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Everything posted by candide

  1. It seems to be quite a reasonable forecast for 2023, considering that production during the first months of 2023 was already above the 12.4 level: 12,568; 12,532; 12,770; 12,677; 12,662 https://www.eia.gov/dnav/pet/hist/LeafHandler.ashx?n=PET&s=MCRFPUS2&f=M
  2. A MAGA fan calling others "sheep". That's rich!
  3. 21 Donald Trump election lies listed in his new indictment https://edition.cnn.com/2023/08/02/politics/trump-indictment-lies/index.html "Even in listing 21 lies, the 45-page indictment does not come close to capturing the entirety of Trump’s massive catalogue of false claims about the election. But the list is illustrative nonetheless – highlighting the breadth of election-related topics Trump was dishonest about, the large number of states his election dishonesty spanned, and, critically, his willingness to persist in privately and publicly making dishonest assertions even after they had been debunked to him directly."
  4. Nah... the Aryan Brotherhood will protect him! ????
  5. Well, when his sister was elected, elections were organised under the Abhisit government by an EC appointed after the coup. I doubt they had a pro-Thaksin bias.
  6. Highest post-pandemic growth among G7 countries, lowest current inflation rate among G7 countries, record low unemployment, record oil and gas production and exports, etc.... So boring, indeed!
  7. How does it compare with U.K? ???? https://commonslibrary.parliament.uk/research-briefings/sn02784/
  8. The article was examining claims from an image diffused in social media. One half was true and one half false. To start with, you forgot to mention what was the question in the title of the article. It was: "When Joe Biden’s son Hunter was serving as "a director to Ukraine’s largest private gas producer," the elder Biden "threatened to withhold $1 BILLION in U.S. aid to Ukraine if they didn’t fire a prosecutor looking into" the gas company." No one denies that Hunter was working for Burisma when Joe threatened to fire Shokin. That was the half of the social media post examined which was true. There is also something else written in the article (quote below): "We found no evidence to support the idea that Joe Biden advocated with his son's interests in mind, as the message suggests. It's not even clear that the company was actively under investigation or that a change in prosecutors benefited it." That was the other half of the social media post examined which was false.
  9. Posting the same unproven claims over and over will not make it true. You continuously evoked the article to justify your claims, but you are unable to quote the allegedly relevant part of the article. Could it be that you are trolling?
  10. Let's forget about the troll and analyse the indictment... "Former Vice President Mike Pence's notes were mentioned in the charging document of former President Donald Trump that came down Tuesday. The notes were taken during a meeting with the former president sometime before the Jan. 6 riot. Pence's notes allegedly detailed what Trump said about election fraud and how he planned to challenge the election." Donald Trump indicted: Mike Pence's notes referenced in charging document https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/policy/courts/mike-pences-notes-referenced-charging-document
  11. What do you have, apart from vague allegations, based on cherry-picking parts of the testimony (around 20 calls during 10 years), and ignoring the other parts (they never talked business, Hunter was giving the "illusion", etc...)? It's all "don't you think" etc...
  12. JUST IN: Grand jury investigating 2020 election interference hands up indictment https://edition.cnn.com/politics/live-news/trump-2020-election-probe-08-01-23/index.html
  13. That's their usual trick. They are also holding back the FBI agent's testimony which contradicts their darling whistleblowers. Well, apparently, it seems some people fall for it.
  14. Comer says! ???? When will the GOP release the testimony so that we can know what has been exactly said?
  15. I know but there are sources I prefer not to evoked. BTW, do they contradict what I mentioned?
  16. Trump's worth is mainly determined by the value of his assets, which may vary over time for whatever reason. If I remember well, the initial claim was not that he enriched himself 'in general', which is irrelevant, but that he took advantage of his position to generate revenues for his hotels. This is fact, and is independent from how the value of his assets may have varied over time.
  17. From your source: "Why the dip in Trump’s fortune? The coronavirus pandemic. “The value of office buildings, hotels and resorts have taken a hit amid the pandemic,” reads the Forbes release on Trump’s wealth."
  18. And all the more ironic that, if the U.S. embassy cable leaks can be trusted, the ousting of Thaksin was mainly caused by the establishment's fear of the occurrence of a particular 'ticket'. Someone whose name starts by P must be turning in his grave.
  19. My comment was more about the person who may grant a pardon not being (comparatively if you get what I mean) of the type to be easily influenced
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