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Everything posted by Reigntax

  1. Then progress on to checking out the wealth of Prayuth, his cronies and his 250 appointed senators
  2. Of course they will. Same blood, education, thought and desire!!
  3. And so is Thailand… because the vote of the people is disregarded and irrelevant.. apparently!!!
  4. Yes it’s strange how the colonised countries appear to be the most stable and affluent throughout the world especially those who maintain some connection with their “evil” colonists. And the countries that demanded their control be returned to complete independence are mostly basket cases. must just be a coincidence ?!!!
  5. The junta lapdog exposes his backward oppressive justifications again!!!
  6. It was not a cyclone. That is just media exaggeration to justify an engineering failure that was entirely predictable. or should say, lack of engineering!!?
  7. An obvious Prayuth lapdog would always deflect to an irrelevant topic.
  8. Has the UK military recently overthrown the elected government and appointed themselves to rewrite the constitution and remain in control? And the UK has had his many constitutions in the last 1000 years ? just 1 isn’t it ? And Thailand has had how many rewrites of the constitution in the last 70 years? 1 for each coup ? Its not really the same, is it?
  9. The Move Forward Party being held up by the Move Backwards Prayuth lapdogs!!
  10. It was far from perfect and best described as a sham for the military ti hold onto power. And such is being played out right now by these junta appointed cronies.
  11. Unfortunately the people did get a choice, having a gun to their head, that if the constitution was not approved voting would be elated by years. Which in any case it was despite this.
  12. People find many ways to get themselves into some $h|t in Pattaya.!!!!
  13. Let us hope the new government investigates Prayuth and his cohorts and we might just see Prayuth flee to a safe haven and his masters in China. Prisoner Prayuth has a nice ring to it !!!!
  14. If Pita becomes PM he can look forward to being targeted by the military, defamed and being overthrown by another military junta once their source of funds dries up
  15. It did last time with Prayuth. majority of both houses elect the PM and the senate is stacked with junta appointed cronies and cohorts.
  16. They can only teach to the standard they, themselves were taught and if you don’t know any better, they probably consider it excellent. Blinkers are useful things when attached to the right individual. !?
  17. I think you are supposed to have a family before you come. Sounds like you’re not allowed to make it here!!
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