs to keep the dinosaurs in power. and The Penguin is the biggest and oldest dinosaur of the lot.
  17. Unless MFP and the PRP form an alliance there is no other possibility of them having their PM without a junta supporting party. yes They can control the HOR’s but that mean diddly squat with a representative PM
  18. He wants a peaceful transition from one of his personalities to the other
  19. Juntas have to stick together. The Thai military junta may need an easy border to cross where they will be welcomed with open arms and likeminded thinking and oppression.
  20. Maybe they should set up a GoFundMe page? But wait!! That’s what got them into this trouble !!!!
  21. They finally had the opportunity for the career highlight fraud and graft payout and all is now messed up by lack of procedures.
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